Sawyer's outfit:

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Chapter Eighty-Nine
โšกMemory Foundโšก

"The tunnel gate's locked. Everything is locked." Lydia said as she ran into the bunker and Scott closed and locked the door behind her. "Think it'll hold them off?" Malia asked as she walked up to them, "Probably not." Scott said and Sawyer shook her head. "Definitely not." She said.

"You guys aren't hoping I'm gonna be the optimist, are you?" Malia asked and Sawyer raised her eyebrows as she walked past her, giving Anakin a treat in the process. "Definitely not." She said as she walked up to the metal ice box, "So, how cold does this thing get?" Scott asked as he walked up to stand next to Sawyer.

"Cold enough for a Hellhound. It's not the same thing as the ice bath we gave Isaac, but it can lower your core temperature past anything a human can survive." Sawyer explained. "So, what does freezing our asses off have to do with our memories?" Malia asked, looking at Sawyer crazy, "It'll slow your heart rate and put you in a trance-like state." Lydia said and Scott raised his eyebrows.

"Like hypnosis." He said and Lydia nodded, "Hypnotic regression. If we can figure out how to work it." She said and Malia glanced around. "This says start. So, maybe it's not that complicated." Malia said, pointing at a button on the side while Scott looked at the other side where a bunch of knobs and dials were.

"...It's complicated." He said, making them sigh quietly. "So, optimistically, how much time do you think we need to do this?" Malia asked and Sawyer looked over at her, "As much time as Liam and my dad can buy us." She said.

After a couple minutes of trying to figure out where to start, Malia pressed the start button and it came to life. "Okay. It's doing something. You ready?" Malia asked, looking at Scott who was now shirtless. Scott looked at them before slowly walking into the box and closing the door. He looked at them through the small window and nodded, making Sawyer lock it.

"Remember, this will get cold enough to kill you. So, if something feels wrong, or, like it's not working..." Lydia trailed off and Scott just nodded, "It's going to work." He said and Sawyer raised her eyebrows. "I hope you're not saying that because you think we know what we're doing." She said and Lydia nodded in agreement, "I'm saying that because I know you can figure it out." Scott said.

"You put too much trust in people." Sawyer said before turning all the dials, making cold air blow into the box. "Oh, okay. All right. Yeah, that's cold. Really cold." Scott said and he hugged his arms close. "So, what are we supposed to do? Talk to him? Help him remember? Wait 'til he turns into a Werewolf freezy-pop?" Malia asked, looking over at Sawyer and Lydia.

"We need to guide him, keep him focused." Lydia said before looking over at Scott, "Scott, you have to think about him. Concentrate on Stiles. Try to picture him in your head. Think about what he looks like, things he's said." She said and Scott nodded. All of the sudden the machine made a noise and started beeping, making them look around alarmed.

"I don't like this. Something's wrong." Malia asked and Sawyer shook her head slightly, "Wait. Give it a few more seconds." She said. Scott groans before slamming his hand down on the window, "I'm getting him out of there." Malia said and went to grab one of the handles but Sawyer grabbed her arm.

"Wait." She said when she saw Scott relaxing, "Scott... Can you hear me?" She asked calmly and Scott slightly looked up with red eyes. He didn't say anything for a few seconds before his eyes started fluttering, "Hey, Scott, don't fall asleep. You have to keep your eyes open." She said.

"I'm trying..." He mumbled and Lydia sighed softly, "It's not sleep. I think you're losing consciousness... And, if you do that, I think we're gonna lose you." Lydia said and Scott didn't say anything as his eyes kelt fluttering. "Scott, stay awake! Scott!" Malia yelled.

They watched worriedly as Scott seemed to be in a trance. "Scott, try to find him." Sawyer said as Scott glanced around the box but it was obvious he was seeing something else, "Try to find him in your memories." She said calmly. "Find him in any memory! Good or bad!" Lydia said and he frantically glanced around.

