Ch. 18 - FRENEMY

Sawyer's outfit:
Club -

Woods / Station -

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Chapter Eighteen
๐ŸฆŽ Frenemy ๐ŸฆŽ

Stiles and Sawyer ran up to Scott, who was peaking around the corner of a nightclub, making him jump and turn around. "Sorry- I'm sorry. You see where he went?" Stiles asked and Scott sighed and shook his head, "I lost him." He said. "You couldn't catch his scent?" Sawyer asked and Scott looked at her, "I don't think he has one."ย 

"All right, any clue where he's going?" Stiles asked, "To kill someone." Sawyer said and Scott nodded in agreement. "Ah. That explains the claws, and the fangs, and all that. Good. Makes perfect sense now." Stiles said sarcastically, making both Sawyer and Scott raise their eyebrows at him, "What? Guys, come on. I'm one hundred and forty-seven pounds of pale skin and fragile bone- sarcasm is my only defense!" He said and Sawyer nodded slightly.ย 

"Just help me find it."ย 

"Not 'it'- Jackson."ย 

"Yeah, I know. I-I know"ย 

"All right, but does he know that? Did anybody else see him back at your house?" Sawyer asked and Scott sighed and shook his head, "I don't think so. And he already passed Derek's test anyway." Scott said. "Yeah, but that's just the thing- how did he pass the test?" Stiles asked and Scott just shook his head, "I don't know."ย 

"Well." Sawyer said deep in thought making them look at her, "What if it's like an either-or thing? Derek said that a snake can't be poisoned by its own venom, right? So when is the Kanima not the Kanima?" She asked, making realization cross over both of the boy's faces.ย 

"When it's Jackson." Scott said looking at her and then at Stiles but Stiles' gaze is focused on something else. "Guys. See that?" Stiles says and then nods to the roof of the club where a tail arcs into the moonlight. The Kanima's body glides into view and then darts down through an air conditioning vent.ย 

"He's inside." Scott said, "What's he gonna do in there?" Sawyer asked and then with a quick breath, Scott snapped his head toward the line. He's caught a scent, "I know who he's after." Scott said, making them look at him. "What? How? Did you smell something?" Stiles asked and Scott nodded, "Armani." He said and they looked over to see Danny at the front of the line.ย 

Slipping around to the back alley behind the club, Scott, Sawyer and Stiles locate the rear door, but when Stiles tries the handle, it's locked. "Maybe there's a window we could climb through-" Stiles said as he looked around before a metallic crunch interrupted him and Scott handed him the handle to the door. "Or a handle we could rip off with superhuman strength. How did I not think of that?" Stiles asked, making Sawyer chuckle.ย 

Under the pulsing boom of house music and the flash of laser lights the three try to blend in. Looking around, however, Scott begins to notice something. "Dude, everyone in here is a dude. I think this is a gay club." Scott said before he and Sawyer turned to Stiles only to find him surrounded by a group of drag queens. "Nothing gets past those keen werewolf senses, does it?" Stiles asked sarcastically, making Sawyer laugh.ย 

She walked over and grabbed Stiles's hand pulling him away from the drag queens. "Sorry ladies, we gotta do something. But I'll give you guys his number later. You look amazing though." She said and they smiled at her before she pulled her brother away.ย 

"Three beers." Stiles said and the bartender looked at them, "ID's?" He asked and they pulled out their driver's licenses making the bartender raise his eyebrows. "How about three cokes?" He asked and Stiles smiled.ย 

"Rum and Coke? Sure!" Stiles said and the man just gave him, "Coke's fine, actually. I'm driving, anyway." Stiles said and the guy gestured to a different bartender who came over a few seconds later with three cokes. "This one's paid for." He said gesturing at Scott's drink before gesturing to a guy across the bar who waved.ย 

Scott turns to his friends, smiling with pride as Sawyer laughed. "Shut up." Stiles grumbled, "I didn't say anything." Scott said, slightly chuckling. "Your face did." Stiles pouted as Sawyer looked around for a moment before lightly hitting their arms. "I found Danny." She said nodding over to where Danny was dancing.ย 

"I found Jackson." Scott said and Stiles and Sawyer followed his line of sight. Perched among light fixtures above, the Kanima moves like a spider across the ceiling, stealthily making its way toward the dance floor, towards Danny.ย 

All humor gone, a now fearful Stiles shakily sets his drink back on the bar next to Scott, who keeps his gaze on the ceiling and the black shape perched there. "Get Danny." Scott said, making them look over at him, "What are you going to do?" Sawyer asked and Scott flicks open his fist, unsheathing his claws. "Works for me." Sawyer said and then grabbed Stiles's arm and started pulling towards Danny.ย 

