
Althia.Tonight: Formal ain't ready for us and neither are you guys🙈😈🙊

Cheersheri: Can't wait to see you two ladies and your outfits🙌🙌
RyanS: You already know my Queens are gonna fuck shit up at this dance🙏🙆
ScottyReed: Trust me babe, I'm ready😏👅
Dempz: Pleeeeeeeaaaaaaaaseeeeee show me your dress😢😩
Dempz: @ScottyReed You can leave my girlfriends comments now because you definitely aren't ready and you shouldn't even get to appreciate their outfits b y e🖕🖕
MontyCruz: Was this the reason why you guys spent an HOUR in that store?🙄
JAttakitten: Damn my besties are fire😍😍
JAttakitten: I ain't even ready and I know what the dresses look like😰
Althia.Tonight: @Cheersheri Can't wait to see you !!!💝
Althia.Tonight: Hi King, you have the facts👌💗 @RyanS
Althia.Tonight: G O O D the fuck B Y E @ScottyReed and ps you ain't ready.🤷🤷
Althia.Tonight: @Dempz You know I can't do that, sorry not sorry😝💙
Althia.Tonight: Also thank you for dealing with nasty😚 @Dempz
Althia.Tonight: One, we spent like 10 mins in here tops and it was just to take this picture and two, you know you had fun🙆💜 @MontyCruz
Althia.Tonight: @JAttakitten ilysm💛 and you better keep it a secret🤫
CocoaJess: Fucking right🤞
CocoaJess: Ain't nobody ready😤😤
CocoaJess: And yeah @MontyCruz be more positive😜 and @JAttakitten shhhh it's a sister secret and ily💕💕
Alex_cannot_Stand_you_All: AL
Alex_cannot_Stand_you_All: SHOW ME JESSICA'S DRESS PLEASE🙏
Dempz: IT'S NOT FAIR😩😩
ClaireBearz: oof🔥🔥
BryceWalks: Y'all are gonna fuck shit up alright🍆💦
Althia.Tonight: I can't wait to slay looks omg💖 @CocoaJess
Althia.Tonight: @Alex_cannot_Stand_you_All @Dempz JUST A COUPLE MORE DAYS AND YOU'LL KNOW IT AIN'T THAT BIG AHHHHH😂😂
CocaJess: @Dempz @Alex_cannot_Stand_you_All Maybe you two should be worrying about ASKING us to formal first and then stress about our dresses
Althia.Tonight: ^^^!!! Just a suggestion tho🤷 @Alex_cannot_Stand_you_All @Dempz
Althia.Tonight: Thank you pretty💘 @ClaireBearz
Althia.Tonight: Don't you have a gf ??? Stop it. @BryceWalks
CloRice: @BryceWalks Wtf was is that suppose to mean?
CloRice: Who even are you????
Althia.Tonight: Don't worry about it @CloRice just come get your man out of my comments thanks


MontyCruz: "You'll just need to drop us off" They said "Come along, it'll be fun" They promised... Meanwhile I was stuck carrying bags(alone, thanks Jeff👍) and trailing behind them while they went into yet another store😑😒
👤:Althia.Tonight, CocoaJess, JAttakitten

JAttakitten: I would just like to point out that as Jess' and Thia's official best friend, it is in my duty to assist them in shopping and give proper advice&comments, therefore I am not obligated to carry any bags🧐 sorry man
Marcus4Prez: Damn daddy must be rich👀
ScottyReed: @Marcus4Prez I don't remember giving them money🤔
BryceWalks: @Marcus4Prez @ScottyReed Neither do I 🤔🤷
MontyCruz: That's some bullshit excuse right there and you know it🙄 @JAttakitten
MontyCruz: @Marcus4Prez @ScottyReed @BryceWalks AHAHAHAHAHAHA you guys are so fucking funny calling yourselves daddy and shit AHAHAHAHAHA GOOD FUCKING BYE 👋COMMENT SHIT LIKE THAT AGAIN AND WE'LL SEE WHERE YOU END UP🖕🖕
RyanS: A sis snapped but I like it ^
Alex_cannot_Stand_you_All: Fuck yes😅
Alex_cannot_Stand_you_All: I'm so glad I missed out on this shopping trip😩🙏
Dempz: Monty! Can YOU show me the dress???
JustFoley: I didn't even know we had those stores here wtf
MontyCruz: @RyanS Sis snapped because they're assholes😤😤
MontyCruz: @Alex_cannot_Stand_you_All Fuck youuu😡😒
MontyCruz: You know I can't do that🤷 @Dempz
MontyCruz: @JustFoley They're called outlets or something and apparently it's tinier than the normal stores so they have less things and good deals and shit idk😬
Althia.Tonight: @JAttakitten I was going to congratulate you on your well constructed sentence but then you finished it with 'sorry man' so I'm not counting it😪😂
Althia.Tonight: Also Mont you know you had fun, just admit it 😞
CocoaJess: Omg Monty🙄
CocoaJess: Instead of this big caption that's lame, you could have just captioned it 'vroom vroom in Montitty's car🚗🚨'
CocoaJess: Also you know you enjoyed yourself so stahp
JAttakitten: Awe man :( @Althia.Tonight
MontyCruz: I'll only admit it a little bit but it was an alright trip😖 @Althia.Tonight @CocoaJess
MontyCruz: Also @CocoaJess aren't you a funny one😂😒😒
Althia.Tonight: Yayyyy I knew it💜✨
CocoaJess: I knew you liked it and thanks I try💁

Homecoming is gonna be so much drama, y'all are not ready for it 👀
Much love as always xx