"What's happening to him?" Malia asked worriedly and Lydia shook her head, "I don't know." She said. "He doesn't look good. He looks...Lost." Malia said and Sawyer nodded and sighed, "Because he is. I think it's too much information. Like he's getting buried under all the memories, being overloaded by them." She explained and Malia looked over at her.

"So what do we do to help him?"

"Scott? Scott, do you hear me? You have to try to focus!" Sawyer yelled as she lightly tapped on the window. "You hear that?" Malia asked after a few minutes as she walked over to the door, "Thunder?" Lydia asked as Malia listened for a moment. "Maybe." She said and Lydia sighed, "This isn't working." She said looking over at Sawyer who didn't keep her eyes off of Scott who now had his hands to his ears.

"Then we have to figure something else out." Malia said as she walked back over, "I know. I know." Sawyer said. "Is he gonna freeze to death in there?" Malia asked and Sawyer sighed, "If his memories don't kill him first." She said.

"There has to be another way to do this... isn't there?" Malia asked and Lydia shrugged anxiously, "I don't know! This is our first attempt at trying to open a dimensional rift in space-time, so we're kind of fumbling around in the dark, okay?" She said.

"I'm getting him out." Malia said and Sawyer grabbed her arm, "Wait-" She said, making them look at her. "What?" Lydia asked, "We're not the only ones fumbling around in the dark." Sawyer said and Malia just looked at her confused.

"What does that mean?"

"We have to treat this more like actual hypnosis. They use images to guide you through memories. Like a stairwell- the steps take you down through one year of your life to the next. That's how they regress you back." Sawyer explained and Lydia nodded along, getting what Sawyer was saying, "So, he needs to imagine something." She said and Sawyer nodded.

"What do we tell him?" Malia asked and Sawyer looked back at Scott. "Scott? Can you hear me?" She asked calmly. "Scott, listen... Imagine that you're in the high school, in the corridor where all the lockers are. Just try to imagine standing there. That's where your memories are. They're all in the lockers. They're locked away behind each one. Every memory of Stiles is in a separate locker. Scott, you're there... in the high school... you're standing there right now." She said calmly.

Scott's eyes shot open as his body calmed. "Sawyer, I need your help. I don't think I can do this. I can't figure it out." Scott said after a couple minutes, "Keep looking." Sawyer said. "There are memories, but I don't know which one's the right one. What am I supposed to do?" He asked, "Find another memory. Just find another memory."

"It's getting too cold. He's getting too cold." Lydia said as the window started to frost over making Malia turn to them. "What if it's not enough to remember him? What if it's some kind of a connection he's supposed to make because of a memory?" She asked.

"Like an emotional connection?" Sawyer asked and Malia nodded, "That could be why it worked for your dad, right?" She asked and Sawyer nodded slightly. "He wasn't just remembering someone. He was remembering his son." She said and Malia looked at Scott.

"Scott? Scott, can you hear me? Listen, I remember something. At the start of the year, Stiles was trying to find a place for you guys and Sawyer to live after graduation. He said the three of you were getting an apartment together. And I remember saying something like it's not always a good idea to live with your friends, even your best friend. But Stiles said it wouldn't matter, because you weren't just friends- you guys were more like brothers." She said.

Lydia watched for a minute going to unlock everything, "What are you doing?" Malia asked and Lydia glanced at her. "We have to get him out, he's dying." She said before opening the door. Scott fell out making them instantly catch him. "What? What's wrong? Why'd you bring me out?" He asked, "Your heart rate dropped- you were gonna die." Sawyer said and Malia nodded. "We had to." She said, making Scott look at her before looking back at the box with furrowed brows.

"But, then... But then nothing happened, did it? It didn't work." He said before standing up, "I'm going back in." He said, making Sawyer quickly stand in front of him. "No, you're not." She said, "It was working. Something was happening, I could feel it." He said and she just shook her head. "But nothing was happening out here. Nothing, Scott. All we saw was you freezing to death." She said and he tried to move past her but Malia pulled him back.

"You're still too cold." Malia said and he sighed, "We can't give up now." He said and Malia shook her head. "We're not. It's my turn." Malia said before taking off her shirt making them looked at each other warily, "I have plenty of memories of Stiles too."

