

"Shit, so I guess it's a sweats kind of day" Was the first thing Jeff said to Jessica and I when we opened the door for him
We both laughed as we looked at his button up with shorts compared to our sweatshirts with leggins
"Jeffy, why would you even show up in a button up?" I asked him as he took his shoes off
"I don't know but obviously I wasn't thinking straight" He answered
"It's a Friday after a long week of exams and we agreed on watching a series and staying in and this man shows up in basically a suit and tie but when we went to a fancy restaurant, he was wearing sweats" Jess shook her head playfully at him before he pushed her slightly
"Shut the hell up" Jeff faked a pout "Imma go upstairs and change quickly" He added
"You brought clothes with you?" I questioned, confused, as I looked at the small bag in his hand that seemed to only have snacks in it
"No I didn't bring any clothes with me but I know that you definitely have a sweatshirt of mine upstairs and maybe even a pair of sweats" He answered
"I definitely don't have anything of yours upstairs in my room" I looked at him
"You literally have one of my hoodies on right now" He pointed out making me glance down at the hoodie that I was wearing, which, in fact, did belong to Jeff "And Jessica is also wearing another one of my hoodies" He pointed at her, making her look down at her sweatshirt like me "So I can guarantee you that you have at least 2 of my sweatshirts upstairs and possibly some pants and that Jessica has the same in her room" He finished
"Okay stop with the speech and go look for your clothes" Jessica rolled her eyes making me laugh slightly
Jeff mimicked her before making his way upstairs
Jess and I grabbed the bag filled with snack and headed to the kitchen
"Justin should be here anytime and then we can start" I told her
Jessica nodded
"Do you know what show we're gonna watch?" She asked me "Because I'm kinda feeling Teen Wolf right now" She said
"Ouu yes, we're watching Teen Wolf" I decided "Starting at Void Stiles or are we skipping it?" I asked
"Can we skip? I don't think I can handle watching Isaac leave, not today" Jessica looked at me
"We definitely can, I was thinking the same thing" I agreed
Jeff came back downstairs and joined us in the kitchen
"Oh wait, I like that hoodie" I told Jeff as I looked at the maroon and yellow sweatshirt
"So do I, that's why it's mine" Jeff looked at me
"Please go change, I really love that one" I said
Jeff opened his mouth to say something but then closed it again
"It's not even worth arguing over, I'm gonna lose anyways" He shook his head making me cheese a smile at him
He turned towards the stairs again
"Just to let you know because of this, it's a solid no to watching Gossip Girl" He called out
"That's okay, we already decided on Teen Wolf" Jess informed him
The doorbell rang
"I'll go get it, you finish with the snacks" Jess told me
I nodded as she walked out of the kitchen and went to the front door. I opened another bag of chips and put them all in a bowl before opening a bag of candy and doing the same
"Thiaaaa" Jeff called out from upstairs
"Yessss" I answered
"Can I wear my blue one?" He asked me
I thought for a second, trying to figure out which hoodie he was talking about
"No" I finally answered
I could hear him groaning and sighing from upstairs
"You can wear the grey and green one, I think it's on my desk chair" I told Jeff as Jessica and Justin joined me in the kitchen
"Okay!" Jeff replied
"What's going on?" Justin asked
"Jeff is changing upstairs because apparently Alt and I have a whole Jeffy closet in our rooms" Jessica answered
"Oh you two definitely do" Justin said "I wouldn't be surprised if you have something of mine too" He added
"I probably still have some of your old sweaters" Jess replied
I thought for a second, trying to remember if I have anything that belongs to Justin
"Oh, I think I still have your hoodie that you gave me when we went to that away game and I got cold on the bleachers" I told him
Before he could respond, Jeff came running down the stairs
"Thia, what the hell is that thing in your room near the dresser?" Jeff asked as he joined us in the kitchen
I couldn't help but laugh as I knew that he was talking about Justin's drawing
"That better not be my painting that he's talking about, Althia" Justin looked at me
"Oh, it's yours? Makes sense, I knew Thia would never draw something like that" Jeff said
Before Justin could open his mouth to reply, I spoke
"We can't waste anymore time, we have a whole series to watch" I said as I grabbed some bowls and Jess grabbed the rest
"Where are we starting from?" Jeff asked as we walked into the living room
"Right after Void Stiles" Jess answered
Jeff nodded and went to my cabinet that had a bunch of movies and series to take out season 3 of Teen Wolf
"What are we even watching and what's a Void Stiles?" Justin questioned as he sat down on the couch
"We're watching Teen Wolf and Stiles is a character in it that we love so much and you have no choice of loving him as well" I answered "Void him was just part of a plot but we're skipping it because it's emotional and none of us want to deal with that today" Jess added
"Alright" Justin nodded
Jeff sat down on the floor near Jess' and I's legs after he put the dvd in


