

"Yo, I'm fucking scared to do this" Jeff exclaimed
We were all at lunch and Jeff had brought up that he's going to ask Claire to our winter formal and now he's freaking out about it.
"I don't even get the big deal about all of this, it's just a dance" Justin spoke
"Yeah" Montgomery agreed "Who even is this chick anyways?" He asked
"Oh my god, Montgomery!" Jeff let out a huge sigh "I've been talking to you about her for weeks now" He told him
"Oh yeah, she goes to that private school and has hot friends" Monty remembered
"Speaking of hot friends, have you two messaged any of the girls we sent to you?" Jessica questioned Monty and Justin
"Haven't gotten around to it yet" Jus shrugged
"Yeah same" Mont nodded "Plus, I don't know if I even want to ask someone to formal seeing how Jeffery is completely shitting himself" He added
"I am not" Jeff argued "I just don't know how to do it" He said
"Man, it's really not that hard" Alex spoke "You just go 'hey, do you wanna go to formal with me?'" He demonstrated as he turned to Jess
Zach nodded his head, agreeing with Alex
"That better not have been your way of asking me or else you're going to find yourself going alone, buddy" Jess made a face at him as he kept looking at her, seeming to wait for an answer
"And you better not even think about doing what he just did" I spoke, looking at Zach
At the look of my face, Zach shook his head and grinned at me
"Of course not" Zach said
"Babe, you know I would never ask you like that" Alex told Jessica
The two of us mmhed the boys
"Alright so now you know exactly what not to do" Justin pointed out
"Ok, Jeffy" I said "You ask Claire in a nice way, you don't have to go full promposal but you can't be too chill about it" I told him
"Some flowers and a cute little nice sign would do it" Jessica added for me "You don't even need a sign" She said
"Alright, yeah, I can do that" Jeff nodded his head, seeming to convince himself more than us
"And you two should really message at least one of the girls, they're nice" Jessica told Montgomery and Justin
"I don't know" They both said
"Why?" I asked "You two will be the only ones without a date if Jeff can grow some balls and ask Claire" I reminded them
"Yeah, wouldn't you feel left out?" Jess asked them, before Jeff could whine about my comment
"Why would I feel left out when I can dance with my two lovely friends who happen to be the prettiest girls at our school" Montgomery said, making Jess and I scoff at him
"Nice try Montgomery" We both said as he laughed
Jessica and I turned to Justin, waiting for his excuse to not message a girl
"Imma be drinking the night away so..." Justin trailed off
"I think the fuck not" I told him "We're not going to show up at the dance drunk or drink at it" I said
Everyone at the table looked at me
"We're definitely going to get some drinks in" Jessica told me
Everyone nodded agreeing with her
"I can't with yous sometimes" I shook my head
"As if you would think of going to a dance and not get some drinks in" Zach spoke
"Oh yeah, isn't that why there's an after party?" I asked
"After party? There's an after party?" Jeff questioned
"Yeah, isn't it at Marcus'?" I looked around the table
"How do you not want to drink at our dance but you know there's a party when no one else does" Alex said
"Because I'm cool and everybody wants me at their parties" I replied in a duh voice while I flipped my hair exaggeratedly
"Right" Alex rolled his eyes, sarcasm evident in his voice
"Everyone wants you at their parties because they wanna get with you" Zach growled under his breath but it was loud enough for our table to hear
"Whoa, protective and jealous Zachy is a Zachy I like to see" Monty howled
I laughed and grabbed Zach's hand under the table
"At least I have a valid reason to get jealous and protective" Zach shot back
Montgomery's face dropped and we all laughed
"Oof, I felt that" Jeff touched his chest
"Boys, do you have practice for anything after school?" Jessica asked them, changing the subject after we had all calmed down from our laughter
"Zach and I have basket, why?" Justin questioned
"Alt and I want to go dress shopping after school and we still need a ride" Jess answered
"Why can't Alex take us?" I asked
"I'm tutoring some freshman in English" He answered
"Ew, why would do that?" Zach questioned
"Because I want to finish my volunteer hours" Alex answered
"Oh, that's right! We've got those to do" Monty exclaimed making the rest of us shake our heads
"Wait, don't you have cheer?" Jeff asked Jessica
"Yeah but I'm skipping so I can go shopping" Jess told him in a duh voice "So can either you or Monty drive us to the mall" She questioned
"I drove with Montgomery this morning so it's all up to him" Jeff said
Jessica and I looked at Montgomery who looked at us
"Ugh" Was all he said
"You don't need to stay, you just need to drop us off" I told him
Jessica nodded
"Please please please pleeeeeease" We pleaded
"Okay, fine" He finally agreed
We cheered
"Vroom, vroom in Montitty's car" We both said at the same time making us laugh
"How do yous do that?" Justin asked us
"What? Talk at the same time?" We questioned him, again at the same time, which only made us laugh even more
"I have a fifth sense" Jessica answered his question by quoting 'Mean Girls'
"It's like I have ESPN or something, my breasts can always tell what Jessica is about to say" I said, continuing the quote but changing it so it goes with our situation
All of the boys made a face while they tried to figure out what we had just said and that made us laugh even harder
Before any of them could say anything, the first bell rang
"Bye" I quickly kissed Zach's cheek as I got up
Jessica quickly kissed Alex and together we started to make our way out of the cafeteria to our lockers, laughing and quoting Mean Girls
"I didn't even get a proper kiss" I could hear Zach whine from behind us
"I love how they always leave us like this" Alex said
"What the fuck are they on and can I be on it?" Justin spoke
"I have never been this confused in my entire and now I have to drive them somewhere, shoot me" Montgomery complained
"Ohhhhhh, it was a Mean Girls reference" Jeff practically yelled once he figured it out


