

"That's it" I spoke
We were at lunch and everyone was talking while I was on Instagram, reading ExposingLiberty's latest post
"What?" Everyone asked me
"Check Instagram" I sighed
Everyone went on their phones except for Zach who put his arm around my waist to bring me closer to him so he could read the post off my shoulder


ExposingLiberty: Is our sweet dearest Althia really depending on nudes to keep our Zachy into her?๐Ÿ˜ณ I thought she was classier than that but I guess those city girls always turn out to be the same in the end๐Ÿคท... Thank you Jeffy for posting that picture of the dirty convo our favorite couple was having๐Ÿ˜‰ So Zachy is it really worth it? Is accepting sexual approaches to make you forget everything, really working out for you?๐Ÿค”๐Ÿค” Oh and Althia, how long do you think nudes will keep Zachy quiet? Boys always get bored and then you need to find another way to keep them busy. What will yours be? HJ? BJ? Sex? Can't wait to see!๐Ÿ’‹
๐Ÿ‘ค:Dempz, Althia.Tonight

IanBBall: What a hoe๐Ÿ˜ท
KelsLuh: Nudes won't keep him forever, girl, had to learn that the wrong way๐Ÿ˜’
AshtonCooks: Leak the pics pls๐Ÿ‘€
WillyBall: ^^ I wouldn't mind seeing a little something๐Ÿ‘€๐Ÿ˜
HaroldLee: ^Oof yes please, let me appreciate what Zach doesn't๐Ÿ˜ต๐Ÿ™
Marcus4Prez: ^^^These boys know what's up๐Ÿ‘€๐Ÿ‘Œ
KoKoKillz: Patiently waiting for the breakup so I can make a move on Zach, show him what a real girlfriend should do for their boyfriend๐Ÿ˜‰
{ExposingLiberty disabled comments}

