

My house was starting to get crowded and I soon learned that when you throw a party, you didn't have to interact with the people who showed up. They got their drinks and basically made themselves at home.

I was in the kitchen making Jessica and I drinks when someone grabbed me by the waist. I quickly turned around and saw Zach with a grin on his face.

"Don't do that to me" I told him, playfully pushing him away before continuing to make the drinks

"I feel like I've haven't seen you at all today" Zach said and I could hear the pout in his voice

"That's because we have barely seen each other today" I replied as I put club soda in our cups that were filled with pineapple vodka

"Well I guess we have a bunch of time to make up for it" He told me as he wrapped his arm around my shoulder

"I guess so" I responded as I grabbed my drinks

Zach and I made our way to the living room where Jess was waiting for me

"Here you go" I said as I handed her drink "Tell me if you like it" I added

"Where are you going?" Jess asked as she grabbed her drink

I looked up at Zach, waiting for him to answer

"We're going outside" He answered

"Ok, I'll make sure nobody does anything they're not supposed to do in here" Jess reassured me

"Thanks, Jess" I smiled

She waved me off and went to find Alex

Zach led me outside where Tony had just changed the song to No Limit by G-Eazy. I gasped as I grabbed Zach's hand to drag him over to where everyone else was dancing

"Slow down a bit" Zach chuckled as he tried to keep up with me

My fast paced walking made some of my drink spills over onto the ground

Finally, we reached everyone and I started to dance

I swayed my hips from side to side as I yelled the lyrics out, letting the music take over me

Zach laughed as he took a sip of his beer, his eyes never leaving me.

After awhile of watching me dance, Zach joined in. One of his hands gripped my hip as we became one with the music

We danced for a couple more songs before we needed refills on drinks

"What do you want to drink" Zach asked me over the loud music

"I'm fine to go make my own drink" I told him

"You sure?" He questioned, concern obvious on his face

I nodded

"Don't miss me too much" I teased him "I'll be right back" I added with a quick kiss on the cheek

I made my way back inside, getting stopped every now and then to get told "This is the sickest party yet" by random people

Once in the kitchen, I saw that it was pretty empty except for some freshmen, that I recognized from the baseball games and Montgomery

"Hey Mont, can you make me one of whatever it is you're making please?" I asked him as I hopped onto the counter

"Sure" He nodded as he grabbed another cup "It's pretty strong though" He warned

A playful smile spread across my face

"You know I can take it" I told him

It was now his turn to smile

I helped myself to a handful of chips as I watched Monty pour different things into the cup

"And I'm done" Monty announced as he added a small amount of Coca-Cola into the drink

Right as I was about to thank him, Bryce and Scott walked into the kitchen along with some other baseball players. They all grabbed a cup and looked at the different types of liquor

"Onto your second guy of the night already?" Bryce asked me as he picked up a bottle of whiskey, his eyes never leaving me as he did so

His entourage started laughing and to my surprise, Montgomery joined them

When I didn't respond, Bryce's eyes trailed to Monty

"Have you had a chance to try her out yet?" He asked him

We all waited for his response

I scoffed and hopped down from the counter when Montgomery shrugged and a smirk appeared on his face.

The boys all whistled

"Aw c'mon, you gotta share the details" Scott pleaded

I rolled my eyes and grabbed my cup. I walked past Monty, my shoulder hitting his arm as I did so. I made my way out of the kitchen, ignoring the whines, whistles and laughter coming from the group of boys.

Frustrated, I leaned against a wall in the living room and took a big sip of my drink

"Whoa, you ok?" Someone asked

I opened my eyes and saw Justin

"Yeah" I nodded but he didn't look like he believed me "It's just your bestfriend is a total jerk" I added

"My bestfriend?" He questioned, confused

I ignored his question as my eyes fell upon Montgomery walking out of the kitchen with the rest of the jerks

Still confused, Justin turned around and saw the boys all laughing together

He turned back to me

"What did Monty do?" Justin asked, finally catching on

I took a sip of my drink before explaining everything that happened

"He's probably just drunk" Justin said as I finished my explanation

I rolled my eyes

"That's not an excuse" I said "But whatever, Zach has been waiting for me for awhile now so I better get back to him" I added before he could say anything else

