

Once I got home, I was surprised to see my moms car in the driveway. I quickly walked up the steps and unlocked the front door.
Seconds after I opened the door, my mom was standing in front of me and that's when I remembered that Mr Porter had called her and she knew everything
"Mom, please don't be mad" I sighed as I took my shoes off
She glared at me and shook her head
"Don't be mad? Seriously, that's the first thing you decide to say, Althia?" She crossed her arms
"Whatever Mr Porter told you was not true" I told her
She shook her head again and turned to walk towards the living room
I sighed again and grabbed my bag before following her
I sat down in the chair in front of her and kept my head low
"First, I get a call saying that you've been bullying someone. Not just in person but online as well, Althia, you know that everything you post stays online forever. Even if you delete it. Did you even stop to think that when you apply to universities, they'll check all of your medias? They'll see the post you made and do you think they'll take you? No! They certainly will not!" Mom started "Do you think it's cool to bully someone? You've been bullied before, so badly that we had to move, and now you turn around and do it to someone else? I do not think so, I did not raise you like this" She continued "Giving dirty looks in class and in the hallways too? How childish are you? Are you really that immature?" She went on "And if that wasn't enough, I get a second call telling me that you've been in a fight. So you're a fighter now? You think you're all bad? Where is this behavior coming from? Because if someone is being a bad influence on you, I will not allow it any longer. Do not test me on this, Althia Dawn Knight" She finished

"Mom, you gotta believe me. It's not true. If anything it's the other way around!" I told her
"Who is it?" She asked me
"Hannah" I answered
Mom looked at me and sighed
"What happened?" She questioned
"She talked the Caleb" I told her
Mom nodded
"What else happened?" She asked
I told her all about our fight and what had happened
"Are you sure you aren't doing anything?" Mom asked once I had finished explaining everything
"I'm sure" I answered "I did post something but she did it first and I just wanted to clap back" I added
"Okay" She nodded "Now about the fight?" She asked
"I didn't fight anyone, it was Monty" I told her
"I don't like him, Althia" Mom told me
"Mom" I sighed
"No, don't." She shushed me "He's trouble. He's always fighting or starting something. He's not a good friend" She told me
"He is a good friend though" I argued
She gave me a look
"He really is!" I said "He started a fight because when I came out of the office, Tyler asked to talk to me and I said that I couldn't but he kept pushing so Monty stepped in" I continued "I know it's not an excuse to fight but it was really out of kindness towards me" I added
"There's no 'out of kindness' when it comes to a fight" Mom shook her head
"Look, Montgomery is new to this whole being nice and having close girl friends. He really cares about me and he really cares about Jessica. He's super protective and whenever he thinks we're uncomfortable, he jumps in. He just doesn't know yet, that's all" I told her "I'm going to talk to Tyler and I'm going to talk to Monty and he's going to apologize" I added
"This is his last chance, and if I hear another bad thing that involves him, you will no longer be allowed to be friends with him" Mom warned me
I nodded
"Is it alright if Zach comes over later?" I asked her
Mom started to laugh
"You have some nerve" She said as she continued to laugh
I looked at her and frowned
"You're still in trouble, even if you're not exactly bullying Hannah like she said you were" She told me "You still posted on social media and you were in that fight with Montgomery" She added
"But-" I started to protest
"No buts, you are going to go to your room now and do homework and the work you missed in your classes" She told me "I'll take your cellphone if I need to, so do not try me" She said
I sighed and nodded my head
I got up and grabbed my bag and went upstairs
I got everything I needed out and then I grabbed my phone to text Zach


Can you sneak into my house?

I guess I could try

My mom is kinda mad about what happened and she won't allow you over
But I need to see you
And hug you :(

I could park a couple houses down and walk to your house and then sneak in through your window?

Please do

I'm leaving the school rn so I should be there soon
Also please text the gang to let them know you're ok because they're all super worried and didn't believe me when I said that you were alright



Bestest of the best friendsπŸ‘»πŸ’₯🀞

Hi, I'm alive and ok
I'll explain everything at school tomorrow

Papa JeffyπŸ’πŸ’›:
Papa JeffyπŸ’πŸ’›:
Don't you ever do that to me ever again

I've been worried sick^^

Are you ok?


Yes I am
Don't worry

Is Monty ok?

I'm about to talk to him
Shit happened with him too

He got in a fight didn't he?

Jesus Christ Monty

It's not up to me to tell you guys
Mont, feel free to tell them

I'll explain Monday.

Papa JeffyπŸ’πŸ’›:

I gtg you guys
But I'm truly ok
Love yousπŸ’ž

What do you think is going to happen when Althia talks to Tyler and Montgomery? πŸ‘€
Hope you lovelies enjoyed!!
Much love as always xx
