

Both Jessica's and Hannah's phones started ringing and they got up to answer them

"Is this going to cause drama?" Monty asked me

"It's not like we did anything wrong" I told him and he nodded

Jessica soon came back

"Alex is fucking pissed at me" She said as she threw her phone on one of the couches

"Yo! Clay just gave me an earful" Hannah groaned as she joined us again

"Wait, are you and Clay dating?" I asked her

"Nope" She responded as Jess said "They practically are"

I laughed as Hannah rolled her eyes

"Well I'm getting a lot of angry texts" Montgomery spoke as he closed back his phone

All three of them looked at me, questioning if anybody has said anything to me

I was about to tell them nobody texted me until I got a text

"Zach just texted me" I told them

"Oou, read it out loud!" Hannah said

I shook my head

"Read it out loud! Read it out loud! Read it out loud!" They all started to chant

I rolled my eyes giving in


Hey, be careful and stay safe please


I hope you're having fun💙


Oh! And text me when you get home please


Will do Zachy and don't worry I will😙💙

"Honestly marry him" Jess spoke after I read them the texts

I threw her a pillow which resulted in us having a pillow fight before going to bed

"Goodnight girls!" Monty yelled from downstairs

"Goodnight Monty!" We all yelled back at him


"Thank you all for the amazing weekend!" I told everyone as Montgomery was pulling up in my driveway

"Thank youuuu" They all said back

I got out of the car waved as they drove away

"Parents!" I called out but I got no answer

I went in the kitchen and found a note on the counter

Dad and I are out with some coworkers, will be gone all day and most of the night

Hope you had fun!

Text me when you get home, and eat something good, please

Love, Mom

I texted mom telling her that I had just gotten home and I went upstairs to my room to start unpacking but my phone buzzed


Are you home yet?


I just got here, why?


I told you to text me as soon as you got home smh😒


I was going to text you when I finished unpacking🙄


Ok ok but I'm on my way over




Just go with it
