

"Montgomery is here, I'm leaving" I announced as I raced down my stairs to quickly put my shoes on

I was almost out the front door when my mother stopped me

"Where are you going?" She asked me

"To a basketball game" I answered

"And you were planning on telling me this when exactly?" Mom questioned

"I asked dad and he said I could go" I replied

"Althia, this new thing of yours where you only tell dad about your whereabouts will not work anymore" She crossed her arms

"Sorry. I thought if one of my parents knew where I'd be, I wouldn't have to tell the other" I said

"Yeah, well maybe you should consider telling the parent that you know will be at home with you instead of the one that will be away" Mom told me

"Alright, I'll do that next time" I said and went to open the front door again

"Who did you say was here to pick you up again?" Mom asked me

I turned around to look at her again

"Montgomery" I responded

"Mmh, okay" Mom simply said but I knew she wanted to say something else

"I'm sorry mom that Zach can't be the one that's picking me up because he's the one playing the game tonight. And Jeff couldn't either and neither could Tony. Gosh, what will people think when they see me with yet another male friend?" I told her "I'm really going to have to be careful with that, right?" I added

Mom opened her mouth but then closed it again

"Text your father when you're on your way back home" Was all she said before she turned around and headed to the living room

I rolled my eyes and finally made my way out the front to get in Monty's car

"Well don't you look like a happy camper" Monty sarcastically said to me as soon as I closed the door

I glared at him and he chuckled

"Your mom?" He asked

I nodded

"I just can't with her" I sighed and put my head in my hands

I continued to rant to Montgomery about my mom and when I was done, a comfortable silence joined us

"Hey, Mont?-" I started but stopped myself as he looked at me, smiling widely "What?" I asked him

Montgomery's eyes drifted back to the road and he shook his head a little

"Nothing" He answered as he tried to stop smiling but failed

"No, there's something..." I said "What is it?" I asked again

He glanced at me for a little bit before looking back at the road

"It's just you called me Mont" Monty answered

"I'm sorry, would you rather have me call you Montitty" I teased him

"Um, no thank you" Monty laughed

"In all seriousness though, do you have any problems with me calling you Mont?" I questioned

"Not at all" He responded "I'm just happy that we're on a nickname basis now" He admitted

I smiled a little

"Well of course, as my friend you deserve a nickname" I told him which made him smile again

"Does that mean I can call you by a nickname?" Montgomery asked me

"Duh" I replied "But I highly suggest you don't call me Thi or Thia" I added, which caused us both to laugh at the thought of Zach and Jeff getting mad over someone else calling me by their nicknames

"I'm for sure going to stay away from those names, and maybe Alt too since I don't think Hannah or Jessica would like to share their nickname with me either" He told me "I think I'll call you Al, and hope Tony is okay with it" He added

I agreed on the name

"What were you going to say before our big nickname talk?" Montgomery asked

"Oh, I was just going to ask how you feel about being friends with everyone?" I questioned

"You mean how I feel about being friends with Jeff again?" He stopped at a red light and looked at me

I looked away, hoping I didn't cross a line by asking the question

"It's nice" He answered even after my silence "I realized just how much I missed my friendship with him and how I wish it would have never ended the way it did" He continued

Monty was pulling up in the school's parking lot and I knew this conversation was going to be over soon so I choose what I was going to say next carefully

"All that really matters now, is the time and effort you put into it" I told him

He nodded, agreeing

Montgomery parked the car and we got out, heading for the doors

"Man, do not tell me that you have her now?" A voice said and I looked to see Bryce approaching us

I rolled my eyes and Monty gently placed his hand on my lower back to guide me as he started to walk faster, ignoring Bryce

I heard Bryce chuckle and mumble "Unbelievable" as we made our way through the doors

Once inside the gym, the bleachers were full but I spotted Tony, Jeff and Alex saving us our spots. We passed by Jessica who was cheerleading for the game tonight and I wished her good luck on her routine before joining the boys.

