
Dempz: Lil sous chef💙🔪




BakedHans: This is some cute ass shit😫😫

Cheersheri: I am screamin- wow

RyanS: New OTP

CocoaJess: 👏This👏Was👏Such👏A👏Cute👏Idea👏

Dempz: While thank yous😊 @BakedHans @Cheersheri @RyanS @CocoaJess

Marcus4Prez: Damn, you know how to get some smoothly👌

BryceWalks: Cook for her, then fuck her👌💦

ScottyReed: My man😈🙌

Dempz: @Marcus4Prez @BryceWalks @ScottyReed Fuck off all of you

JustFoley: What did you guys make?

MontyCruz: Does Althia even know how to cook?😂😂

Dempz: You'll see soon😉 @JustFoley

Dempz: @MontyCruz Idk man, she just had to cut vegetables and she had a hard time with that so😬🤷‍...

Althia.Tonight: Smd🖕 @MontyCruz

Althia.Tonight: This was some cute until you talked shit about me in the comments so😬🤷‍...

Althia.Tonight: Chef Zachary at his finest💙💯




JustFoley: Yoooooooooooooo

JustFoley: This looks so fucking good🙆

JustFoley: @Dempz When are you going to cook for me like that?

Cheersheri: Am really jealous, that looks delicious🤤

Althia.Tonight: @JustFoley It was so fucking good, you don't even know @Cheersheri It was delicious👌👌

CocoaJess: Wow, Zach is talented👌

BakedHans: This is art👌

Dempz: @JustFoley Cuddle me like Thi does and I'll cook for you anytime

JustFoley: @Dempz I am 100% down, just no homo bro

Dempz: No homo always bro @JustFoley

MontyCruz: Can I join? @Dempz @JustFoley

Dempz: @MontyCruz Well of course

JustFoley: ^^

Dempz: @CocoaJess @BakedHans While thank you again😊

Dempz: Also Thi, I am not liking this until you change the caption🙄

{Althia.Tonight changed the caption to 'Zachy-D with his culinary skills-d💙💯'

Althia.Tonight: Better? @Dempz

BryceWalks: How about you change the caption to 'ate chicken, then sucked his dick'

Althia.Tonight: How about I punch you in the throat @BryceWalks

Dempz: What she said @BryceWalks

Dempz: Still not liking this btw😤

ScottyReed: Down to only one bodyguard I see... We getting there

Althia.Tonight: @ScottyReed ????

{Althia.Tonight changed the caption to 'Chefy Zachy💙💯'}

{Dempz liked this post}