"Okay, wait who's Alison?" Justin asked
Jeff groaned as he paused the episode for what felt like the millionth time since we started watching the show
"She was Scott's girlfriend but then they broke up and then she died during the Void Stiles phase" Jeff answered
"Okay and Isaac is?" Justin questioned
"The love of our lives" Jessica said as she pointed between her and I
"Okay, got it" Justin nodded
Jeff unpaused the show
"Alright but where is he?" Justin asked
Jeff grabbed the remote and paused the show again
"I swear to God if you make me pause this show one more time, I'll shove this remote right up your ass" Jeff threatened
"I bet you'd like that" Justin grimaced at him
"Althiaaaaaa" Jeff whined
"Jus, Isaac left to go to France with Chris because they were both super sad about Alison's death and they didn't want to stay in Beacon Hills anymore" I answered Justin's question
Justin nodded but still seemed so confused
"Can't we just watch a series where I can actually watch it from the beginning because I'm so fucking lost?" Justin questioned
"Hey, just a reminder that you're stepping on our turf right now and you don't get to make the decisions" Jeff turned around to look at Justin
"Oh Jeff, calm down" Jessica lightly kicked him in the shoulder "Justin, when the three of us are together we watch the same 3 series and today we were in the mood for some Teen Wolf" She answered him
"We didn't feel like dealing with Riverdale and we're really not in the mood for some GG" I added
"Alright, yeah, I get it" Justin nodded "Riverdale is the show on Netflix though, right?" He wondered
Jessica and I nodded
"And it's with that... that red head kid?" Justin continued
"Yes, KJ Apa" I specified
"Okay, that's all I wanted to know" He said "Jeff you can put the show back on" He told him
Jeff grabbed the remote and just as he was about to press play, Justin spoke again
"Can we skip to the season where this Chuck Bass kid is in it, I wanna see the hype over him" Justin said
Jeff practically threw the remote onto the ground
"Thia, he's gonna have to leave" Jeff told me "Next thing you know, he's gonna ask which show has Zac Efron in it" He added, mimicking Justin's voice
Justin laughed as he put his hands up in surrender while Jeff glared at him
"It was a joke bro, gosh I've never seen you so worked up" Justin continued to laugh "Are you sure you're not gay?" He asked him
"First of all, we're in 2019, asking someone if they're gay as an insult is not acceptable anymore" Jeff started "Second of all, I'm getting worked up because you're annoying me and being stupid" He continued "The shows we watch are not bad at all and not even that hard to follow along with" He finished
Jessica and I exchanged a yikes look
"No man ever would willingly watch the shit that you watch" Justin argued "Seriously bro, I don't think I ever see you get as excited as you get when you watch these shows" He added
"Imma tell you a little secret bud, everyone always asks me how come Jess and Thia love me so much and why I'm their favorite and shit... The answer is pretty fucking simple, I watch these type of shows with them, I let them rant to me, I give them my entire closet, I bring them food and little surprises, I just show them that I pay attention to every little detail they tell me and that, my friend Justy, is why Jeffy is considered the best" Jeff told him
Jessica and I exchanged looks before looking at Justin
"Whatever, I need to go to the bathroom" Justin shrugged before getting up
"Yeah, I'm going in the one in Thia's room" Jeff said as he got up and started making his way to the stairs
Justin let out an annoyed sigh
"You can use the one down here" I told him "Just go through this hallway and it's the last door on the right" I added
Justin nodded before going down the hallway
"What the hell is going on?" I whispered to Jessica
"Come, let's refill the snack bowls" She grabbed my hand
I let her lead me into the kitchen where she began filling up the bowls with chips and candy
"Jess, do you know something I don't?" I asked her
She took a breath before looking at me
