

"Hi, good morning" I smiled at Zach as I got in the car
"Morning" Zach smiled back as I leaned in for a quick kiss
"Before I forget, my mom invited you over for dinner tonight so are you busy?" I asked him
"Not at all" He answered which made me smile even more
"When did you leave this morning?" I questioned as he pulled out of my driveway
"Around 5:30 ish, I didn't want to bother you when you woke up and got ready and everything" He answered "Plus, I went out and got us breakfast" He added while he searched in the back for the bag
"You are truly the most perfect, awesome, amazing, sweet boyfriend ever" I cheesed at him as I looked into the bag and saw bagel sandwiches with orange juice
Zach didn't reply, he just took one of the sandwiches and started to eat
"Is everything ok?" I asked him
He simply nodded and I decided to let him be
"I'm so tired" I spoke when we were arriving close to school as I yawned again
The entire car ride had been silent
"Well I mean it certainly doesn't help that you were answering phone calls at 3 in the morning when you had already gone to bed late" Zach finally spoke
I frowned at his comment
"Don't start" I told him
"Don't start what?" He asked "I'm just saying, you can't go and say that you're tired when you clearly weren't tired at 3am" He added as we turned onto our schools street
"Where is this all coming from?" I questioned
"It's coming from the fact that my girlfriend was answering some other dudes phone calls during the dark hours while I was right there" Zach said
"That dude, is your friend Zach! And he's also my friend and he needed help and I'm sorry for caring about the safety and the well being of my friend" I threw my hands up and shook my head in disbelief of what I was hearing
Zach turned into our schools parking lot
"That's not the problem" He told me
"Then what is it? Because I sure as hell don't seem to know" I crossed my arms
"The problem is that you help him out so much and you answer right away whenever he calls or texts" Zach said as his jaw clenched "He's a big boy, Althia, he can take care of himself and I get his home is a mess but sometimes you gotta work around those things" He added
"That's bullshit, nobody should go through what he goes through" I shrieked "And if it was you, or Jess, or Alex, or Jeff, or Monty in the same position he was in, I would be doing the exact same thing so it has nothing to do with Justin and you can get that out of your head" I defended myself and Justin
"That's bullshit right there and we both know it" Zach raised his voice as he parked the car "It's all about Justin and that's why you care so much" He spat as he turned around to grab his school bag and got out of the car, slamming the door behind him
I grabbed my bag and got out just as quickly as him, slamming my door as well
"You are seriously not walking away from me right now, Zach" I called after him since he was already so far ahead of me
"I'm walking away" He called back without turning around
I stood there watching him walk away
His car beeped from behind me, making me jump and start walking towards the school alone
Quickly before our first class starts, I explained everything that had happened with Mr Porter yesterday to Jessica and Jeff.