"This is literally getting dumber with each post" Montgomery shook his head "I mean come on, who believes shit like this" He added
"I'm sorry Thia, I didn't think that me posting that stupid photo of Zach would mean that you'd be back in the spotlight of this account" Jeff apologised
"Don't be sorry, it's not your fault" I told him "You're allowed to post whatever you want without having to think about if it's going to wind up on this account or not" I said
"What are you going to do?" Alex asked me
"I'm going to go talk to Mr Porter" I answered
"Babe, are you sure that's a good idea?" Zach looked at me
I nodded
"I need to" I said "This isn't just about me or the rumors they're spreading about all of us, I'm going to go talk to him for that poor junior who just got outed or Chloe who has to deny that she's pregnant" I added
"Do you want me to come with you?" Jess asked me
"I'll ask Mr Porter to call you in if I need anything but I think it'd be best if I go alone" I answered
She nodded
"Jus, take notes for me if we're learning anything new in mechanics please" I looked at him
"Of course" He replied
"You're going right now?" Monty questioned
I nodded as I got up
I placed a quick kiss on Zach's cheek
"I'll see you all at the end of the day" I told everyone before I made my way out of the cafeteria and to the main office
I walked up to the front desk and before I could ask for Mr Porter, his door opened and he looked at me
"Althia" He called out
"Mr Porter, could I talk to you?" I asked him
He nodded and gestured for me to walk into his office
I walked in and took a seat in the chair in front of his desk
"It's always nice to chat with you, Althia. What brings you in today?" Mr Porter questioned as he sat down on his own chair
"I wanted to talk to you about this Instagram account, called 'Exposing Liberty'" I started
"Okay, what has the account been posting?" He asked me as he opened a notebook
"Their first post was a couple weeks ago and it started rumors about me and my friends" I told him
He nodded and urged me to go on
"It's an anonymous account, of course, but it has been causing a lot of trouble" I continued "Since this school is very serious about bullying, I figured that online bullying would be a facteur that you're about" I went on "The account has been reported several times but it hasn't gotten suspended off of the app" I finished
"Do you have anything you can show me about this first post?" Mr Porter looked up at me
I nodded and opened my phone to pull out the screenshots I had taken of the post
I gave my phone to Mr Porter and he took it as he began reading
"Alright, Althia, I know you won't like what I'm about to say but I'm afraid that I cannot do anything about this" Mr Porter told me as he handed me back my phone
I looked at him, confused and baffled
"The account is anonymous, like you told me, and there isn't any clues about who it might be" Mr Porter explained to me "I could talk to the Principal and see if we could block Instagram from the school's wifi but other than that, it's out of my hands" He told me
"That is ridiculous" I said
"Althia-" He went to say but I shook my head
"No, you threatened to suspend me once because I made an Instagram post, tagging a student of this school who then went and told you that my post had made her feel unsafe" I reminded him "But now, I'm coming to you and talking to you about yet another Instagram post and you're telling me that you can't do anything about it?" I crossed my arms
"When you made the post about Hannah, it was on your personal account and I could easily see that it was you and that the post was directed towards her" Mr Porter responded "With this, it's not a personal account and there are no signs of who might be behind this" He repeated
"Okay so you're telling me that it's alright for this person to say that I'm cheating on my boyfriend with all of his best friends? It's okay for this person to say that my best friend is letting me get all of the boys because she's taking a break from whoring around? It's alright for this person to slut shame me for having male friends and for being comfortable with my own body?" I asked him
Mr Porter opened then closed his mouth, not knowing what to say
"It's alright for this person to tell our whole entire school that Troy Wood is gay? So it's okay to out people now? It's okay to force someone to recognize their sexuality and make those all around them know about it when this person might not even know their own sexuality yet and they're probably confused and scared of recognizing it?" I went on "That kills people, Mr Porter, and you're telling me that's it's alright all because the page is anonymous and there seems to be no way for you to figure out who is behind it" I continued "You're telling that it's alright that this person told everyone in our whole school that Chloe is pregnant? I can only imagine what she's going through right now. She's terrified. She's terrified of telling her family, of telling her boyfriend because she doesn't know if they'll be supportive. She now has to decide whether she's going to abort this baby, give it up for adoption or keep it. She's supposed to make such a huge decision while still focusing on her school work, her mental and physical health and God knows what else. She has to deny the fact that she's pregnant every single day and just say it's some dumb rumor when she knows for a fact that it isn't. Because pretending that it's only a rumor is easier than telling the truth since our society will shame her for whichever decision she decides to do with her body. If she aborts this baby, she'll be seen as a murderer in the eyes of some people. If she puts it out for adoption, she has to live with the fact that she'll have a kid somewhere out there that she'll probably never even meet or that might not make it into a good home since our foster care and adoptive agencies suck. Lastly, if she decides to keep this child, she'll be shamed for being just another 16 year old who got pregnant and who ruined her future. Do you understand any of this? She's being forced to rush into making huge decisions only because a person behind a screen wants to humiliate her, wants to shame her. But you're telling me that all of this is okay and that there's nothing you can do about it?" I finished
Mr Porter took a minute before replying
"I am very sorry but my hands are tied" He finally said and I scoffed "Like I said, I'll try and get Instagram blocked but there's not much else I can do" He repeated
I bit the inside of my cheek and nodded, obviously disappointed in the guidance I was getting
"As for Mr Wood, if he wishes to talk to me about any of the problems he may be having he knows that I'm here for him. As well as Ms Rice" Mr Porter told me "You never know, everything posted on this account might just be a bunch of rumors" He added
I shook my head and opened my phone once again, this time going on Instagram and looking up the account
"Do all of these posts really look like just rumors to you, Mr Porter" I slid my phone on his desk
Mr Porter sighed as he took my phone and started scrolling through all of the pictures and reading the captions
I watched as he kept scrolling and reading, hopefully understanding that this account is much bigger than what he thinks
"Oh, wow, um" Mr Porter suddenly coughed and placed my phone facing down
I furrowed my eyebrows and leaned forward to grab my phone, seeing what had made him so suddenly uncomfortable.
**explict images below**

ExposingLiberty:๐Ÿ“ฃALTHIA KNIGHT'S NUDES๐Ÿ“ฃ ๐ŸŽŠYES WE'VE GOT EM๐ŸŽŠ Shoutout to our anonymous follower who decided to share๐Ÿคž The only bad news here is for our dear Zachy๐Ÿ˜•looks like your girl has been sending naughty things to other boys after all๐Ÿ˜”๐Ÿ˜ข SCREENSHOT AND SHARE AS MUCH AS YOU WANT WE'RE DELETING IN 30 MINS SO WE DON'T GET SUSPENDED ๐Ÿ˜ˆBE BLESSED๐Ÿ˜ˆ
{ExposingLiberty disabled comments for this post}
I shut my phone and looked up to see Mr Porter staring at me
"Althia, I want you to know that sending pictures like that, to whoever, is a crime" Mr Porter started
I shook my head but he continued
"You could get charged for distributing child pornography and who you sent it to can be charged with possession of child pornography. It is a very serious situation and if you get convicted you will be on the sex offenders list for up to 25 years, that means no traveling, no going near schools, no going to events where minors will be and many more things" He told me
"Yes I'm well aware of all of this" I said "What happened to, whatever is on this account might just be rumors?" I asked him "I came here to have you help me with a very serious situation that could put people's lives at harm but instead you switch it over on me to give me a lecture on child pornagraphy" I said "Thank you for your time, Mr Porter" I added and got up
"Althia, wait" Mr Porter got up as well
"No I'm done, thank you for the help" I told him as I opened his door and walked out
I walked out of the office and towards my locker, not wanting to stay at school since I knew what was coming with my supposed nudes getting leaked
As I opened my locker a group chat started going crazy on my phone