"It's too dangerous." Lydia said and Scott slightly shook his head, "Not as dangerous as doing nothing. She'll probably handle the cold better than me." Scott said and Malia nodded. "If it's all about connection, then Stiles was the first person I connected with in a long time." Malia said, making Lydia look over at Sawyer, who shrugged slightly.

"She'll need a visual." Scott said, looking over at Sawyer and Lydia making them sigh, "Okay, I have an idea. But Malia, if your heart rate goes down like Scott's, or if we think you're going to freeze to death-" Lydia said and Malia cut her off. "Then get me the hell out of there." She said before walking into the ice box.

Sawyer shut it and locked it while Lydia stood in front of the window, "Imagine you're in the library. There's books all around the place." Lydia said calmly and waited a moment. "Can you see yourself there? Are you in the library now?" She asked, "I'm here. I'm in the library."

"Can you see the books?"

"I see them." Malia said and Lydia glanced at Scott and Sawyer for a second before looking back at Malia. "Concentrate on them. The books on the shelves are your memories- everything that's ever happened to you. Find the shelf that has all your memories of Stiles. Try to find a memory where you made some kind of connection with him." She said calmly.

"Did you find something?" Lydia asked, "I definitely connected." She said making Sawyer furrow her brows for a moment. "Malia?" Sawyer asked when she noticed Malia had closed her eyes, "Malia, open your eyes." Scott said. "Malia, can you hear us?" Lydia asked but Malia didn't make a move or sound. "Malia, you have to open your eyes." Sawyer said and then all of the sudden Malia's eyes shot open and her hand pressed on the window.

Scott and Sawyer instantly went to get the door open when Anakin started to bark, making Sawyer glance back before her eyes widened. "Guys, look! Something's happening." She said, making them follow her line of sight to see a bright green light shine through the greats as the room shook slightly.

Sawyer looked back at the box when she heard Malia gasp. "She's freezing to death. We need to get her out." Sawyer said before quickly unlocking it and opening the door.

Sawyer and Lydia started to turn the box off as Scott wrapped a blanket around Malia, "What are you doing?" He asked when he looked over at Sawyer and Lydia. "It's too dangerous. We're not going to save anyone by freezing you guys to death." Lydia said as they turned to them.

"But it was working, wasn't it?" Malia asked and Sawyer sighed, "There was a light and a strange noise. No Stiles." She said with a slight shrug. "But I remember him now. I can see him in my head." Scott said and Malia nodded in agreement, "So can I."

"He's more real now than he's ever been. If we can bring Stiles back, we can bring everyone back!" Scott said and Lydia sighed, "There's a huge difference in being a vivid memory and an actual corporeal human being." She said and he nodded slightly.

"I know. Which is why I think it should be you." He said looking at Sawyer who looked at them for a moment before signing. "I won't last two minutes in there." She said and Scott sighed, "Then think of something else. Malia's right. It's all about the connection. When I was remembering him, I was also remembering the two of you. I don't think anyone had a connection like you guys. I mean- you're twin, who else would be able to bring him back?" He said, making Sawyer take a deep breath.

"I saw it, too. You have to try, Sawyer." Malia said and Sawyer looked up at them and nodded, "I can't do the box, it'll kill me." Sawyer said and they nodded, "What other options are there?" Malia asked. "Hypnosis." Lydia said after a couple seconds making everyone look at her, "We're gonna hypnotize Saw5?" Scott asked and Sawyer nodded.

"Yeah, that could work. Perfect." Sawyer said and Malia and Scott just looked at each other confused, "But we don't know how to hypnotize someone." She said. "My mother had a hypnotist who helped her quit smoking. She had me see the same one when I was ten." Lydia said and Scott looked at them with wide eyes. "You smoked when you were ten?" Scott asked making Lydia roll her eyes as they looked around.

