

"Baaabe hurry up" Zach rushed me as I was taking my books out of my locker for the last periods of the day
"Zachary stop" I hushed him
At the sound of his full name, I could hear him roll his eyes
"Wish me goodluck again on my functions quiz" Jeff said as he passed us
"Luck!" I called out after him
"Jeff is going to get to class before us, hurry up" Zach complained again
"I'm going as fast as I can" I said as I closed my locker
We quickly walked down the hall to our chemistry class
"Can Althia Knight please report to the main office? Althia Knight, office" The secretary announced on the speakers as soon as we had arrived by the door
"Ugh" I rolled my eyes
"What's that for?" Zach asked me
"I signed up for some scholarships so it's probably details on that" I answered "I just wished they would have chosen any other class but this one to call me in" I added
"I'll take notes for you" Zach said
"You're the best, thank you" I told him as I leaned forward for a kiss
I gave Zach a smile once we released which he returned before he walked into class and I made my way to the office
I walked up to the main desk and before I could say anything, Mr Porter came out of his office
"Althia, hi, come in" He greeted me
Reluctantly, I made my way into his office
"Take a seat" He gestured to the chair in front of his desk as he closed his door
I sat down and placed my things down next to the chair
"How have you been? I haven't spoken to you since way back in September" Mr Porter asked me as he took his own seat
"I've been good, you?" I questioned
"Great, thank you" He answered "I heard you're dating Zach Dempsey" He added
"Yes I am" I replied, trying to figure out where this was going
"How are you adjusting to the school? How are the classes going?" Mr Porter asked
"Everything has been going fine" I answered
"And your friends are?" He questioned
"Oh, um, Jessica Davis, Alex Standall, Jeff Atkins, Zach, obviously... uh, Justin Foley and Montgomery De la Cruz" I said
Mr Porter nodded and took some notes in his book
"I'm sorry, Mr Porter, but what exactly am I here for?" I asked him
"Well, a student has come to me and told me that you are bullying them" Mr Porter dropped his pen and looked at me
"I see" I slowly said
"Now, Althia, we take bullying very seriously at this school and the accusations against you are pretty severe" He went on
I nodded
"May I hear these accusations?" I asked him
"The student said that you have been bullying them online, making posts about them and getting your other friends to join in" Mr Porter told me "They said that you give dirty looks in class or in the hallway and that you're starting to make them feel unsafe and not willing to come to school anymore" He continued "You should be grateful that this student came to me first instead of the principal or else you would have been suspended right away" He finished
"I'm pretty sure I know who you're talking about and I would like to tell you my side of the story, please" I said
"Go right ahead" He nodded
"First of all, this student started the posts online. She made one obviously stating that she was glad that she was out of my life and made some other friends of mine take her side. That's why I made my post and I recognize that it wasn't a wise choice but it was a really long day and I wanted to show her that I didn't care" I started "As for the making her unsafe at school, I don't know where she got that from. I have better things to do with my life then to make faces or roll my eyes at someone who is no longer important to me" I added
Mr Porter nodded once again and wrote some more things down on his notepad
"I've seen the posts and hers isn't necessarily directed to you. However in yours, you tagged her and made it obvious that it was about her" Mr Porter told me
There was a moment of silence
"Now I need to tell you that if you get more complaints, you're going to get suspended" Mr Porter spoke again "Your parents have be advised about this whole situation as well" He added
I shook my head and bit my tongue
"This isn't fair" I told him "If anyone should be complaining it's me! I lost some of my greatest friends because Hannah told them something that wasn't true and they believed her without even coming to me first. I would have lost all of my friends but luckily they came to me first and heard my story" I continued "If anyone should be feeling unsafe and uncomfortable, it should be me! Hannah threatened to make up a rumor about me and that's why we're not friends anymore but I know that she's going around making stuff up about me" I finished
"Mmh, and who would Han-this student- be telling things to?" Mr Porter asked me
"Anyone she can" I answered
"When and where did she threaten to make rumors about you?" He questioned
"A couple of weeks ago and at my house" I said
Mr Porter nodded and wrote something down that had the words 'not' and 'school' in it
"What was the argument about?" He asked
"I don't feel comfortable speaking about it" I told him as I crossed my arms
Mr Porter leaned back in his chair to look at me
"Althia, if you don't tell me everything there is no way I can help you" He said
"You weren't going to anyways, you already have made up your mind that Hannah is telling the truth" I scoffed
"I'm sorry you feel that way" He replied "You're excused for the rest of the day if you want to go home" He added
I grabbed my things and got up
"I would much rather go in chemistry and try to figure out what I missed instead, thank you" I told him
"Alright, just know it's an option" Mr Porter responded
I nodded and mumbled a quick have a good day to him before walking out of his office and out of the main office

"Althia, do you have a moment?" Someone from behind me said
I turned around and saw Tyler
"Not now, I'm sorry Tyler" I answered him
"Please it'll take one second" He promised
"Not n-" I went to repeat but got cut off by someone behind me
"Hey! She said no!" The person roared
Before I could process what was happening Monty had Tyler pushed against the lockers and was right in his face
"I- I'm sorry- I just-" Tyler scrambled
"You stay the fuck away from her, you freak" Monty yelled
"Montgomery, Jesus!" I exclaimed as I grabbed onto his shoulders but he didn't budge
"I swear to God if I see you go near her again, I'll..." Monty trailed off as he slammed Tyler into the lockers again
I tried to push Monty back again but he didn't move
"What is going on here?!" Someone exclaimed
I looked and saw Mr Porter who was rushing towards us
"Let go of him, Montgomery" Mr Porter ordered as he grabbed onto Monty
Monty let go of Tyler
"All three of you in my office, now!" Mr Porter told us


"Althia, just let me drive you home" Montgomery said as he pulled up at the side of the curb where I was sitting to text Zach that I was going home
After we had all went to Mr Porter's office, I explained what had happened and he decided that Monty would be suspended for two days. I was just tired and I wanted to go home but Monty was following me in his car, insisting that he drives me home
"I would much rather walk, thank you and goodbye" I told him as I got up and started walking again
I kept my eyes on my phone and eventually he turned around and let me be

Just wanted to let you know I'm going home

Is everything alright?
Where are you?
What happened at the office?

I'm walking home rn
I'll tell you what happened later

Are you okay??

Yes but no
Don't worry though

I'm already worried
What happened?

Don't be please, I'm safe
I'll tell you what happened, I just don't wanna do it through text
Can you come over after school?

I'll go in the bathroom and you can call me

No, you need to pay attention in class

Class is almost over, I'll skip last period

Don't do that please
It's not that big
Come over after school?


And no earlier than after school

Okay fine, I won't skip
Are you sure you're ok?

I'll see you later

Text me if anything happens please

I will baby
Stop worrying please

Okay, I'll see you soon


And I oop- Drama is starting once again πŸ‘€
Much love as always xx
