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โ–ช๏ธŽ ๐Ÿ–ค ๐Ÿณ๏ธโ€๐ŸŒˆ๐Ÿ•ฏโ–ช๏ธŽ

Chapter Ninety-One
โš” Said The Spider To The Fly โš”

"Wolves, or Werewolves?" Malia asked as she laid on her bed, reading a book about France while Lydia and Sawyer stood in front of her. "They said wolves." Sawyer said and Malia flops onto her back and continues reading her book, "Not interested. You go." She said, making Sawyer roll her eyes as she and Lydia glanced at each other.

"Liam was asking for help from the Werecoyote, not the Banshee or the Werewitch." Lydia said after setting down a suitcase, "Why me?" Malia asked and Sawyer shrugged slightly.

"Maybe because you're the former animal. No one understands mysterious animal situations like you do." She said and Malia flops back onto her stomach and looks at Sawyer and Lydia with her book still in her hands. "I'm done with mysterious animal situations. I want mysterious men- French ones." Malia said.

Lydia rolled her eyes at Malia before noticing that the website tracking Malia's flight to Paris is blinking "REROUTED". "Your flight's delayed." Lydia said and Malia shook her head, "No, no... It's re-routed. There's a difference." She said, making Sawyer cock an eyebrow at her.

"Delayed is what happens when a flight is rerouted. So, you have plenty of time to help-" Sawyer said but trailed off when she got distracted by another pop-up on Malia's laptop before continuing. "And there's a storm system shutting down Charles DeGaulle Airport." She said.

Malia glances back to look at the computer before shrugging and returning to her book, "It's a minor shower." She said making Sawyer and Lydia look at each other before they gave Malia a look. Malia sighs before turning around and slamming her laptop shut and arguing in a defensive voice.

"Liam's got everything covered. They were just dead wolves. It doesn't sound supernatural to me." Malia said and Sawyer raised her eyebrows, "We're in Beacon Hills, pretty sure everything here is supernatural."


Sawyer, Anakin, Lydia and Natalie stood in Natalie's new office as they unpacked the boxes of Natalie's things. Natalie looked at a sheet of paper in a brown manila envelope before furrowing her brows slightly, "What's this?" She asked, making Sawyer and Lydia look at her.

"A list of every supernatural in Beacon Hills, starting with the high schoolers." Lydia said as she started going through a box. "Mmm, no thanks." Natalie said as she closed the envelope back up making Lydia sigh in exasperation. "Mom..." Lydia said and Natalie just shook her head and hummed, "You know stuff. That means you have to do stuff." Lydia said.

"I have an obligation to educate, not eliminate all the problems of Beacon Hills. I have to run a school, and you both have to go enroll in one." Natalie said, handing the envelope back to Lydia. "You know the saying- If you see something, say something-" Sawyer said but Natalie cut her off.

"Please, stop. Honey, I care about you and your friends..." Natalie said, glancing over at Sawyer who chuckled slightly as she helped pull stuff out of boxes, "But mostly, I care about you. And you're going to be safe three-thousand miles away, so we don't have to deal with this." Natalie said then sighed and smiled. "I've got work to do." She said before walking over to the door.


"It's not our problem anymore!" Natalie says before walking through the door. Lydia sighs and looks over at Sawyer who nodded at one of the desk drawers. Lydia walked around the desk before slipping the list of supernatural creatures into the top left drawer. "Ready to go?" Lydia asked and Sawyer hummed and nodded before grabbing Anakin's leash.

"Let's go."


"I'm proud of you. You know that right?" Stilinski said as he was helping Sawyer pack a few boxes in her room, "I know, you've been telling Stiles and I that since our acceptance letters came in." Sawyer said as she tossed a toy over to Anakin who was laying on her bed.

"But I thought you wanted to be a mechanic?" Stilinski said and Sawyer sighed and pursed her lips slightly, "I love working on cars, but I think I like it better as a hobby or a useful skill to have. I don't know- I wanna make more of an impact." Sawyer said and her father smiled softly before walking over to her.

"I love you, sweetheart." He said as he wrapped his arm around her shoulders and kissed the top of her head, making her smile. "Love you too, dad." She said as she wrapped her arms around his torso.

"You sure you're gonna be okay across the country alone? New York can be dangerous." Stilinski asked, making Sawyer chuckle as they pulled away, "Well, I'll have Anakin so I won't be totally alone. Lydia is gonna be a three hour drive away, Stiles is seven- though he'd find a way to make it four if I'm ever in trouble. I've had over two years of self-defense and I have the power to potentially drive someone insane. I think I'll be fine." She said.

"And money won't be a problem?" Stilinski asked and Sawyer shrugged slightly, "Well, most of the money I've earned since I started working is saved and my boss called his buddy who owns a mechanic shop in New York so I already have a job. But New York is expensive, so we'll see." Sawyer said as she petted Anakin.

"Hey." Stilinski said, nudging her slightly, making her look at him, "Remember to have fun. No more supernatural drama." He said and she smiled at him and nodded.


