

Immediately, I pushed him away. There was a moment of silence.
Suddenly Justin scurried to get his bag
"I should go" He spoke
I just stood there, my heart pounding
Once I snapped out of it, Justin was already at the front door
"Justin, wait" I called out for him
He quickly put his shoes on and walked out the front door
I ran to the door as I kept calling out his name and by the time I reached it, he was already down my driveway
"Justin!" I yelled but he kept walking
I heard a door being closed and it made me jump. In that moment I saw Hannah getting out of her car
"Alt, what the hell?" She said as she reached me on the doorsteps
"Althia! Hello?!!!" She waved her hand in front of my face
"Oh my God" Was all I could say
I walked inside again and Hannah followed me, closing the door behind her
"Althia, why was Justin here?" She asked me
I didn't answer her again since I was still trying to process everything that had just happened
"Oh my God, you're cheating on Zach aren't you? Althia I thought you were better than this" Hannah said
That snapped me out of it
"What?! No! I'm not cheating on Zach, I would never do that to him" I exclaimed
"Then why the hell was Justin Foley here and why did he run out of your house?" She asked me again
"He kissed me!" I said without even thinking
Hannah's eyes went wide
"So you are cheating on Zach!" She threw her hands up "You think that you can just bring us all together and get with Zach and then fucking cheat on him? Do you even love him?" She went on
"I like him a lot, like really a lot but I don't know if I love him, Jesus Christ Hannah, we've been together for not even a month!" I told her
"And you're already cheating on him, I should've known!" She raised her voice
"Hannah, no! JUSTIN kissed ME! And I pushed him back the second he did!" I screamed "And what the hell do you mean by I should've known?" I asked her
"It means that I've talked to Caleb and I know all about your past" Hannah answered
My heart started to pound again
"He told me all about how when you two were together, you cheated on him with so many guys. Then when he finally exposed you and everyone saw the slut that you are, you made your parents move away" She continued "Let's hope they do it again when I tell everyone that you're cheating on Zach" She finished
I shook my head, fighting the tears that were ready to spill
"Oh please Hannah, you're one to talk" I said
She looked at me confused
"Did you seriously think that I wouldn't find out about your past?" I asked "I know that you got around with every single guy at Liberty, the funny thing is that you slept around with all the guys you told me to stay away from. Bryce, Scott, Montgomery, Justin... Hell you even did Alex, no wonder Jessica doesn't like you. And we can't forget that you fucked my boyfriend, when were you planning on telling me that, best friend?" I snapped at her
Hannah just stood there looking at me before she slapped me
I held my cheek and looked at her
"Fuck you" She spat
"Fuck you too and get the fuck out of my house" I told her
Hannah took one last look at me before walking out of my front door
"Good fucking luck to you, you stupid fucking whore" She called out as she walked to her car "I'm about to tell everyone who you really are and you won't have any fucking friends" She added before getting in her car
I held up my middle finger at her and she did the same through the windshield as she backed out of the driveway and then she sped away
I closed my door and immediately pulled out my phone to call Jeff since he was the first person to come to mind
My vision was getting blurry from the tears that were in my eyes as I slid my back down the door, until I was sitting against it.
I called Jeff and waited for him to answer.
"Hello?" A voice that didn't belong to Jeff answered after a couple rings
I pulled the phone away from my ear and looked at the name. I had called Montgomery by accident
"Althia? Hello? Is everything ok?" Monty asked through the phone
"Mon-" I tried to say but then I started to cry
"I'm coming over" He said as he heard me cry "I'll be there soon" He added
"Can... You...Stay...Please" I managed to stay between sobs, before he could hang up
"Okay, yeah, I'll stay on the line" He said as I continued to cry
"Okay so I'm putting my shoes on right now and I'm looking for my keys. Oh, I found them. Alright, out the front door we go. Annnd we're in the car, okay I'll be there soon Al" Monty continued to talk to me
Throughout his whole drive to my house, Montgomery talked. He either told me what his surroundings were or who was in the car beside his or where he was as he continued to say that he was almost here
"Okay, I'm turning onto your street right now and I can see your house. Oh fuck, I almost hit your stupid neighbor that you hate" He told me
I had calmed down and stopped crying and so that comment made me laugh a little
"Ayy, I got you to laugh! That's good, right?" Mont said through the phone "Alright so I'm in your driveway, I just parked annnd I'm out of the car. I'm walking to the front door and I'm here" He said
I slowly got up and opened the front door to see Montgomery with his phone in his hands and a worried looked on his face.
He hung up the phone and walked in
He took off his shoes before looking at me again
"Al, what's wrong?" He asked me slowly
I shook my head and before I could say anything, I was crying again
"Hey, whoa, you're ok. You're ok" Monty said as he pulled me in a hug
I sobbed uncontrollably into his chest as he slowly rubbed my back
"I'm gonna pick you and bring you to the living room, okay? Here we go" He spoke softly as he gently picked me up and walked to the living room to set me down on the couch
"Althia, I need you to tell me what's wrong so I can help you" Monty told me
I nodded and started to explain everything that had happened, starting with when Justin kissed me to the fight with Hannah
"And now everyone is going to hate me and they're all going to take her side when they don't even know the whole story and I'm gonna be all alone" I cried to him
"Hey, look at me" Montgomery said and I slowly looked up at him "I am never going to hate you and I believe you and I'm always gonna be here. I know I'm not the best and I'll certainly fuck up a lot but I'll always be by your side" He promised me
"But the others, she's going to tell all of them and then Zach is going to breakup with me and-" I said but he got me off
"Althia, before you went to Liberty we all barely spoke to each other. Hannah and Clay were together and sometimes Tony would be with them. Jeff barely talked to them and when he did it was mostly for his studying. Zach certainly never talked to them and hell, I haven't seen Jessica and Alex talk to Hannah since the end of freshman year. Justin and me certainly never talked to them. Jessica and Hannah had beef, Alex hated me. Tony hated me and Justin. Clay hated all of us. Zach barely spoke to Justin and me, and if he did it was sport related. Jeff kept to himself and never in a thousand years, would I ever think that we would all start to be friends. But then you came along and you somehow brought all of us together and if they aren't thankful for that then fuck em" Monty told me
I nodded and thought about what he had just told me
"But Al, why was Justin here?" He asked me, keeping his voice low and soft
I shook my head
"I can't tell you" I told him "I promised Justin I wouldn't tell" I added
Even though all of this was happening, I still wanted to keep my word to Justin and not tell anybody about his household
"Is it because he needed a place to crash?" Mont questioned
I looked at him
"I kinda know about his moms boyfriend" He told me
"Yeah, he needed somewhere to stay and I told him that he could always come here and so he did last night" I said
Montgomery nodded and sighed
"You have to text Zach and tell him to come over immediately" He said
"I know but I'm scared, what if Hannah already told him?" I looked at him
"I'll stay here and I'm going to be with you but you need to talk to him, even if Hannah already did" He replied
I nodded as I turned my phone on
Monty gently grabbed my hand as I took a deep breath and clicked on Zach's contact

Can you come over as soon as you can?
I need to tell you something

I'm already omw.
We need to talk.

I set my phone down and looked at Montgomery with fear in my eyes
"It'll be ok, don't worry" He tried to reassure me but I was freaking out.
Hope you enjoyed, much love xx
