

I was heading downstairs to have a quick breakfast with my dad, luckily for me, my mom had to work early this morning, before Jessica and Hannah picked me up.

"Are you wearing that?" My dad asked me as I walked into the kitchen

"Yeah, why?" I asked him

I grabbed an apple and took a bite out of it as my dad sighed.

I was wearing a white cropped spaghetti top and forest green shorts

"You're pushing it, Althia" Dad said

"You know I love you" I responded

"Yes but watch yourself" He warned "First you ask me to not tell mom about what happened in our front yard, then you're going away for the weekend and now you're leaving the house with that on" He explained

Before I could say anything, a car beeped its horn from outside

"They're here" I announced

I took another bite of my apple before throwing it away. I hugged my dad quickly and kissed his cheek, while I thanked him again.

I grabbed my bag and put my flip flops on before going outside

Jessica got out of the car and sat in the back with Hannah while I got in the passenger

"No offense Monty, but why is he with us?" I asked the girls as Montgomery backed out of my driveway

"Well I didn't feel like driving for a long time, and Monty is the only one that isn't annoying us so yeah" Hannah told me

I nodded since it made sense

"Can you girls finally tell me why you all suddenly needed a weekend getaway?" Monty asked

"The boys are suffocating us" Jessica answered

"They're just looking out for you" Monty defended them

"Yeah, but it's getting too much" I told him

"They taught us how to defend ourselves, they aren't happy that we're talking to you, they aren't happy that Alt is tutoring Justin in mechanics. Hell, Jeff almost beat the shit outta him when he saw the two of them together" Hannah explained more

"So that's what happened" Monty muttered but we all heard him

"What was that?" I questioned

"It's just Justin came over to Bryce's last night and he was angry and sad but he didn't want to tell us why so he just spent most of the night getting high" He told us

I look at the girls and we all shared the same expression

The rest of the car ride was filled with stupid games and jokes, and blasting music


"Let's go get changed" Jess yelled as we arrived in the parking lot

We all ran to the changing room, leaving Montgomery behind to carry all of the bags

"Wow you're hot" I told Jess as she came out wearing a yellow bikini

She laughed and shook her head

"Me? Look at you! You're glowing" She pointed at my black bikini with pink flowers

"I think I win" Hannah smirked, coming out in a white bikini that had the words 'good vibes' all over it written in black

"Damnnnn" Jess and I both whistled at her

We all laughed and made our way back outside where Monty was waiting near the door

"Y'all ready to have some fun?" He asked

We all nodded and starting running towards the sand


"So you and Dempsey?" Monty spoke while we were waiting for Hannah and Jessica to come back with food

"What about us?" I asked

"You two seem close" He trailed off

"What do you mean by that?" I questioned

"Althia!" Monty chuckled

"Whaaat?" I looked at him

Montgomery sighed

"If I tell you something, do you promise to keep it only between us two?" He asked

"I'll most likely end up telling Jess and Han" I told him

"Alright, keep it between us four?" He asked again

I nodded my head, waiting for him to continue

"Alright so Zach might have a small little crush on you" Monty told me "Annnd, Jeff totally had a crush on you too" He added

"How do you know that?" I asked him

"Zach told all of us when he was drunk and Jeff didn't say anything but it's pretty obvious" He said

I looked at him

"Think of it... Both, Zach and Jeff, got really close with you and they both were looking out for you" Monty started "Jeff starts acting weird after you and Zach spent that day together, the week following he slowly starts ignoring you" He continued "It's pretty obvious that he had a thing for you but when he saw you and Dempsey getting closer, instead of manning up and telling you how he felt, he decided to become distant" He finished

Before I could respond, Hannah and Jess came back with food

"Did we miss anything?" Hannah asked, feeling the tension as Jessica looked at us

We both shook our heads but I gave them a 'we need to talk later' type of look.

We all ate and then went swimming for a little bit more

"How many pictures do you girls need?" Montgomery whined as he followed us with our phones, snapping pictures

"We're almost done" We promised him

He groaned but kept taking pictures

The ride to the cabin didn't take long but by the time we arrived there, we were all pretty tired.

"So what did Monty tell you?" Hannah asked as soon as he had left to go to a nearby corner store

"He said that Zach drunkenly told the boys that he likes me-" I started but got off by Jessica

"No shit, I could have told you that" She said

Hannah slapped her which caused her to make a face and then they both gave me their attention again

"And that Jeff likes me too but when he saw how close Zach and I were getting, he acted out and started acting like an asshat" I finished

"That does make sense" Jess said

"Yeah, but did Jeff go to any of the guys and tell him that or is Montgomery just assuming?" Hannah asked

"He's assuming" I answered

She made a face which caused Jess and I to look at her questioning

"That just doesn't sound like Jeff, he's usually confident around the girls he likes" She told us

"Yeah but him acting out and being so angry doesn't sound like him too" Jessica argued

"That's true" Han agreed

"Plus, I feel like Monty is really trying to be nice so why would he tell me some bullshit" I spoke

They all nodded in agreement

"Well, I think the best way to finish this night is to post some pics?" Hannah suggested

Jess and I agreed