"Alright, well see you around" Justin smiled softly, getting that I didn't want to talk about Monty anymore

I nodded and returned the smile before making my way outside

My eyes scanned the crowd until I found Zach near the beer table, laughing with Sheri

"Althiaaaa!" Sheri exclaimed once I joined them

I gave her a small smile

"Zach and weeerrreeee just talking..." She started to say but the rest was drunken slurs and mumbles

Sheri stumbled forward and put a hand on Zach's chest to steady herself before she went into a fit of giggles

"I've had enough bullshit for one night" I thought to myself as I rolled my eyes

Sheri leaned more forward into Zach

"Hey Sheri, you don't look so good" I spoke, having enough of watching her throw herself onto Zach "I think it's time for you to go home" I added

Sheri nodded her head

"Ryan!" I exclaimed as he was walking by

Ryan stopped on his tracks

"Althia! I'm loving the party" He exclaimed back

"Would you mind taking Sheri to Lizzy please?" I asked him since I knew they had come together

"Sure" Ryan agreed "Just as long as she doesn't puke on me" He added as he pulled Sheri off of Zach

"And please make sure she's in good hands too" I told him

"Of course" He replied

"Thanks, Ryan, you're a Saint" I smiled at him

He returned the smile as he tried his best to steady Sheri. Together they stumbled away to go find Lizzy.

I turned around to face Zach who had a huge smirk on his face

"What?" I asked him

Zach tried to shrug off the smirk but failed

"What?" I asked him again

"You got jealous" He singsonged

I rolled my eyes

"Puh-lease" I responded "I don't get jealous" I added

"Mmh, whatever you say" He replied

"And even if I did get jealous, which I did not, it's not like you've never gotten jealous before" I told him

"Name one time I've gotten jealous" Zach challenged

I opened my mouth to answer but he stopped me

"Nevermind, don't answer that" He said

I couldn't help but laugh and Zach joined me

"It's part of my job to get jealous" He told me as he pulled me into a hug

"Aw Zachyyy" I cheesed as I hugged him back

"Alt! Tony is about to play our song, come on!" Hannah tugged at my cardigan, pulling me away from Zach

I heard the familiar starting of the Chris Brown song. I handed my cup to Zach who gladly took it before rushing to find Jessica with Hannah. Once we were all together, we danced to the song.


People were starting to leave the party, which meant it was probably around one in the morning. I got off the chair I was sitting on and was about to ask if anyone wanted anything but I got interrupted by a bunch of shouts. Everyone turned to the sound and we all saw Jeff and Montgomery yelling at one and other as they came outside

The rest of the group quickly got up, as people started to circle around Jeff and Monty. Chanting for them to fight

"You think you can talk about my best friends that way and get away with it?!" Jeff screamed at Monty

He was furious. The last time I've seen Jeff get this mad was when he showed at my house ready to fight Justin

"You think you can just eavesdrop on my conversation and get away with it?!" Monty screamed back at Jeff

It was obvious that he was pretty drunk and maybe even high

"What the fuck is going on?" Jess asked as we all made our way closer to them

"You are fucking pathetic" Jeff shouted as he pushed Monty

Monty didn't hesitate to push him back, twice as hard

Jeff went stumbling back

"Just as we all thought you had fucking changed you go back to being Bryce's fucking bitch" Jeff went on, pushing Monty again

At the sound of his name, Bryce walked into the circle

"Back the fuck away" Tony yelled at him as he came into the circle

Zach left my side to go help him and from the other corner, I could see Justin coming to help as well

Bryce didn't listen to Tony and he swung a punch at Jeff, which landed right on his jaw

I gasped along with the girls

Jeff held his jaw for a split second before punching both Monty and Bryce

Tony stepped in before they could punch Jeff again

"Don't even think about it" Tony warned Bryce as he tried pushing past him to hit Jeff again

Zach was behind Jeff, ready to hold him back if he needed to and Justin was near Monty

