

The doorbell rang and I quickly made my way downstairs to open the door to reveal Jessica with a huge suitcase. I looked behind her and waved at her mom who waved back at me before driving away. Jessica stepped inside and started to take her shoes off.
"Althia, is that Zach at the door?" My dad asked as he joined us "Oh hello Jessica, how are you?" He questioned once he saw her
"Disappointed I'm not Zach, Mr Knight?" Jessica asked him, obviously joking
"No at all, you know it's always a pleasure to see you Jess" Dad told her "But what exactly are you doing here? And why do you have an entire suitcase with you?" He questioned, looking at the two of us
"Ugh, Dad" I groaned "It's the formal tonight, so we need to get ready" I reminded him
"I know it's the dance tonight" Dad replied, crossing his arms "I just wasn't aware that Jessica was coming over to get ready with you and I certainly wasn't aware that she would come over hours before the dance" He went on
"Mr Knight, we're girls" Jess told him "We're going to need at least 2 hours to get ready and that's if both of our hairs cooperate with us" She added
"I see" Dad nodded "I'm assuming you'll be staying the night as well?" He asked her
She nodded in response
"Dad, we'd love to stay here and chat with you but we need to get to work" I spoke as I grabbed Jess' suitcase
"Not so fast, ladies" Dad responded, making me groan again "Are all the boys coming to pick you up? Are you going to take pictures? If the boys are coming to pick you up, what time? When does this dance finish again?" He asked us
"Alex is coming to pick Jess up so they can ride together and Zach is coming to pick me up so we can ride together. Monty and Justin are also riding together and Jeff is driving himself and his date there" I answered his first question
"We're definitely going to take pictures" Jessica answered his second question "Alone, the two of us, couples and then the four of us together, probably in the backyard if you don't mind. Then we're going to take some more at the dance with everyone else, of course" She added
"Alex and Zach are coming to get us about half an hour before the dance starts, which is at 8, so they'll be here at around 7:30. We'll take pictures for not even 5 minutes because the both of them will get bored of it and then Jeff is going to blow up our phones and then Mont and Jus will complain about how we're late but they're going to be the ones who showed up super early so we'll get to school just as the doors are starting to open" I answered his third question, as he nodded along trying to understand everything
"Lastly, the dance finishes at 11:30 which means that we should be here by midnight" Jessica told him
"Okay, perfect" Dad said "Wait, did you say that Jeff has a date?" He asked
We both nodded
"We're meeting her for the first time tonight, she goes to the other school in town and we're excited since we basically set them up" Jessica answered
"Do Montgomery and Justin have dates?" Dad questioned
"No" I said "Monty messaged a girl but she turned him down, sadly, and Justin has been talking to this girl but he decided that it wasn't the best move to ask her to formal since they're just starting to get to know each other" I added as he nodded once again
"Last question, I promise" Dad said "Why aren't you two riding together?"He asked
"It's a couples thing, Mr Knight, wanting to have a car ride together before entering the dance, you know" Jess told him
"Okay, you girls can go up and get ready now" Dad finally said "Good luck, hope you two have enough time" He added sarcastically, still not getting that we needed a long time to get ready
I picked up Jess' suitcase and together we went upstairs into my room
"Man, I love your Dad" She said
I rolled my eyes
"I swear he only talks that much to you, it's like he knows that you'll gossip with him" I told her
"Gossiping with him is the best" Jess replied
"Okay, what's our game plan?" I asked, changing the subject
"First we need to figure out hair and makeup" She answered
"For you, I was thinking we could straighten it and then give it some loose messy curls" I said "Then for makeup, you should keep the eye and face as natural as possible and then pop it with either a dark red or a bright red lip" I added
"I love it" Jess nodded "I want you to have your natural hair" She said
"How natural are we talking about?" I questioned her
"Big locks of curliness, boo" She replied "And for your face, we're gonna do a golden eye look with a nude lip" She added
"Okay, perfect" I nodded my head, agreeing with her choices "I'm gonna heat up my straightener and curling iron, then I'm going to hop in the shower quickly to damp my hair so I can use my special product and get them curls going" I told her
"While you're doing that, I'm going to lay out everything on your bed and start thinking about accessories and matching them up" Jessica responded
Both of us got to work
"Are you sure the bright red lip is the best one?" Jessica asked me as she applied it
"Yes, it brings your whole look together and makes you one percent hotter than the dark red one" I answered
Jessica rolled her eyes at my last comment but continued to apply the lipstick
We did some quick last minute touch ups and took some quick pictures before heading downstairs since the boys should be on their way.