"No! I bit my fingernails." Lydia said as Scott set a candle down on a table as Malia held up a small torch. "Will this work to light it?" She said and Sawyer pursed her lips slightly before shrugging and nodded, "Yeah sure." Sawyer said and Malia turned it on and lit the candle.

Sawyer grabbed a piece of paper and a pen before writing something down as she sat down, mindlessly petting Anakin, "What's that?" Malia asked. "An induction script. One of you guys is going to have to talk me through this." Sawyer said and Malia picked up the paper, "So I just read this?" She asked.

"Well, you have to soften your voice. Keep it relaxed, but not monotone. Go for clarity, not volume. Try it." Lydia said as Sawyer concentrated on the flame for a second before slowly closing her eyes, still mindlessly petting Anakin. "Take... a... deep... breath... and... look... at... the... candle-" Malia said really slowly, making Sawyer suck in a sharp breath before grabbing the paper and holding it out to Scott and Lydia.

"One of you do it." She said, making Malia pout slightly as Lydia grabbed the paper. "Take a deep breath and look at the candle. Feel the muscles in your body begin to relax. Your hands relaxing. Your eyelids relaxing. As you relax, imagine you're in your father's office." Lydia said and Sawyer closed her eyes before opening them again to see that she was sitting at her dad's desk at the station.

"In front of you is a box full of police files, all filled with memories of you and Stiles. Everytime you open one, a new memory will start. All you have to do is open the files."

Sawyer looked at the box in front of her before slowly standing up opening and pulling out a file. She stared at it for a moment before opening it and everything around her slowly faded into a memory.

Sawyer stood off to the side before the ball rolled up to her while all the players were glancing around for it. She quickly picked it up before looking over at her brother to see that he had a clear shot to the goal. Sawyer smiled slightly before she quickly took off running, "Stiles!" She yelled, making him look at her before she tossed the ball at him and he caught it.

"Go, go!" She yelled, making Stiles quickly start running for the goal, glancing back to see all the players running towards him. Sawyer stopped and laughed, watching Stiles scream in panic as he ran towards the goal. He got a good length away from the goal before stopping and glancing back.

"Stiles!" Sawyer yelled, making Stiles' eyes widen slightly before he quickly turned around, launching the ball into the goal. "Yes!" Sawyer yelled excitedly as she ran over to her brother, "I scored a goal!" Stiles yelled as he wrapped his arms around his sister, making her laugh.

After that, both twins seemed to have gotten a new found confidence as play after play, Sawyer would pass Stiles the ball and he would score until the game was tied.

A moment later, Sawyer glanced around for the ball until she heard her brother call her name, making her look at him. And this time, it was him passing her the ball as she had an open shot. Sawyer's eyes widened slightly before she quickly ran towards the goal, all the players running after her.

People on the bleachers stood up in anticipation, including Lydia, as Sawyer froze for a moment in front of the goal. She breathed heavily, anxiety coursing through her from not only everyone watching her but also knowing this would be the shot to break the score.

"Sawyer! Shoot it!" She heard Lydia yell, making Sawyer's eyes widen slightly before she quickly shot the ball into the goal. She froze slightly in shock as the crowd cheered and her teammates ran over to her. "You made your first goal!" Stiles said in excitement as he grabbed his sister's shoulders and shook her shoulders while teammates patted her back and jumped around.

Sawyer smiled softly, her eyes started to gloss over before she took a deep breath and opened another file.

Sawyer sat on the ground with her back against her bed, Anakin's head in her lap, when Stiles knocked on her door before walking in. "Why'd you do it?" Stiles asked, making Sawyer glance up at him, "Do what?" She asked.

"Let the Nogitsune possess you." Stiles said and Sawyer glanced down at Anakin as Stiles walked over to sit next to her. "Because it was my fault that you were possessed." Sawyer said as she mindlessly petted Anakin and Stiles furrowed his brows.

"How was that at all your fault?" He asked and she sighed, "Twins are connected, but when one has Psychic abilities, they're even more connected with their twin. My sacrifice made my mind vulnerable. When one twin's kind is vulnerable, so is the other, more so since I chose you to be my anchor... Just you didn't get the side effects." Sawyer said and Stiles sighed.