Bryce ignored Tony again and tried to swing past him

"I said don't even think about it" Tony screamed at him as he pushed him away

Bryce stumbled back into his group. He scoffed and wiped his bleeding lip that Jeff caused, before turning to my house and going inside, to hopefully leave. His entourage followed him

"Man you don't even know what the fuck you're talking about" Monty yelled at Jeff, starting back the fight

"Fuck you!" Jeff spat back

"Enough!" Tony shouted

Jeff stepped and took another swing at Monty's nose and was ready to throw another one but Zach held him back

Montgomery was ready to pounce on him but Justin held him back

"You're coming with me" Tony pointed at Monty

Monty shook his head and went to turn around but Justin pushed him towards Tony as they went to my driveway from the backyard

"We got Jeff and everyone else" Hannah told me "Go check on Monty, Tony and Justin" She added

I nodded and ran to find the boys

"Get the fuck in" Tony told Monty as he opened the back door of his car

Monty didn't budge

Tony glared at him and Monty sighed as he got in the car, slamming the door behind him

Tony took a deep breath before opening his passenger door

"Slam the door of my car like that again and see what fucking happens to you" He warned Montgomery

Tony closed back the door and shook his head

"Al, go look after Jeff" Tony told me once he noticed me

"Han and Jess have him" I said "Did Bryce and all of them leave?" I asked them

They both nodded

"They were leaving when we came here" Justin answered

I nodded my head and sighed

"I'm bringing this one home" Tony glared at Montgomery through the window "You coming?" He questioned Justin

Justin nodded

"Thank you boys" I told them "Stay safe please and keep me updated" I added

They nodded and walked around the car, Tony getting in the driver's seat and Justin getting in beside Montgomery

I watched them leave my driveway and waved them goodbye

With another sigh, I made my way back to my backyard

Alex, Zach and Clay were telling everyone that the party was over, and people were slowly starting to leave

"Upstairs" Alex told me as he saw me before he continued escorting people out

I nodded and made my way to the upstairs bathroom where I found the girls and Jeff

"Jeff stop moving, you're getting blood everywhere on your face" Hannah told him as tried to tend at his bleeding eyebrow

"It hurts" Jeff whined

Hannah sighed and gave the disinfecting wipe to Jessica but she had no luck with him either

"Jeff, stop it" I spoke

They all turned to my direction

"Here, maybe you'll have a chance" Jessica handed me the wipe

I took it and stood in front of Jeff as the girls sat on the edge of the bathtub

I held Jeff's face in one of my hands as I gently wiped his eyebrow

He winced

"Would you like to explain to us what the fuck just happened?" I asked him, trying to get his mind off his stinging eyebrow

"I walked into the kitchen and Montgomery was there with Bryce and Scott and all of them and they were like 'bro, you've got to tell us how they are' and Monty was like 'man, I can't kiss and tell' and they were all pleading and begging and Scott was like 'have you gotten with all three of them yet' and Monty was shrugging and shit and they were hustling him and then he said 'Hannah was the easiest to get with and I have Jessica wrapped around my finger and Althia is a hard one to crack but I almost have her' and so I lost it and you saw the rest" Jeff explained

We were all silent for a moment until Hannah spoke

"What a little bitch" She mumbled under her breath but we all heard

"It's crazy how much people change when they're around Bryce" Jessica sighed, anger obvious in her tone "I don't get what makes him so special" She added

I nodded my head agreeing, before moving onto the scratch Jeff had on his jaw

"But that's still no excuse to fight" I said, the girls agreeing with me

"I think it is" Jeff muttered

I sighed at his comment and watched through the mirror as the girls shook their heads

"Althia! Ouch!" Jeff complained as I wiped his jaw

"Fine, then do it your own goddamn self" I threw the wipe at him, having enough of his whining

I closed the lid of the toilet to sit on it

Jeff sighed as he hopped down from the sink and grabbed the wipe. He started the tend at his jaw but whined and hissed

I looked at the girls and we all rolled our eyes at the same time

"Are you guys pissed at me?" Jeff asked, turning around to look at all three of us