-OG Gossip Girls๐Ÿ‘€๐Ÿ™Š๐Ÿต-

Did you see the new post?

Papa Jeffy๐Ÿ’๐Ÿ’›:

Those nudes are such jokes๐Ÿ˜‚

Papa Jeffy๐Ÿ’๐Ÿ’›:
For real^๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿคท

Anyone who even looks at Althia for a second can see that she's part of the itty bitty titty community

Papa Jeffy๐Ÿ’๐Ÿ’›:
Papa Jeffy๐Ÿ’๐Ÿ’›:
She's also obviously part of the big booty, big energy community

You guys are really too much sometimes๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚
Mr Porter was a waste of time and somehow everything got turned on me once he saw the post

Papa Jeffy๐Ÿ’๐Ÿ’›:
Papa Jeffy๐Ÿ’๐Ÿ’›:

They aren't mine Jeff๐Ÿ™„
But yes he saw my "nudes" and turned the whole situation into a lecture about the charges of child pornagraphy๐Ÿ˜

That's ridiculous
So nothing is going to happen?

I'm just going to head home since I don't want to deal with all the stares and comments about my body for the rest of the day

That's probably the best thing to do atm

Papa Jeffy๐Ÿ’๐Ÿ’›:
You need a ride?

I'll walk, clear my head and everything
Love you guys๐Ÿ’–โœจ๐Ÿ’›


Papa Jeffy๐Ÿ’๐Ÿ’›:
Nothing but love๐Ÿ˜š๐Ÿ’›

"Al!" Someone called out for me as I was getting my things out of my locker
I took a deep breath preparing myself for the worse but then I saw it was Montgomery
"Let's get you out of here" He said once he saw I was looking at him
I looked at him as he waved his keys and ushered me to go faster
I grabbed everything and closed my locker, heading towards a side exit with him
"Now since I'm kind enough to bail you out of this terrible school before anyone can harass you over your nudes, will you finally tell me what the real problem is and how I can help?" Montgomery asked me as we raced down the stairs outside towards the student parking lot
"Depends, will you buy me a beer to have me tell you everything?" I questioned
"I'm not buying you beer" He shook his head
"Then I guess I won't tell you about this problem you think I'm having" I simply responded as I got in his car
"Althia, I am not letting you drink away your problems" Mont looked at me as he settled into the driver's seat
"It's just one drink" I sighed
"One drink can easily turn into 10 of them every single time there's a slight problem, I'm not buying you anything" He argued
I rolled my eyes at him and sank into the seat
"The pictures aren't mine" I spoke after a few minutes of silent driving to wherever it was Montgomery wanted to drive to
"I know" He replied
I made a face and looked at him
"Look what I'm about to say is kinda gross but, come on, those supposed pictures of you are so inaccurate and if anyone believes it's really you then they're blind because obviously you have tiny tits and your ass is way bigger" Monty told me
"As strange as it is, hearing you say that makes me feel somewhat better about this new scandal" I said
"Even better news, the account got suspended since we all reported it right away" He announced
I let out a huge sigh
"Did Zach see it?" I asked him
"Oh yes, but he obviously knew it wasn't you" Monty answered
I smiled slightly, feeling like a huge weight has been lifted off of my shoulders
"Now maybe ice cream will get you to tell me what the big problem is" Mont said as he turned into the parking lot of an ice cream parlor
I shook my head slightly, knowing that I won't tell him what's really been bothering me but still happy by the fact that he sees something is wrong with me and that he wants to help.

Here's the second chapter! I hope you enjoyed!
Also don't forget to send in questions for my Q&A, I got a few questions sent to me via PM so feel free to send them to me privately or you can just comment them here!
Much love as always xx