"Vroom, vrom in Montitty's car" Jessica and I chanted from the backseats of Monty's car while he started making his way to the mall for us
"I swear to God, if you two say that one more time, I'm going to kick you out" Montgomery warned us, starting to get annoyed
"Vrom" Jess started
"Vroom" I continued
"In" She went on
"Montitty's" I added
"CAR!" Jeff finished from the passenger's seat
"Fuck you guys" Monty shook his head
Jeff turned around and looked at us while we made a 'yikes' face since we knew we had pushed him too far and now he was really annoyed
For the rest of the car ride, Jessica and I were on our best behavior. We made sure to not continue pushing Monty's buttons.

"Thank you Mont" I cheesed once we had arrived at mall
I leaned over his seat and hugged him
"Yes, thank you very much" Jessica spoke as she joined in on the hug
"Okay, okay, you're welcome" Montgomery shooed us "Y'all are choking me" He added while laughing
Jessica and I let go of him and were ready to step out of the car when Monty started driving again
"What are you doing?" Jess asked him once he had found a parking spot and parked his car
"Well I'm already here so I might as well stick around" He answered, making Jessica, Jeff and I smile
The four of us got out of the car and started to make our way inside the mall
"Where to first ladies?" Jeff asked us
"To the fanciest dress shop we have here" Jess exclaimed while grabbing my hand before she started to basically run towards this store, leaving the boys to trail us behind
"Jessica, isn't this too fancy for a school dance?" I questioned as I looked around the store and saw a bunch of ball gowns and evening gowns
"No, they have appropriate dresses" She promised "They're closer to the back" She said
We made our way towards the back and started looking at dresses

"How the hell are you going to pay for these dresses?" Jeff asked as he looked at the price tag of a dress
"First of all, Jeffy, that's a wedding dress" I started off which made everyone laugh and Jeff step away from the dress "Second of all, my parents gave me money because it's my first dance at my new school and blah blah blah so I have cash to spend" I added
"Yeah same" Jess told him "Except my dad just wanted to spoil me" She said
"I wish" Jeff replied "I need a job" He sighed
"Same but I have no clue where to apply" I said
"Isn't there always openings at the theater?" Montgomery questioned
We all looked at him and he looked at us confused until he realized what he had just said
"Yeah no nevermind, don't apply there" He tried to play it off cool "Ew imagine working with Hannah and Clay" He made a face
"You know sometimes, I really want to question your stupidity but then I remember that I'm worse than you so it's okay" Jeff told him
"As long as you both know you're dumb and we love you" Jessica said

Jessica and I tried on a bunch of dresses and got some comments from the boys who just sat on the couch while looking terribly bored

"I don't see why you don't want to message a girl" Jessica told Montgomery as we were looking for shoes to match our dresses
"Those shoes are ugly" He said to her as she frowned and put them away
"Justin finally agreed so why can't you do it with him" I pointed out
"Yeah. If Bryce can have a fucking girlfriend, you can message this one girl" Jeff spoke
"Bryce has a girlfriend?!" We all looked at him
"Sadly yes" Jeff told us
"Who is she?" Monty asked
"She's that girl that keeps transferring between our school and the private school" He answered
"The bitch that always leaves cheer when we need her the most?" Jessica gasped "Chloe something right?" She questioned
"That's the one" Jeff nodded
"Ugh, I can't believe someone would ever go out with that" I made a face
"Give me a name and I'll message a girl" Montgomery suddenly said as he pulled out his phone
Jessica and I clapped our hands and told him to message Bella since Justin said he was going to message Allie


Once I arrived home, I went straight to my room to hang up my new dress and to place my heels and accessories somewhere where I could find them easily.
I talked to Zach for a bit on the phone before talking to my parents and showing them what I had gotten and then I called it a night.

Hope y'all enjoyed this boring ass chapter 🤠😂
Much love as always xx