"I'm telling you all right now, we're going to lose" Was Jeff's way of greeting us

"Would you stop saying that?" Tony said, obviously showing his annoyance

"Why are you saying that?" I asked Jeff as I sat beside him and Monty sat beside me

"During practice, all of the boys seemed off" Jeff answered "Especially Zach and Justin" He added

"Who are like the dynamic duo of the basketball team if you didn't know" Alex informed me

"I'm sure they'll do fine, and we'll win" Monty chimed in

We kept talking until suddenly music blared out of the speakers and the cheerleaders came running out, each with a basketball player. Everyone started cheering and clapping and I happily joined them.

Zach's eyes scanned the crowd and once they landed on me, he smiled widely. I blew him a kiss and he caught it, making me playfully roll my eyes. Justin was also scanning the crowd and once I got his attention, I gave him a thumbs up and a smile which he gladly returned

Everyone got in their places and the ball got thrown in the air and the game began.


"What the fuck are they doing?!" Jeff shook his head as the timer for the halftime went off

Our Liberty High Tigers weren't doing their best and the opposite team was leading by 9 points. The worst part is that the freshmen were the ones to score all of our points. Zach missed every single shot that he did and so did Justin. All of their passes were missed as well.

"I'll be right back" I announced and got up

Montgomery slid over so he could join the boys as they talked about how bad we were playing

I walked down the bleachers and joined Jessica who had just finished her cheer number

"Please tell me you're going to go talk to your man" Jess said as soon as she saw me

"That's where I'm headed" I reassured her

"I swear to God if another freshman tries to get with me, I'm going to lose it" Sheri joined us "Those boys need to get their shit together before the usual benchwarmers end up winning the game for us" She added

"Hopefully after talking to Alt, Zach will get his head in the game" Jessica said

"You better go now before Coach takes them away to yell at them" Sheri told me

"Will do" I responded

They wished me good luck and I walked behind the bench where all the players were seated.

Zach was drinking from his water bottle while shaking his head

I put my hand on his shoulder and felt how tense he was. As I wrapped my arms around his shoulders, I felt him relax

"Hey" He spoke softly

"Hi" I greeted him in the same tone

I tighten my grip around his shoulders as I hugged him

Zach leaned back in me and sighed

"What's going on?" I asked him

"I don't know" He responded

"I can tell you what's going on" I told him

"Please do, otherwise we're either going to lose the game or the kids are going to win it for us and I'm not sure which one is worse" Zach pleaded

"Well first off all, stop overthinking the game so much. When you can take a shot, take the shot and don't second guess yourself" I started "Secondly, stop letting the freshman and the other team walk all over you. Aren't you the star of this team?" I continued and he nodded "Well then show them that you're the goddamn star" I finished

Zach moved a little so he could see me and I sat on my knees to look at him.

"You know, that might have been the best speech I've ever been given" He said

"Did it help with motivation too?" I asked him, placing my hand on his his

He shook his head and I frowned

"Nah. Since you're the one who's trying to motivate me, I want something else" Zach told me

"And just what is this something?" I questioned

Zach smirked and I hit him playfully

"I was just going to say a kiss, you dirty minded human" He told me

"That smirk threw me off" I replied

Zach looked at me, waiting to see if I'd agree

"I'm only going to kiss you if you bounce back and make at least 3 shots and 6 good passes" I said

"Done deal" He agreed

I spotted Justin coming out of the locker room with a water bottle in hand so I waved him down and he started walking towards us

I tapped the shoulder of the guy who was sitting next to Zach and he looked at me

"Hi, yes, could you scoot over a little so my friend can sit here and I can talk to him and hopefully help you guys win? Thanks" I told him and he gave me a dirty look but scooted over

Justin finally joined us and sat down beside Zach as they both turned to their sides, looking at me

"I've been told that you boys are the dynamic duo of this team but I haven't seen anything dynamic or duo-tic from the two of you tonight" I started "I want you to show me this dynamic duo everyone keeps telling me about. Trust one and other, play with one and other please" I finished and they both nodded

Before I could say anything else, a whistle blew

"Dempsey! Foley! Get your asses over here!" Coach yelled at them "I'm giving the play by play of how we're going to win this game and you two are sitting down talking to a girl?! I don't think so! Don't make me say it again, boys! Get over here!" He added, still yelling

Both Zach and Justin stood up and I gave them a reassuring smile before letting them go

I walked back up the bleachers and joined everyone once again. Jessica had joined the group as well

I sat down back between Monty and Jeff.