Lydia opened the door to Scott's house before walking in with Anakin. A moment later Sawyer walked in carrying a few bags, "Why are you bags so damn heavy?" Sawyer asked, making Lydia just give her a look as Sawyer set them down. "Yo, Scotty! You ready?" Sawyer called out, looking upstairs and the couple waited for a moment just to hear nothing back.

"Should I call him...?" Sawyer asked as she and Lydia glanced at each other before all of the sudden all the lights turned off. "Scott?" Lydia asked as she tightly grabbed onto Sawyer's hand as Sawyer glanced around. All of a sudden, a light shined into the house, causing shadows dance around the walls. Shadows that almost resembled spider legs.

Lydia tightly held onto Sawyer's hand and Anakin's leash as Sawyer started to lead them through the house, glancing around at all the shadows. All of the sudden the house phone next to them started ringing, making the two girls jump. Sawyer sighed softly, glancing at Lydia before slowly grabbing the phone, bringing it up to her ear.

A large gush of wind blew through the house as all Sawyer could year was a loud dial tone, one that Lydia was able to hear as well. Sawyer flinched slightly and dropped the phone before turning around, only to find they were no longer in Scott's house, but now they stood in the hallway of the high school. Anakin nowhere in sight.

The two glanced around the dark hallways before they looked down one to find it full of spider webs from floor to ceiling. The couple glanced at each other before Sawyer comfortingly squeezed Lydia's hand and they slowly started walking down the hallway.

Lydia reached her hand out to one of the spiderwebs before flinching back when they heard the loud sound of a door slam and an alarm going off. Sawyer furrowed her brows slightly before holding her hand out to one of the webs before they could hear the distant sound of a woman screaming.

One by one, the two would lightly touch a spider web and hear sounds ranging from fire burning, metal doors clanking, horses neighing, people screaming, gun shots, more screams and more gunshots. Lydia and Sawyer paused, looking at each other as they both breathed heavily.

Sawyer took a deep breath before looking at another web before holding her hand out. Lydia grabbed her arm as they heard the sound of someone growling, "You let it out. It was supposed to ride with the Hunt forever." A voice whispered, making Sawyer quickly pull her hand away.

Lydia quickly pulled Sawyer back before they both ran into one of the spiderwebs, the sounds of people screaming all around them. Until suddenly, it all stopped and the two gasped slightly when they found themselves back in Scott's house, everything back to normal.

Sawyer gently patted Anakin's head to let him know she was okay as he had been trying to alert her. Sawyer and Lydia looked at each other, both of them breathing heavily as Sawyer wrapped her arm around Lydia's shoulder, gently kissing the side of her head.


Scott packed his backs into the back of the jeep before walking over to the driver seat. The moment he got in and shut the door, the visor fell down, making him glance up and sigh before grabbing it. As he picked it up, he noticed a note taped on it with Stiles' hand writing saying "Be Gentle" making him chuckle and shake his head slightly.

He put the broken visor on the seat next Robin before putting the keys in the Inition. The jeep started up before slowly dying, Sawyer never really got the chance to fully fix it during summer. She was too busy working and dealing with college stuff.

"Aw, come on!" Scott mumbled before turning the keys again and this time the jeep turned on. Although Scott jumped slightly when the headlights illuminated Sawyer, Lydia and Anakin who were standing in front of the jeep.

"We can't leave..."


Malia sat at her desk, staring at her laptop with a nervous look as "Flight Delayed" kept flashing over and over. She took a nervous deep breath before refreshing the page and a second later a green "On Time" popped up making her eyes widen.

"Oui oui!" Malia yelled as she shot up, throwing her arms up in the air before quickly grabbing her bag. Although when she turned to walk out, she stopped when she saw Scott, Sawyer, Lydia and Anakin standing in the doorway. "No! No, no, no, no, no! It's just rats! Rats and wolves, and maybe a little bug problem." Malia said and Sawyer pursed her lips before raising her eyebrows slightly, "We need you." She said. "And I need Paris." Malia said and Lydia raised her eyebrows, "Paris has been around for two thousand years! It's not going anywhere." She said.

Malia glanced at all of them before walking over to her window and started to push it open. "Malia..." Scott said, making Malia stop, "Liam and Mason called-" Sawyer started to say but Malia interrupted her. "Yeah, they've got it covered." She said before pushing her window open more, "We can't make you stay, and I don't want to try... But, we were hoping that you would want to." Scott said and Malia turned to them.

"Well, I don't." She said and Scott nodded, "Okay." He said before he, Sawyer and Anakin stepped off to the side, making Lydia look at them weird. Malia went to walk out but Lydia quickly blocked her way, making Malia slow down slightly to look at her. Sawyer sighed quietly before grabbing Lydia's hand and pulling out of the way, letting Malia walk past.

It was quiet for a moment before Sawyer raised her eyebrows slightly, holding her hand up. She started counting down from five with her fingers and once she lowered her last finger, Malia's bag suddenly hit Scott's chest as Malia walked back into the room.