"Pissed? No. Disappointed and a little bit frustrated? Yes." Hannah answered for us

"Why?" He questioned "I feel like I did the right thing" He added

"But you didn't" I told him "Going after Montgomery and Bryce doesn't solve anything, and getting into a fist fight doesn't help either" I went on

"So what?" Jeff crossed his arms "Was I just supposed to make my drink and let them talk about you in that way? Am I wrong for standing up for my friends? Was I just supposed to let them say that shit and have rumours spread around?" Jeff said before taking a deep breath and closing his eyes as he massaged his temples

"Let them talk the way they wanna talk! Monty would have shown his true colors to us eventually! If rumours spread, they spread!" Jessica said as she threw her hands up in the air in frustration

Jeff finally opened his eyes again as the tension in the room was hard to miss

"I really thought I was doing the right thing" He spoke softly

"At the moment, maybe, but now you have a bruised hand, a bruised and cut jaw and a cut eyebrow to make up for your slightly dumb actions" Jess replied, her voice soft like his

"I'm sorry" Jeff apologized

I got up and hugged him

"Thank you for doing what you did, but sometimes you forget that we are badass bitches who can take care of ourselves Jeffy" I told him, causing everyone to laugh

Hannah and Jessica got up and hugged Jeff too

"I love yous" Jeff said as he kissed the top of each of our heads

"And we love you" We all replied

"Now can you please continue to clean me up, I don't wanna get an infection" He said "I promise I won't say a word" He added

We finished tending Jeff's cuts before making our way downstairs where there was nobody left except for Clay, Zach and Alex

"Is there still beer left?" Jeff asked the boys

They nodded

"Good because I need a fucking drink" He said

We all agreed with him

"You boys go drink some beer outside and we're gonna stay in here" Han shooed them away as I went to the kitchen to get the vodka and tequila bottles that were remaining

"Zach, go outside with the guys" I said as I felt a pair of arms wrap around me

"Imagine it wasn't me who grabbed you like this" Zach replied before starting to laugh

"Who else could it have been?" I said as I rolled my eyes but had a small smile on my face

Zach didn't say anything else, he just wrapped his arms around me tighter

"Zaaaaaach" I whined as I tried to get out of his grip but he wouldn't budge "The girls are waiting" I added

"I'm not going, until you hug me" He responded and even though I couldn't see his face, I knew he had a pout

With an exaggerated sigh, I turned around and wrapped my arms around his neck

Zach hugged me tightly for a moment before finally letting me go

"That will do until bedtime where I'm going to need another one" He told me

"Alright, go. Leave, please" I responded, playfully pushing him away

"Byeeee" He said, bending down to give me a quick kiss on the cheek

And with that, he left the kitchen

I quickly went on my phone to answer some texts


Just dropped Montgomery and Justin off


Fucking Monty barely missed my car with his nasty ass puke, I swear I would've beat the living shit out of him if he would've even gotten a bit on/in my car


Thank you so much Tony


Get home safe


And I'm glad he didn't puke in your car... that wouldn't have been a pretty sight




Is everyone ok at the party? How's Jeff?


Everyone left as we were taking care of Jeff... he's alright, a little beaten up but he's ok


Okay good


Stay safe


I'll try to stop by tomorrow


Will do T, and okay sounds good



Tony just dropped Monty and I off, I'm gonna stay the night with him to make sure all is good


Thanks Justin


I appreciate it a lot




Try and get some rest, yeah?


I will


Just as soon as I'm done getting drunk !!!




I'll let you know if anything else happens with Montgomery


Alright, thanks Jus

I grabbed the remaining mostly empty bottles and waited until I heard the patio door being opened and closed before joining the girls in the kitchen

"He's so into you, it hurts" Was that first thing Jess said to me as I handed her a bottle

"Oh shush it" I replied as I flopped down onto the couch, unscrewing my bottle

Hannah giggled to herself beside me

We cheered before taking a sip of our bottles, trying to decide what we were going to talk about as we drank.


oof what a long chapter but ayy there was drama !!! What did you guys think? Was it enough for yous? And we're slowly getting more Justin content yay!

Much love always