"Did you tell Zach if he makes the winning goal you'll flash him a titty?" Was the first thing Jeff said to me

"Jeffery!" Both Jessica and I yelled at him

"It was a joke!" He said, putting his hands up in surrender

"That was very inappropriate" I told him

"And true" Alex spoke and Jess smacked him

The rest of the laughed as I rolled my eyes and shook my head

A whistle blew and all of the players were getting in their positions on the court

The second half of the game has started...


"Please, please, please" I prayed

There were 16 seconds left and we were tied 58-58.

We were all sitting on the edge of our seats, as Zach got ready for the jump ball.

The referee threw the ball up in the air and Zach jumped and caught it. Without hesitating, Zach threw the ball across the court while Justin was already running to get it. Zach was moving down the court as Justin threw the ball to another player who passed it back to Zach. Zach looked like he was going to shoot but someone from the other team was blocking him so he threw it in the air and Justin jumped to catch it, like he knew it was coming. Zach made himself free and Justin chucked the ball his way. Zach caught it and made his shot. The ball spun around the rim but went through the net as the buzzer went off.

Everyone erupted in cheers and I ran down the bleachers, the other closely behind me.

I spotted Justin and I ran up to him, before I could even say anything he brought me into a huge embrace. I hugged him back.

"You did good out there, Mr.Foley" I managed to say against his shoulder

"While thank you, Ms.Knight" He replied as we let go

My eyes briefly scanned the crowd when someone wrapped their arms around my waist. I turned around, immediately, knowing it was Zach. I wrapped my arms around his neck.

"Hey, you" I said as I started to release from the hug but Zach brought me back to him tightly "Alrighty" I laughed

We stayed hugging each other for a while longer until Zach pulled away

"You played like the star of the team" I told him "I'm proud" I added which caused him to smile widely

Zach leaned in and before he could kiss, I turned my head the other way

"Thi" Zach groaned and I smiled to myself

"Not so fast, Zachy" I teased

"You promised" He said

"I said you could kiss me if you make 3 shots and 6 passes, and I believe you only made 5 passes" I told him

His jaw dropped and I smirked a little

"You can't be serious" He shook his head as I was nodding mine

"But-" He started

"No buts, that was our deal" I said

"Althiaaa" He whined

"Don't wanna hear it. Now go change and shower, you're all sweaty" I playfully pushed him away from me

"Will you be here when I come back out?" Zach asked

I shrugged

"I'm leaving when Monty is leaving" I answered

Zach frowned and I rolled my eyes at how childish he was

I went on my tippy toes and leaned forward to kiss his jaw softly

"I'll text you when I'm home" I promised him and he nodded his head before going to see Justin

I watched as the two had their little celebration together before heading to the locker rooms

I found the others near the entrance and ran onto Jeff's back who caught me like he knew I was coming

"Ay yo, De la Cruz!" Bryce greeted Montgomery

The whole group rolled their eyes

"Party at mine tonight" Scott announced

I furrowed my eyebrows as to why Scott would throw a party on a school night to celebrate the victory of a team he wasn't even apart of

"Don't think I'll make this one" Monty told them

I glanced over at Jess who made a puking face which caused me to laugh

Bryce looked over at me and Jeff tighten his grip on me as Tony took a step forward

"Whoa, okay. I guess it's a no for you guys too" Bryce backed away, feeling the immediate tension in the air

Scott and Bryce left

"Padilla! Atkins!" Someone yelled

We all jumped and Jeff let me down, since we all knew the voice belonged to coach

"You two offered your help with setup AND takedown, now get to it!" Coach urged them

They said their goodbyes and got to work

"We should get going too" Jess announced, grabbing Alex's hand

"You need a ride home, Al?" Alex asked me

"I've got her" Monty answered for me

We said bye and they left

"Mont, you can go to the party if you want to" I told him "I can wait here for Zach or until the boys are done with takedown" I added

"Nope. I said I'll be driving you home, so I'm driving home" Monty replied

I smiled at him and we made our way outside

Monty drove me home and I thanked him.

Luckily for me, when I got back my mom was already in bed.

I took a quick shower then laid down in bed. I went on my phone for a bit before going to sleep.