My parents were in the kitchen, talking amongst themselves, but stopped mid conversation to look at us
"You two look fantastic" Dad complimented
"Your dresses are so pretty" Mom said
Jessica and I smiled at them while we twirled around a bit to show more before thanking them
We talked a bit with them until we heard the doorbell ring
"I'll go get it" Dad announced as he went to the door
"I can't wait to see how the boys look and their reactions to how you both look" Mom clapped her hands, getting excited
Jessica and I laughed at her excitement and waited for the boys to walk in the room with my dad
"Whoa" Alex gasped at the same time Zach said "Wow" while his jaw dropped once they walked in and saw us
I smiled at Zach and walked over to him
"You look so beautiful" Zach whispered to me which only made my smile grow bigger
I took a minute to admire how good he looked in his tux
"You look so handsome" I whispered back which made him smile down at me
"Shall we go take pictures outside?" Mom asked
"Yes" Jessica and I answered
"Hold on" Alex and Zach said as they both pulled out corsages for us that matched our dresses
"How did you boys know which one do get? I thought their dresses were a surprise" Dad questioned
Jessica and I looked at our boyfriends wondering the same thing
"We took a lucky guess, sir" Zach answered him
"That and Jeff totally cracked under pressure and told us the colors" Alex spoke making all of us laugh
We put our corsages on and then went outside to take our pictures
We took solo ones, group ones, couple ones, girls ones and boys ones before everyone had enough and it was time to start heading to school
"Have fun, be safe and call us if anything happens" Mom said from the doorway as we were all walking down the driveway to go in the cars.

Once I was seated in the car, I pulled my phone out to text everyone that we were on our way. After I had sent the text, I realized that we weren't moving and that Zach hadn't even pulled out of my driveway yet.
I turned my head to look at him to find him looking at me already
"What?" I asked him as he had a huge smile on his face
"Nothing, I'm just so lucky that I get to have you by my side tonight and always" He told me, making me smile widely
"Wow I love you" I mumbled without thinking before leaning in for a kiss
When Zach didn't react to my kiss that's when I realized what I had said
I pulled away from him
"I mean-What I wanted-You-Ahhhhh" I panicked
Zach seemed as though he snapped out of a trance and pulled me back towards him
"I love you too" He finally said
I looked in his eyes as he looked right back at me before leaning forward and kissing me
"Now we can start our ride to the school" Zach said once we had released
I nodded slightly and fell back into my seat
Zach backed out of my driveway and placed his hand on my thigh as he started driving down my street
I intertwined our fingers and brought his hand to my lips to kiss it
During the drive to school, we talked about which songs we hope would be played and the excitement of meeting Claire.

