

"Okay deep breaths. You've got this" I told myself as I walked up to my new high school, Liberty High

I could already feel the stares coming from the students as they wondered who the new girl is, where she came from, so on and so on. The stares only got worse as I walked through the main doors.

My anxiety started getting bad so I made sure that I kept my head low.

I found my way to the main office and walked up to the secretary.

"Hi hun, what can I help you with?" She asked me

"Um, I'm new here and I need my schedule?" I responded, hating the way that it came out more like a question then a statement

"Yes yes, of course. What's your name?" She questioned

"Althia Knight" I told her

She taped a few things in her computer then got up from her desk to walk over to the printer. She grabbed the pages and walked back to her desk, where she also grabbed some manuels.

"Here's your schedule. If you want to make any changes, you can go to the orientation office. Your locker number is 87 and this is the combination. You also have your math book and your chemistry manuel. If you have any questions, you can always come here or ask the new friends that you're going to make" She smiled, handing me everything I needed

I thanked her and walked out of the office.

A bell ranged, and most of the students started making their way to their classes. I quickly looked down at my schedule to see what time class started and sighed as I saw that I still had 5 minutes. Being late to your first class at a new school is by far the worse thing that could happen to you.

I made my way to my locker. I put in the combination but it didn't open. I tried it again and just my luck it didn't work again.

"Having trouble?" A voice came out of nowhere

For the first time today, I looked up. My eyes met a pair of light brown eyes. The voice came from a tall enough guy who had light brown hair. He wore a light blue shirt and beige khakis.

"Oh, um, yeah" I spoke, realising that he had asked me a questions

"Combination?" He asked

"18-25-18" I answered

He put it in and the lock opened

"Thank you" I smiled at him

"You are very welcome" He smiled back "And don't worry these locks are pretty hard, you just have to get used to them" He reassured me

I simply nodded and placed everything in my locker. I grabbed my binder and my math book since that was my first class. I closed my locker and was shocked to see that the guy who helped me was still there

"Well you have a good class" He said and started walked away

"You too" I called out and turned around

I looked down at my schedule to make sure that I was heading the right way.

I felt eyes on me but I didn't turn around until I was sure they were no longer on me. I quickly looked over my shoulder and saw the guy walking into his classroom.

I reached my classroom and took a deep breath before walking in. I soon felt all of the eyes on me. I scanned the room as fast as I could to find an open desk and as soon as my eyes landed on one, I made my way towards it. I placed my things on it and sat down.

I decided to go on my phone to distract myself. That's when I saw a text from my mom.


Hope everything is going well so far! Don't forget to talk to people, that's how you make friends !!


Everything is going ok for now, I guess. And thank you for that reminder, I almost thought that I had to ignore people in order to become friends with them




Sorry! Gtg class is starting

The teacher walked in as soon I as I turned my phone off

"Good morning everyone! For those of you who don't know me, I'm Mr.Campbell" He greeted us


Math class ended up being not too bad but we were only the first day so I'll just have to wait and see. Before I knew it the bell rang.

As I was gathering my things, I felt someone approach me.

"Hi there! I'm Hannah!" The girl spoke

She had light brown hair that stopped mid-shoulder and dark brown eyes. She was wearing jeans with a yellow top.

"Hi, I'm Althia" I introduced myself

"That's such a pretty name" Hannah complimented

I thanked her

"What's your next class?" She asked

"Art. You?" I asked back

"Same here" She smiled

Together we made our way out of the classroom and towards our lockers. Turns out, hers is right next to mine. Once we reached our lockers, I saw the guy from earlier leaning on mine.

"Thought you'd might need help again with that lock of yours" He told me, as he saw the confusion on my face

I smiled at him

"Jeff, don't worry about her. I'm here to help now, and you should be with Clay at the library" Hannah told him before I could say anything

Jeff looked at us both before flashing a smile and walking towards the library to meet whoever Clay was.

"Sorry if I seemed like a buzzkill" Hannah apologized as she opened her locker and I struggled to open mine "Combination?" She asked and I told her "He barely passed English last year and had to do some summer schooling" She informed me as she opened my locker

I put my math book away and grabbed what I needed for art

"It's fine, don't stress about it" I reassured

"Plus, you're gonna have plenty of time to talk to him and Clay" She said

I nodded and we walked to our class

"Alright, you've got yourself one friend who is gonna share her friends with you. You're doing good so far." I told myself
