
Althia.Tonight: Zachy wins💙🔒






CocoaJess: I'M SO HAPPY😭😭

Alex_cannot_Stand_you_All: ^^She's literally almost crying out of joy right now😂😂

Alex_cannot_Stand_you_All: But what is it exactly that Zach wins?? Also yay you finally got your fucking donuts so you can stop complaining!🙏🙏

BruhItsCalebZ: Moved on pretty fast, didn't you babe😉

{Althia.Tonight deleted this comment}



Althia.Tonight: @CocoaJess @BakedHans I AM SO HAPPY IT WAS SO CUTE I'M JUST AHHHHH

Althia.Tonight: Um he wins me duh @Alex_cannot_Stand_you_All And yes FINALLY... Until next time😅

RyanS: It's about damn time

Althia.Tonight: Facts @RyanS

JustFoley: Those donuts look very good no wonder Zach is winning

JAttakitten: @JustFoley Fuck how good the donuts look, DID YOU EVEN READ WHAT THEY SAID


Althia.Tonight: @JustFoley I love how you didn't even see the whole point of this post until Jeffy pointed it out to you😂😂 but the donuts were very good fyi👅🙌

JAttakitten: @Dempz As cute as this is and as happy as I am for you both I gotta tell you this, as Thia's bestfriend, that if you EVER do ANYTHING to hurt her I will, and trust me, I will kick your fucking ass till you're my bitch

TPadilla: ^^^ @Dempz As Tony I feel like it is my nature to warn you that I will join Jeff and hurt you a thousand times more than you hurt Al if it ever happens

Althia.Tonight: Much love for you both💕 @JAttakitten @TPadilla Thanks for looking out for me but we all know Zachy would never hurt me

Cheersheri: So happy for you both!🤗

Althia.Tonight: Thanks!🤗 @Cheersheri

ClayJens: Am I feeling that feeling of when you ship two people together and they finally happen??

Althia.Tonight: @ClayJens I believe so

BryceWalks: Donuts was all he could afford? Cmon baby, you and I know both know I could treat you better than him

Althia.Tonight: @BryceWalks One, he got me donuts because I've been wanting some. Two, don't call me baby, I'm Zach's baby. And three, there's no way you could treat me better than him because he's the best of the best🤷💁

ScottyReed: Should have said no😩

Althia.Tonight: But I said yes😩🖕 @ScottyReed

Dempz: Indeed I do win💙💙

Althia.Tonight: 😘😘 @Dempz

Dempz: Annnnnd @JAttakitten @TPadilla I am not planning on ever hurting Thi but if I somehow break this promise please live up to yours and beat the living shit out of me and make me your bitch

MontyCruz: Super happy for y'all😀

Althia.Tonight: Thx.😀 @MontyCruz


Dempz: All mine😈🤤💙




RyanS: I stan such a queen holy fuck🙆🙆

JustFoley: Aw, she's literally glowing with happiness😄

RyanS: Shhh nobody tell him^ that it's actually her poppin highlighter... We don't wanna ruin it for him

Alex_cannot_Stand_you_All: Possessive much?

Dempz: Maybe just a lil😬 @Alex_cannot_Stand_you_All

ClayJens: Alex gets me laughing so hard, all of the damn time😂💀

ClayJens: Also those emojis make me highly uncomfortable

Dempz: @ClayJens Sorry not sorry

ScottyReed: Damn you really hit a home run with this one🏏😍💣

Dempz: "This one"... she has a name and it's Althia and she's mine and yes I know I'm lucky as fuck👋 @ScottyReed

JAttakitten: "All mine" PFFFFFT AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA that's funny😂😂

JAttakitten: Thia is like 25% mine🤷


CocoaJess: She's also 25% mine🤷

BakedHans: ^ and mine🤷

Dempz: There's no way I'm settling for only 25% of her🤷 @JAttakitten @CocoaJess @BakedHans

