

Hannah was at her locker, waiting for me when I got to school.

"And you say Jeff doesn't have a thing for you" Was the first thing she said to me, as I went to open my locker and failed

"Han, he posted a picture of us. That is all" I told her, as I stepped out of the way so she could open my locker for me

"Mmh, sure sure sure" Hannah replied, sarcasm evident in her voice "And that caption was just a caption, and those emojis were just emojis" She added

"Yeah. Usually, when someone posts a picture they tend to use a caption and emojis" I said, with the same hint of sarcasm

Hannah rolled her eyes and was about to say something back but decided not to when Jeff came to join us

"Whoa, did I miss something?" He asked as the sudden silence became obvious

"Nope" We both replied

He simply nodded but didn't look like he believed us

We continued talking until the first bell rang

It was only us 3 this morning since Tony and Clay were going to arrive late. Zach was at a basketball practice while Jessica had cheer and Alex stayed with her.

As Hannah and I were making our way to math class, Jessica texted me


Turns out we do have a girls football team! Practices start next Thursday xx


Awesome! Thanks Jess🙌


Anytime, I'll try to catch you and everyone else at lunch💗




My first 2 classes went by pretty quickly which I am thankful for.

Right now we're all in the middle of our lunch

"Alt! Are you excited to start playing again?" Jess asked as she and Alex joined us at our table

Her comment made everyone look at me

"Play?" Zach asked

"Althia, didn't tell you guys?" Jessica said and looked at me

"Ya girl is gonna hopefully play football again" I announced

Everyone cheered

"And there's no hopefully, you're going to play" Hannah glared me

"We'll see" I shrugged

I've never been confident in the way I play sports, even though I enjoyed playing them very much.

"Considering we didn't even know there was a team, I'm thinking it won't be that hard to get in" Clay remarked

"And I'm sure she's great at it too" Zach smiled at me

Jessica noticed and she winked at me and Hannah, which made us both to shake our heads.

We continued our lunch until it was time to start getting ready for class.


Halfway through chemistry, I realized that I was missing some of the notes of the research I did.

"I'll go get them from my locker" I told Zach

"Do you want me to go instead? Because of your lock?" He asked

"Nah, I'll go. Think it's about time, I open it by myself. Thanks though." I answered him

I told our teacher where I was going before heading to my locker.

With my luck, I was on the 6th try and still, my locker wasn't opening

"You need help?" A voice asked, just as I was about to text Zach for help

I looked up and saw Monty

"Uh, yes, please" I answered and gave him my combination

I thought about what Zach had told me about Monty and decided that I'll be okay since he isn't with any of the other boys. Which means he won't be a total asshole.

Monty unlocked my lock and opened my locker for me.

I muttered a quick thank you to him

"I'm Montgomery De La Cruz by the way" He flashed a smile at me

"Trust me, I know who you are" I told him "You're one of the guys who harrases me on Instagram and catcalls me" I added, as I looked through my bag for the notes

A chuckle escaped from his mouth

"I didn't know giving someone a compliment was considered harassment" Monty replied

"Hmm, a compliment would be saying that someone is cute, or pretty, or beautiful. An unwanted harassful comment is saying that someone is a hottie, or that you would want to share her and then tagging all of your friends in that harassment" I fired at him, as I found my notes

"Damn, mami got some spice" He answered "Oh, I'm starting to see what you mean" A small smirk appeared on his face

Alright, so catch Monty by himself and he's a little pushy and cocky, but not a total dick.

"Glad, I could help" I closed my locker and started walking away, taking him by surprise

"You going to Bryce's party Saturday?" Monty asked me, as he jogged to catch up with me

"Why would I go to his party?" I asked him

"To see me" He answered and I glared at him "It was worth a try" He mumbled "You should still come" He added

"I don't know, we'll see" I answered him and I walked into my classroom, leaving him in the hallway

"What took you so long?" Zach asked as I sat down beside him

"I was having trouble with my locker but Monty came to help" I answered him

He looked at me

"Did he try anything?" Zach questioned

"Not really, just made a couple of small comments but that's all" I reassured him before he got super angry "You were right, Monty alone is an okay Monty" I added


"Okay so I'll pick you up at around 5" Hannah told me as we walked out of the school

We decided to go to Bryce's party after all.

Jessica, Hannah and I were all going to get ready at Hannah's house and meet the boys there.


I was at home, watching some Netflix instead of doing homework until I got a text


Hai, you doing anything Sunday??


I don't think so... why?


Wanna hangout and do something fun?


Yes please


We could also work on our science lab


Thi, I said do something FUN


Zachary, we're gonna work on science for a bit AND THEN we can do something fun




Don't call me Zachary, call me Zach please


My bad, Zachattack


Thi. No.


Zachinator. Yes


How many annoying nicknames can you make with my name, ughhh



Wacky Zachary

Zach on Crack

Wack Zach

Zippy Zach

Zacky Zach

Zachy Poo













Ooou, yes !!!


You can no longer get mad at me when I call you Zachy because I now have your permission


You can call me Zachy as much as you'd like, just never call me Zachary or Zachattack or any of those other names ever again


Done deal.


But we're still working on science Sunday


Damn, I thought you'd be too happy and hyped and you'd forget about that stupid lab




Sucks to suck


See you tomorrow


Mmh, night Knight


Night Dempsey


Do you guys ship Althia with Jeff or Althia with Zach?