Stiles and Sawyer tried to push through the crowd of dancing men but once they got closer to Danny a few ceiling fog machines went off causing the whole building to get foggy. By the time they had managed to get to Danny, he and a bunch of people were already paralyzed.ย 

"Come on, we need to find Scott." Stiles said, lightly tugging on her arm and Sawyer nodded and started looking around for Scott, "There." Stiles said, making Sawyer follow his line of sight to see Scott running out of the backdoor.ย 

Running after him, they find Scott knelt down next to Jackson's shivering and naked body off the wet pavement making Sawyer instantly look away. The sound of sirens approaches from the distance as Scott looks up to Stiles and Sawyer, "What do we do with him now?"ย 


Scott jumps into the passenger side while Stiles uses a blanket to cover an unconscious Jackson in the backseat. Sawyer was sitting in the back with Jackson, not very happy about it. "Couldn't get anything out of Danny." Scott said, "Okay, can we just get the hell out of here now, before one of my dad's deputies sees me?" Stiles asked anxiously, and Scott and Sawyer nodded.ย 

Stiles hits the gas and heads for the exit. But a Sheriff's car swerves in to block them. As Scott, Sawyer and Stiles stare in horror, the door clicks open and Sheriff Stilinski gets out. "Could this get any worse?" Sawyer asked no one in particular but got a groan from Jackson, "That was rhetorical!" Sawyer said. "Get rid of him." Scott said, making Stiles look at him crazy, "Get rid of him? We're at a crime scene and he's the Sheriff."ย 

"Well, do something." Scott said, making Stiles grumble under his breath as he jumped and Sawyer climbed over to face their father. "What are you guys doing here?" Stilinski asked as they watched up to each other, "What do you mean, what am I doing here? It's a club. It's a club. We were clubbing, you know... At the club." Stiles said awkwardly and their father raised his eyebrows.ย 

"Not exactly your type of club... Not even technically Sawyer's." Stilinski said, making the twins glance at each other for a moment, "Uh, well, Dad, there's a conversation that we-" Stiles started to say but their father cut him off. "You're not gay." He said, making Stiles look at him offended, "Wha- I could be!" Stiles said and Stilinski raised his eyebrows and shook his head.ย 

"Not dressed like that." He said, making Stiles glance down at himself before looking at Sawyer who shrugged and nodded in agreement.ย 

"This is the second crime scene that you both just happened to have shown up on. And, at this point, I've been fed so many lies, I'm not sure I know the kids standing in front of me. Now, what the hell is going on?" Stilinski said, making Stiles and Sawyer glance at each other.ย 

"Dad, I-" They both started to say but their father cut them off, "The truth, kids." He said and Sawyer sighed softly. "The truth is that we were here with Danny. He just broke up with his boyfriend, so, you know, we were just trying to take him out and get his mind off things. That's- that's it." Sawyer said and Stiles nodded in agreement.ย 

Their father stared at them for a moment before sighing softly and nodded, "That's really good of you guys." He said, making them smile at him. "You're good friends." He said and Sawyer smiled and patted his shoulder, "You know it." She said and he pointed at her.ย 

"And stop going places without Anakin, he's a service dog for a reason." He said, making Sawyer awkwardly purse her lips, "Ah- Yep." She said, nodding slightly before she and Stiles walked back over to the jeep.ย 

A little while later, Stiles was still driving while Sawyer kept an eye on the unconscious Jackson. "What about your house?" She asked, glancing over at Scott who shook his head slightly.ย 

"Not with my Mom there. We need somewhere we can hold him long enough to figure out what to do with him. Or long enough to convince him he's dangerous." Scott said and Sawyer scoffed. "Yeah, cause that's gonna be really easy. Jackson only ever believes what he wants to believe." She said and Stiles nodded in agreement.ย 

"I still say we just kill him." Stiles said and Sawyer shook her head, "We can't just kill him. Doesn't exactly seem easy." Sawyer said, making Stiles sigh and purse his lips as he and Sawyer thought for a moment before they both nodded. "I think I got something." They both said making Scott raised his eyebrows, "Does it involve breaking the law?" Scott asked.ย 

"By now, don't you think that's a given?" Sawyer asked and Scott sighed, "I was trying to be optimistic." He said and Stiles shook his head.ย 

"Don't bother."ย 


Stiles climbs into the back of the van where Jackson was, Sawyer and Anakin climbing in after him. "Okay, we brought you some food-" Stiles started to say but two hands snapped out, fingers grasping for his throat. Stiles leans back just out of Jackson's reach as he swipes at him. Sawyer leans forward, flicking Jackson's forehead, "No, bad doggie." She said making him give her a dark glare.ย 