"That's not your fault Sawyer. No one knew it would be that risky." He said and she shrugged slightly, "Well it felt like it was. You wouldn't have been in that mess if I hadn't chosen you to be my anchor... Right before I woke up in your head, I saw a glimpse of you separating from the Nogitsune, not completely being exercised from him. I had a feeling he'd still use all your energy. So I gave him permission to take me and leave you alone." She said before shaking her head slightly.

"Didn't think my mind would nearly kill me just to get him out." She mumbled and Stiles sighed softly before wrapping his arm around her shoulders, making her lean her head on his shoulder. "Now can you let me be the twin to make some sacrifices?" Stiles asked and Sawyer scoffed lightly, "Oh, I expect you to now. I have enough trauma." She said, making him laugh.

Sawyer paused for a moment after the memory ended until she heard Lydia's voice. "Don't get caught in one memory. You need to find the memory. The memory that brings it all back." Lydia said and Sawyer took a deep breath before picking another file.

"Stiles, go!" Sawyer yelled as she struggled against Donovan for a moment before punching him in the face.

Donovan fell to the ground and Stiles quickly grabbed Sawyer's arm and pulled her up before they ran past the bookshelves. Donovan let out a loud yell as Stiles started climbing the scaffolding while Sawyer ran for the stairs. Donovan got up and quickly started climbing the scaffolding as Sawyer reached the second floor of the library.

She looked over the edge when her brother yelled to see Donovan grab onto Stiles' leg. "Don't worry, Stiles. I'm not gonna kill you... I'm just gonna eat your legs!" Donovan said before growling slightly, his eyes going completely white as he showed off his razor sharp teeth.

"The pin..." Sawyer heard multiple people whisper, making her look over to see a pin that was holding up part of the scaffolding. "Pull the pin..." The voices whispered, making her quickly climb over the railing, onto the scaffolding. "Stiles!" She yelled, making her brother look up at her as he tried to kick Donovan away from him.

"Look out." She said before reaching over and pulling the pin out. Stiles pressed himself against the scaffolding while Sawyer gripped onto the bars as a floor to the scaffolding fell, sending a bunch of metal poles down. After a moment, things stopped falling and it got quiet, making the twins look at each other before Sawyer's face fell slightly and her eyes widened a bit when she noticed something below Stiles.

Stiles looked down to see Donovan on the ground, a pole straight through his chest as his coughed up blood. Stiles climbed down before walking up to Donovan, who looked at him. Stiles grabbed onto the pole and went to pull on it before Donovan let out a few deep breaths until his head lolled to the side as he stopped breathing.

A silver liquid dripped down the pole along with blood as Stiles stepped back. He looked back to see Sawyer step down onto the floor, staring at Donovan's body. Her eyes were glossy and her hands were shaking as she tried to control her breathing.

Stiles quickly walked over to her, comfortingly wrapping his arms around her, making her grab his arm.

"That's when it hit me." Sawyer whispered, making them look at her confused, but she was still in the hypnotized state, "When what hit you?" Lydia asked. "When I saw Donovan grab Stiles on the scaffolding... That's when it hit me that I can't live without my brother..." Sawyer said as a tear fell down her face. "I was there." Sawyer said, making them look at her confused, "Where?" Scott asked and she glanced up at them with teary eyes.

"There's no time."

"When he was taken. I was there. I was the last person to see him."

"You're gonna forget me."

"I'm not gonna just forget my brother."

"Just remember that you're the best sister I could ever have... Remember that you're a part of me."

"I forgot about my twin brother." She said in a slight whisper as a tear fell down her cheek, making Anakin lay his head on her lap. All of the sudden a bright green light shined into the room through the grates and everyone around them started to shake. Sawyer looked at the door before getting up and slowly walking over to it. She pulled the handle up and pushed the door open to see a bright white light down the tunnel.

She stepped out, everyone following as she started into the light. And that's when she noticed a figure coming through the light making her eyes widen.