"What are we supposed to do?" She asked, making them all smile, "Find a Hellhound."


The four sat in the jeep, Scott and Malia in the back with Anakin and Lydia and Sawyer I'm the front. Sawyer driving because she was the only one not afraid about getting caught speeding.

"We opened a door to another world... And something came out with us. Now we need the Hellhound to stop it." Lydia said and Malia shrugged slightly, "So we put it back. We've put things back before." She said. Lydia and Sawyer glance at each other for a moment before Sawyer glanced back at Scott, making Malia frown slightly.

"Why are you all looking at each other like there's something you know that I don't know?" Malia asked and Scott sighed softly, "It might not be that simple." He said and Sawyer nodded. "We saved Stiles. We brought everyone back, but that's not how it was supposed to happen. There's always a price to pay." She said and Scott nodded, "We learned that from the Nemeton." He said, making Sawyer take a deep breath.

"What kind of price? A big price?" Malia asked as she leaned forward, making Sawyer and Lydia glance at each other. "Big." They both said before Sawyer pressed down on the gas more than she already was.

A minute later, she pulled into the school's parking lot before they quickly got out, Scott handing Sawyer Anakin's leash. "Okay, we should move pretty quickly..." Sawyer said and Malia and Lydia stopped for a moment, "Do we even know what we let out?" Malia asked.

"This Hellhound might be the only one who does." Scott said and Sawyer's eyes suddenly closed over. "Sawyer?" Lydia asked, but her voice only sounded like a distant echo as Sawyer saw flashes of a man covered in soot with eyes and teeth like Parrish getting shot in the head.

Right as her eyes went back to normal, they heard roaring in the distance and Sawyer's eyes widened before she and Anakin quickly took off running. "Sawyer!" Scott yelled before he, Lydia and Malia quickly ran after her.

Sawyer breathed heavily as she and Anakin ran through the woods as fast as they could. Following no specific direction, just instinct before there was the sound of a gunshot, making Sawyer stop. "No..." She whispered before she quickly started running again until she slowly came to a stop when she saw a man's body laying on the ground, torso covered in claw Mark's and a bullet wound in the middle of his forehead.

Sawyer glanced up and she could see the silhouette of someone running away but they were too far for her to be able to tell who it was. A moment later, Scott, Lydia and Malia ran up behind Sawyer before stopping when she saw the Hellhound's body.

"I thought you couldn't kill a Hellhound." Lydia said and Sawyer sighed softly before noticing Anakin sniffing at something. She crouched down to find a bullet casing before picking it up to look at it. That's when she saw the fleur-de-lis stamp, making her stand up and look at Scott.

"Argent..." She said as she handed him the bullet, "Then it's true." Lydia said. "Then what's true?" Malia asked and Lydia and Sawyer just looked at each other, "What else did you hear?" Malia said and Sawyer looked down at the body.

"The sound of people who have never lifted a hand against another human being..." Sawyer trailed off slightly and Scott raised his eyebrows, "Something was killing them?" He asked. "They were killing each other." Lydia said and Sawyer sucked in a deep breath, "There's a war coming..." She said, making them look at her to see her eyes were clouded over as she listened to the whispers.

"Friends against friends... Enemies against enemies... Innocent blood will be spilt... The fearless now full of fear... Only the lucky will survive..." Sawyer trailed off slightly before her eyes went back to normal as she looked down at the body.


"In case anyone forgot-" Sawyer started to say before Malia raised her eyebrows and hummed slightly, making Sawyer roll her eyes slightly. The four of them sat on Scott's bed while Anakin laid behind them.

"Yeah, I just said forgot." Sawyer said before sighing softly, "We almost lost him last time." She said. "If this turns out to be something big, and we don't call him..." Malia trailed off slightly and Scott nodded, "He would kill us." He said, making Sawyer raise her eyebrows slightly and nod.

"Maybe we should go back to the woods tonight and find the killer?" Malia suggested, "Scott?" Lydia asked as she looked over at him and he sighed. "You didn't hear his voice. He sounded really excited to be there." He said and Sawyer nodded, "When I went with him to Virginia, he was really happy. I haven't seen him that happy since... Since before all of this started." She said.

"Uh, just play the voicemail." Malia said and Scott nodded before playing the voicemail that Stiles left him. "Hey, Scott. So, I'm here- I'm in Quantico, Virginia, at the FBI. I'm at the fricking FBI! It's real. I'm really here." They heard Stiles say, making Scott and Sawyer smile softly.

"I've already taken a million pictures to send to Sawyer to make her regret not coming here." Stiles said, making Sawyer roll her eyes in amusement as Lydia grabbed her hand. "But listen, Scott... Whatever you're doing right now, just make sure you're still getting out of Beacon Hills. I mean, maybe you think you can't leave, you know, like the whole thing falls apart if you're not there, which, I get. But you have to." Stiles said.

"I know you're supposed to drive out tonight, so, if you don't call me back, just promise me you're actually going. Just get in the Jeep and go."