"Man, who let me get a boyfriend?!" Jessica exclaimed as she sat down at a table during our lunch
"Um, yourself" Jeff answered her as he took a seat beside me "Like almost a year ago" He added as Jess glared at him
"What's up?" I asked her
"Alex is still pissed at me about the whole baby thing and I just think that's bullshit because he was ok but he's been doing passive aggressive things and mentioning it and ugh I'm getting super fucking annoyed" She answered
"Seriously? That's dumb, it was a joke and it happened like weeks ago" I responded
"Right! Boys are so complicated, like they always say 'oh girls are hard to understand' but that's not the case! They're the ones that are complicated and hard to understand!" Jess said as she took an angry bite of out her lunch
"You're telling me" I rolled my eyes
Jeff went to say something but Jessica held her finger up at him which made him shut his mouth and sink further into his seat
"What's up with you? What happened with Zach this morning?" Jessica questioned me
"Oh my gosh, it was literally so stupid" I sighed as she waited for an answer "Okay so yesterday he stayed over at mine because of everything that had happened and everything was going good, we had fun and we stayed up until like 2am, we posted shit on Insta, you guys saw, everything was good" I started as Jess nodded and Jeff leaned forward on the table "And then at like 3 something, I get a call so of course I answer and it was Justin and he needed a place to stay so I was like come over but then he was like I'll just go to Monty's sorry and hung up and so Zach woke up and asked who was on the phone and I told him and then we went back to sleep after I made sure Jus was ok" I continued "But then this morning in the car, he made this whole thing saying shit like 'Well you wouldn't be tired if you weren't answering calls at 3', like we haven't already stayed up late and then he was like 'It's always Justin, he can take care of himself, blah blah blah' and I was like whoa calm down, like I care about him and his well being as much as I care about anybody else's and then he just walked away from me when I was trying to talk to him" I went on "And so now, Zach is pissed at me, Monty is avoiding me which means that he's probably pissed that I made him apologize to Tyler, Alex is probably mad at me for the baby thing too, and Justin is also ignoring me so that's fantastic" I added
"That's the most ridiculous thing I have ever heard" Jess spoke "Boys fucking suck" She added which made me nod in agreement
"Can I speak now?" Jeff asked her
Jessica nodded and I laughed a bit
"I'm highly offended that you guys are trashing my gender like I'm not right here and I'm pretty fucking awesome if I do say so myself so not all boys suck" Jeff said
"Aw, Jeffy" Both, Jessica and I, cheesed
"You don't count in all of this, you're Jeffy that's different" Jessica told him
"And yeah you are fucking awesome so nothing that we said applies to you" I added
"Thank God, I'm not a girl" Jeff said "Having a boyfriend seems like a job" He added
"Just wait until you have a girlfriend" Jess warned him
"Oou, speaking of girlfriends, did you message Claire yet?" I asked him excitedly
A smug smile appeared on Jeff's and I squealed happily as Jess clapped her hands
"Phone now, show us the DMs" I held my hand out for his phone and Jeff obliged
He opened his phone and went to his Instagram DMs before handing it to me
Jessica leaned forward and I placed his phone sideways so we could both read the messages

DMs between Jeff and Claire



How are you? :)

Good, you?

Amazing, now that
I'm talking to you :))

That was pretty sly

Haha, yeah
I'm pretty quick
So what are you up to?

Trying to finish my math homework:(

I could help if you want
I'm amazing with numbers

Really? That would be amazing
*picture of math questions*

Oh shit
Yeah so I totally
played myself and
you by saying I
was good in math
I fucking suck at math
Fricken if you don't
like swearing

Well aren't you a sweet one

That's me
I'm too good
for this world

So I've been told ;)

Ouuu, who's talking about me to you

That's for me to know and for you to guess

Well shit

I'm okay with swearing so you can stop correcting yourself

Ok cool
So what else have you
heard about me?

Many things
One being that you need a
womans to take to your
winter formal...
you've got any takers yet?

Did you just ask me to go to
my own winter formal?

Ha! You wish
I wouldn't make it
that easy for you

Alright, I can work harder

Well as much as I would love
to chat with you, I've got
homework to do and
I'll call my friend that
actually knows how to math

That one hurt... just a lil tho
Goodnight Claire

Sucks to sucks but
goodnight Jeff


"Holy shit" I spoke once I was done reading
"When did you become such a smooth motherfucker?" Jessica asked him
"Ay, your boy might be very much single but he's still got mad game" Jeff replied smugly
"Did you talk to her since?" Jess asked him
"Nope" He shook his head "I'm waiting for her to hit me up first since she's the one who finished the last conversation" He added
"Oh Jeffery" I sighed "You're going to need to start a conversation first again or else you're going to wait forever for her to hit you up" I told him
"Why? Isn't that the rule?" He questioned "The last one to text has to be the first one to message afterwards, right?" He looked at us as we shook our heads
"Not with this girl" Jess told him "She has obviously made it clear that you're going to have to work hard so it's up to you to message her again" She added as I nodded agreeing
"What the hell would I do without yous" Jeff said as he grabbed his phone to message Claire again
For the rest of our lunch, we talked some more before getting ready for our last classes.
At the end of the day Jeff gave Jessica and I ride homes.

Do you think that way Zach reacted was understandable? Do you think things will work out between Jeff and his potential womans?
Hope y'all enjoyed the update, much love as always xx