CocoaJess: ANNND BBY YOU ARE SUCH A SNACK😫😫 @Althia.Tonight

BakedHans: A WHOLE MEAL👌🙆 @Althia.Tonight

BryceWalks: Fucking hell I want her😣🙏🙏

Dempz: Too bad you'll never ever everrrrr have her👋👋 @BryceWalks

Cheersheri: Girl you are so pretty! @Althia.Tonight

Dempz: @Cheersheri She's the prettiest😇

MontyCruz: Well this is cute, happy for you bro😄

Dempz: Thanks man😁 I appreciate it a lot @MontyCruz

Althia.Tonight: Damn am I ever fine as hell🙆😍

Dempz: You got that right baby💙😗 @Althia.Tonight

Althia.Tonight: Also Zachy... Jess, Han and Jeffy are all right, you gonna have to share me with them🤷

Dempz: Fine🙄but we'll have to talk more about the arrangements since I feel like 25% is not enough for me @Althia.Tonight

Althia.Tonight: Btw @RyanS ILY LEGEND💓 @JustFoley The lighting+My happiness=me a glowing goddess😂😂 @JAttakitten YOU ARE THE VERY BEST PAPA💛💛 @CocoaJess @BakedHans I LOVE YOU BOTH SO SO SO SO MUCH💖💖 annnnd @Cheersheri Thanks Ik!😇


Hello lovelies, I'm not sure if anyone reads what I say at the end of chapters but I just want to make a quick side note. A lot of you have been messaging me or commenting about how you want Althia and Justin to happen already. I promise that they will happen eventually. As a writer and an active reader on Wattpad, I've read plenty 13rw fanfics, and not to be rude or shade any of the books that I have read or any books that are on this site, but I've noticed the same plot repeating itself often. A new girl shows up, people tell her that someone is bad news, she ends up not listening and gets in an immediate relationship with that someone, everyone is fine with it, she ends up getting pregnant, they get married and happily ever after. To me as a growing writer who is always trying to find ways to improve my writing, I find that developing relationships is important. Like I said, not to bash all the other books out there and try and put mine superior, I just think that taking time to develop Althia and Justin's relationship is very important. Logically speaking, for me, I find that if I were to go to a new school and people would warn me about a certain crowd, I would stay away. Althia finds herself in a situation where her new friends are telling her that, not only Justin but Montgomery, Scott and Bryce are all bad news. As I want to focus on developing relationships and friendships, Althia would listen to everyone and stay away from them. However as the story goes on, Althia gives Justin a chance. She gives Montgomery a chance and they are slowly brought into her friend group. Once again, logically speaking, for me, if I were to bring people that my other friends weren't too fond of in my friend group, it would take time to adjust. It's like if I were to make Althia go out with Bryce or Scott. I understand that that's not entirely the same thing but everyone has warned her about them and she, herself, has seen how terrible they are. Why would see want to be friends with them, let alone date them? That is why I find that it's important that we see the development between Althia and characters like Justin and Montgomery. I also think it's important that we see the development between them and other characters like Jessica, Jeff, Alex and Zach to see how they feel towards Justin and Monty. As for Althia now dating Zach, as I've said, I've read many stories on this site and I see that when a story is about a certain character, the main character always falls for someone else before the main love interest. I decided to make Althia and Zach's friendship turn into a relationship so that I can focus more on the development between her and Justin's friendship. Again, logically speaking, for me, it makes sense that Althia starts to date either Zach or Jeff since her friend group doesn't have a problem with them and she has spent more time with them than she has with Justin or Montgomery. To conclude all of this, I promise that Althia and Justin will end up together but it will take some time. Just because they won't be in a relationship doesn't mean they won't have a friendship. I strongly believe that a friendship is necessary before a relationship and that's where I'm heading with Althia and Justin. They will have their moments and I swear you will see more of Justin. That being all said I hope you enjoyed the update. I hope you all understand what I have in mind for this book and I hope everyone understands why Justin is slowly getting in the story. Nothing but love as always xx
