
Althia.Tonight: I miss you😕💛



BakedHans: Don't let him bring you down💗

CocoaJess: ^^ He missed out today and that sucks for him💖💖

TPadilla: At least you had us, right?

Dempz: Always here for you Thi, don't forget that💙

Alex_cannot_Stand_you_All: If this is about who I think it's about fuck him

ScottyReed: I miss you too babe💦💦

MontyCruz: Now is not the time @ScottyReed

ClayJens: I'm sure he misses you too...

JAttakitten: That's cool.



TPadilla: Keep this act up and I swear I will beat the living shit out of you

BakedHans: Can you not

CocoaJess: This is really shitty and low

BryceWalks: Trouble in paradise?

ClayJens: Jeff...

Dempz: Yo wtf is up your ass

{JAttakitten disabled comments}


I took a breath as I thought about what I was going to text Jeff. I had just seen his last Instagram post and it was pretty obvious that it was directed to me.


Hi, so idk if I did something or if I said something but whatever it is can you please tell me? I really miss you and not talking to you these last few days has been killing me. So please if you have a problem with me, can you just tell me what it is? I wanna do my best to try and fix it because our friendship means a lot to me. I really missed you today too, it would have been nice to have my best friend cheering me on while I played... It would have been nice to hug him at the end too when I found out I made the team... Like he said I would. Anyways, please just talk to me...
