

I was eating a banana while sitting on my doorsteps, waiting for Zach to come pick me up for school

Zach soon pulled up into my driveway and I grabbed my backpack

"Get in the back" I heard Zach say as I was throwing away my banana peel

I turned around since I thought he was talking to me but then I saw Justin in the passenger seat

"I'm not going in the back" Justin told him

"I want Thi to seat beside me" Zach said

"I'm not going in the fucking back" Justin repeated

As I was walking up to the car, Justin sighed and threw his bag in the back

"I'm going in the fucking back" He told Zach as he opened the passenger door, leaving it open for me

Justin climbed in the back as I got in the passenger seat

"Morning, babe" Zach smiled at me

"Good morning" I replied, leaning in to kiss his cheek but Zach turned his head and my kiss landed on his lips

"Reminder that I am here" Justin spoke

I laughed and turned around to look at Justin

"Good morning, Jus!" I cheesed at him

Justin rolled his eyes and made a puking sound as a reply

"Oof, someone is cranky this morning" I teased him

Zach pulled out of my driveway and we started to make our way to school

"I have my reasons to be cranky" Justin told me

"What are those reasons?" I asked him

"Bryce never showed up to pick me up, and then I decided to take the fucking bus but I missed it because I never take the fucking bus because it's the fucking bus and yeah that's it" He answered

"I found him walking and offered him a ride and now he's back cranky because I told him to move to the back so you could sit next to me" Zach chimed in

"I would've have been fine in the back you know" I told Zach

"Yes. I know, but then I couldn't do this" He said as he grabbed my hand and kissed the back of it

Justin made another sound

"Jus, I feel like I haven't seen you in forever" I changed the subject

"Althia, it's been like 5 days since the party" Justin replied

"But still, I didn't really see you at the party and then you didn't stay over like we had planned and you weren't there on Sunday" I told him "I don't know, it just feels like awhile" I repeated

"I get what you mean" He said "I guess I've been busy with Montgomery and all of them" He added

I became silent at the mention of Monty. I've been ignoring him since our last text conversation but that hasn't stopped him from texting and calling me whenever he had the chance.

"He's really sorry, by the way. About everything." Justin said when he noticed my silence

I could feel Zach's eyes on me as well as they both waited for my response

"I'd like the hear that from him" Was my answer

"Hasn't he been texting you?" Zach asked

I looked at him and rolled my eyes

"Yes but that doesn't count" I answered

"Why?" Justin questioned

"An apology over text in an apology not meant" I said "So tell your best friend that if he really wants to talk to me and apologize or whatever, then he needs to man up and do it in person" I added

After that everyone went silent for a bit except for some small talk here and there

We finally arrived at school and made our way inside

"See you at lunch or in mechanics" I told Justin as we stopped by his locker

He nodded as a reply, and Zach and I made our way to my locker where everyone was waiting for us

"How do we act around them now?" Clay whispered to the group but obviously not quietly enough since we heard him

"Act as you've always acted" Zach told him

"That would make sense" Clay responded making all of us laugh

We talked until the first bell rang

"I'll see you at lunch?" Zach asked as the boys were saying their goodbyes before heading to their first class

"Mmh, of course" I responded

Zach leaned in and gave me a quick peck, leaving me a smiling mess, before walking away with the guys

"Ahhhhh you guys are so cute wow" Hannah gushed as soon as they were out of sight

I playfully rolled my eyes and grabbed my things for class

"I'm for real living for Zathia" Jessica chimed in

"You made a ship name?" I looked at her

"Oh, would you look at that, it's time for me to go" She replied as she looked at her imaginary watch, making Han and I laugh "I'll see you guys at lunch" She added

"Don't you have cheer?" Han and I both asked at the same time, making us laugh again

"Yeah but I'll skip it" Jess shrugged "Can't miss Zathia's first lunch together!" She added before running away to her class

The last bell rang so Han and I quickly made our way to our first period


"I swear to God if we get another project in English, I'm going to cry" I complained to Hannah, Tony and Clay as we waited for the others during lunch

"At least you don't have a lab to do in every single science subject" Clay said as he flipped through one of his manuals.

"Well maybe if you didn't take every single science subject, you wouldn't have so many labs to do" Tony told him

Clay rolled his eyes and we all laughed

"Bonjour!" Jeff exclaimed as he slid his tray onto the table and took a seat

"Jeff, sweetie, how about you stick to learning English first then we can move onto French" Clay said

We all oo'ed like a bunch of children as Jeff flipped us off

Jessica and Alex soon joined the table. Zach was the last one to come

We ate and joked around like we always do

"I'll meet you at your locker" Zach told me as he and the boys went to their lockers

I nodded before heading to my locker with the girls

"So Zachary is really touchy and feely, eh?" Was the first thing Jess said

"Jess, did you seriously spend all lunch watching them?" Han asked her

"Duh" Jess responded "I need to know what type of couple they are" She added

"And what did you find out?" I questioned as Han and I opened our lockers

"Well like I was saying, Zach is super touchy and showy and you're a little more reserved but I feel like when it's just the two of you, you're a highkey freak" Jess proudly answered

"Oh god" I responded

"I wonder what goes on in your head sometimes" Han said

"A lot of things but you can't tell me that I'm wrong about this" Jess responded

"She does have a point" Han said, agreeing with Jess

I rolled my eyes and took whatever I needed from my locker

The boys joined us as we made our way to Jess' locker

We talked until the bell rang and then we all went to class


"I'll text you when I get home" I told Zach as we were saying goodbye at the end of the day

"I'm driving you home, loser" Zach told me as he laughed and grabbed my backpack

"Well, how was I supposed to know that?" I asked

"One, I drove you to school so that automatically means you get a ride home and two, you're my girl so now I gotta take care of you" Zach answered

"Oh so before you didn't care about me?" I teased him

Zach stopped on his tracks and looked at me

"Oh shush it" He rolled his eyes before smacking my butt and continuing walking like he didn't do anything

"Zachary Shan-Yung Dempsey" I said

"Yes, Althia Dawn Knight?" He responded as he unlocked his car

"Just because you are my mans now, does not mean that my butt belongs to you" I told him as I got into the passenger seat

"Hmm, we'll see about that" He said and I glared at him playfully

For the rest of the car ride, we playfully argued about what Zach could and could not do to me

Once I got home, I started my homework until Jess texted me



Yo can we go somewhere Friday after school?




Just as long as I'm back at school for practice at 4:30


Of course


I have cheer too


Okay perfect






There's this noodle shop near Monet's that I've been craving for a while now...


Kay, we'll go there then


Yay thanks




Hi! I know I'm a bit late with this but I just wanted to say thank you to everyone for 10k+ reads! Every single read means so much to me, you have no idea! I wake up every morning excited to see how many reads I've gained since I fell asleep. It means the entire world to me! Much love as always xx