Once we had reached school and parked the car, I went to open my door but Zach caught my wrist and pulled me towards him
He leaned forward and kissed me with urgency
I immediately kissed him back and leaned forward
"You are so fucking sexy" Zach whispered as we pulled away to catch our breath
I bit my lip slightly before cupping his face in my hands and kissing him again
Zach's hands went down my arms to my wrists where he pulled me closer to him
I carefully climbed over the console and straddled his lap
Our lips moved in sync as my hands found the back of his neck
Zach removed his lips from mine and gently started to kiss my neck
I moved my head slightly giving him more access once he had reached right below my ear
Zach gently bit down on the area causing me to gasp a little
He bit down again before kissing it gently once more
Zach slowly kissed his way back down my neck until he reached my collarbone before kissing back up, making his way to my lips again
As his lips brushed against the corner of mine, I grabbed him by the jacket and pressed my lips against his roughly
Zach bit my bottom lip and I opened my mouth slightly giving him more access
One of my hands traveled back to his hair as my other rested on his chest
Zach's hands started to make their way down my waist to the back of my thighs
His hands slowly started to make their way towards my butt when someone suddenly knocked on the window
Together we both jumped and looked at the person in shock
"Can you two stop whatever the fuck you're doing and join the rest of us?! We're ready to head in!" We heard Montgomery say from the other side of the window
I couldn't help but laugh and soon Zach joined me in the laughter
Monty rolled his eyes and left us alone again
I leaned forward and grabbed my clutch from the passenger seat as Zach still held onto me
I kissed him once more quickly before looking in the rearview mirror to apply some more lip gloss
Zach opened his door and I carefully stepped out
Before he got out of the car, I grabbed his face and removed the lipstick and lip gloss that had smudged onto him
Zach gave me a cocky smile to which I rolled my eyes in reply
He got out of the car and locked it before taking my hand as we started to make our way to the entrance of the school, where everyone, except for Jeff and Claire, were
"There you guys are, we thought that you would be late like Jeff and Claire" Jessica exclaimed once she saw us
"They weren't running late, they were getting it on in his car" Montgomery told her, making a face
"And I could have totally spent the rest of my night without knowing that" Justin spoke
I rolled my eyes at the two of them
"Wait, Jeff is running late?" I questioned
"Yeah, he called saying that something had happened and he would be a bit late and that we could go inside without him" Alex answered me
"Let's go inside" Zach exclaimed
The boys all made their way inside as Jessica and I stayed back
"Okay Alt, you are glowing" Jessica remarked "And it is not your highlighter" She added, looking at me trying to figure out how I got my supposed glow
She suddenly gasped
"Did you two have sex?!" She asked me
"God no, Jess" I answered her "We just made out" I said
"Please do not tell me you still get flustered after you two make out" Jessica sighed
"I don't" I promised her
"Then what could possibly make you so happy" She said, speaking more to herself than me "Oh my God, you two dropped the 'L' word!" She exclaimed
I nodded and she squealed
"Did you say it first? Or did Zachy?" Jess questioned
"I did" I said
"Damn, I love that. I thought he would have said it first" She smiled "When?" She asked
"In my driveway, you and Alex had already left and I was texting everyone else saying that we were leaving but then Zach hadn't even moved the car yet and he was just looking at me and then he was like 'I'm so glad that I'm able to have you tonight and always' and I just said it" I told her
"Ugh, I love that" Jessica as she hugged me
I laughed at her reaction but hugged her back
"Oh and also applauds to you for not only making out in the car and getting a hickey but doing it before a school event in the school parking lot where anyone could see you" She congratulated me
I rolled my eyes playfully at her
"We had to get it out of our systems before entering a dance with a bunch of chaperones" I said
"I feel that" She replied "Alex and I also got our sexy time on" She added with a slight smirk
"Did Monty find you two making out as well? Is that why he had such an attitude with us?" I asked her
"Oh no, Alex and I are way past the making out in the car stage" Jess said "But I totally gave him head the whole drive from your house to school" She told me
My jaw slightly dropped since I wasn't expecting that
"Oh wow, ok" Was all I managed to say
Jessica laughed at my reaction
"Let's go inside, the boys must be wondering where we went" She grabbed my hand as we walked up the steps and made our way inside.

Yay! It's finally their Winter Formal! Do you think the night will go on without any drama and is shit about to go down? 😂😂
Hope you enjoyed this chapter, much love as always xx