"Okay so I have a theory that Jeff might be acting out the way he is because he's a bit upset that Justin is here" Jess started
"Why though?" I questioned "When I was with Zach, he would sometimes come over and Alex does the same. Jeff didn't have a problem with them, so why does he have a problem with Jus being here?" I added
"That I don't know but Jeff must be pissed enough to call him Justy" Jess replied
"Isn't that what Bryce calls Justin?" I questioned
"Mmh" She nodded
"I should go talk to Jeff" I said
"I think that's a good idea" Jessica agreed as she grabbed the bowls and headed towards the living room
I made my way upstairs just in time to see Jeff walking out of my bedroom
"Jeffy, what's wrong?" I asked him as I grabbed his arm and led him back into my room
"Justin is pissing me he fuck off" He shrugged
I took a deep breath
"Why? Do you have a problem with him being here?" I questioned
"Kinda" Jeff admitted "Like I get you guys are taking things slow and whatever but he saw you yesterday and I don't understand why needs to be here right now, with us" He added
"I'm sorry about not asking you if he could come over, I didn't think I would need to because you never said anything when Zach used to come over or when Alex does" I apologised
"It's just I feel like Justin is trying too hard to impress you or something, which is something he doesn't even need to do and it's annoying me" Jeff said "Like when Alex comes over during these types of days, he ends up either falling asleep or playing on his phone while being quiet and letting us do our thing. Or when Zach used to join us, he would watch whatever show but not ask any questions, even if we started in the middle of a series, he would just watch it and eat the food" He continued "But with Justin, he's like who's this, what's that, who's in this show, blah blah blah and it's annoying the fuck out of me" He finished
"Alright, I get what you mean and I'll tell Justin to stop asking questions because you do have a point" I said
"Thank you, now let's go finish this season already" Jeff grabbed my hand and led me out of the room
Once we got downstairs, I saw Justin in the kitchen
"Hey sorry man, I'll stop with the questions or I'll even leave, you call the shots" Justin looked at Jeff
Jeff glanced down at me while I looked up at him before he sighed
"There's no need for you to leave bro, just please shut the hell up and save any questions for the end of the episode when the credits start rolling" Jeff told him "Also sorry for calling you Justy, it just came out" He added
"It's alright" Justin shrugged
"Now that everyone is okay, can we please get back to the show because someone really wants to see Stiles" Jessica called out from the living room
I smiled and led the boys to the living room before jumping on Jess as Justin and Jeff were right behind me, ready to suffocate us in the pillows
Jess kicked Jeff off of us and made him play the show once again

Justin kept his promise and didn't say a word until the end of each episode where he slowly started to understand the show as well as the characters


Althia.Tonight: We almost killed each other but at the end of the day we all ate wayyy too much junk food and finished the series😌
👤:CocoaJess, JAttakitten, JustFoley

MontyCruz: There's no fucking way that Justin paid attention to a whole ass series you and Jess watch
Dempz: @JustFoley Was it Riverdale, Gossip Girl or Teen Wolf??
JAttakitten: "Almost killing each other" ain't that the truth
CocoaJess: I think I feel another food baby coming along @Alex_cannot_Stand_you_All
Alex_cannot_Stand_you_All: @CocoaJess Great, Al you gotta put a stop to these babies smh
JustFoley: @MontyCruz if you must know, I did in fact paid attention to a whole ass series and asked many questions that @JAttakitten will gladly confirm and @Dempz We watched Teen Wolf, ngl kinda disappointed that the girls weren't in a GG mood because I wanted to see all the hype over this Chuck Bass dude
JAttakitten: Wow all 4 of us really do look good in my hoodies
JAttakitten: Also @MontyCruz Justin did pay attention, wayyyy too much attention to the whole series, huh @JustFoley