Gasping from exertion, he finally lowers his chained hands, "Let me out. Now." He demanded while Stiles took a seat at a safe distance. "You know, I put those pants on you, all right, buddy? One leg at a time. Being all up-close-and-personal with your junk wasn't exactly a highlight of my day. So, don't think this is fun for me, either. You know, we're actually doing you a favor?" Stiles says as Sawyer sat down next to him.ย 

"This is doing me a favor?" Jackson asked and Stiles looked at him like he was crazy, "Yes. You're- you're killing people... to death." Stiles said and Sawyer nodded in agreement. "Yeah, so until we can figure out how to stop you, you're gonna stay in here." She said while shrugging, making Jackson glare at her.ย 

"Now, you want the ham and cheese, or the Turkey." Stiles asked and Jackson rolled his eyes, "You actually think my parents won't be looking for me?" Jackson asked, making Stiles smirk.ย 

"Uh, well, not if they don't think anything's wrong. Yeah." Stiles says as he holds up Jackson's phone.ย 


"Scales. Like a fish?" Jackson asked as he glared at the twins across the van, "No, more like a reptile. Um, and, uh... your claws have this liquid that paralyzes people, and you have a tail." Stiles said. "I have a tail?" Jackson asked looking at Stiles weirdly, "Yeah, you have a tail." Sawyer said, nodding.ย 

"Does it do anything?"ย 

"Not that we know of."ย 

"Can I use it to strangle you?" Jackson said, shooting forward slightly with his hands out in a strangling gesture. "Yeah, you still don't believe us. All right. The night of the semi- final game- what did you do right after?" Sawyer asked and Jackson grumbled angrily, "I went home." He said and Sawyer raised her eyebrows.ย 

"Are you sure?" She asked and he rolled his eyes, "Yes, you idiot. What the hell else would I do?" He asked and she gave him a daring look. "You attacked me and Derek at the school, and you trapped us in the pool! Then you trapped Sawyer in the pool as well." Stiles said and Sawyer nodded and raised her eyebrows.ย 

"You also killed my boss- right in front of us, by the way, that was lovely. Thank you, now I have to find a new job at some other mechanics. And you killed one of Argent's Hunters. Oh, and last night, you tried to kill Danny." Sawyer said, making Jackson look at her crazy, "Why would I want to kill my best friend?" He asked.ย 

"That's what Scott's trying to figure out right now."ย 

"Maybe he should be trying to figure out how he's going to pay for a lawyer when I prosecute your asses all the way to jail." Jackson said and the twins rolled their eyes. "All right, well, tell me this- on the night of the first full moon, what happened?" Stiles asked and Jackson sighed angrily, "Nothing. Nothing happened."ย 


Sawyer and Anakin sat in the passenger side of the van while outside the Police Transport Van, Stiles shoots Jackson's parents another text message: "Going to be home late. Don't wait up."ย 

Lowering the phone, he pauses, listening to the quiet of the woods. Then the sound of leaves being crushed underfoot. Someone running. Coming right toward him. Backing away, Stiles whirls around and breathes in relief when he sees Allison coming toward him but then he notices the panic on her face.ย 

"They know." She said, making Sawyer's head shoot up to look at her, "Wait, what?" She asked and Allison nodded. "They know Jackson's missing." She said and Sawyer and Stiles looked at each other with wide eyes. "No, they can't. I've been texting his parents since last night. They don't have a clue." Stiles said and Allison shook her head. "My grandfather told me his parents went to the police- they know." Allison said and Sawyer instantly pressed a button on the police scanner.ย 

"All available units, proceed to Beacon Hills Preserve as instructed. Proceed with caution until Sheriff Stilinski's arrival. Proceed with caution."ย 

Stiles held up the phone with only two fingers, like it was going to explode any second.ย 

After a couple seconds Stiles scrambles over to the driver side while Allison climbs in next to Sawyer and Anakin, "Where are we going?" Allison asks as Sawyer dials something onto Jackson's phone. "Somewhere far away from this." Sawyer said before tossing the phone out the window as Stiles drove off.ย 


The Prison Transport Van now sits parked at Lookout Point. Gathered just a few yards from the van, Scott, Stiles, Sawyer and Allison discuss their latest discoveries, with Anakin laying on the ground next to them. "If Jackson doesn't remember being the Kanima, he definitely not gonna remember stealing Danny's tablet." Scott said, "Why would he steal the thing if he doesn't even know what's on it?" Stiles asked.ย 

"What if someone else took it?" Allison suggested making everyone look at her, "Then somebody else knows what he is." Stiles said, making Scott's eyes widen. "Uh, which could mean someone's protecting him." He said and Allisom nodded and shrugged.

"Yeah, like the Bestiary says, 'The Kanima seeks a friend,' right?" She asked and they nodded, "Okay, hold on- so, somebody watches Jackson make a video of himself turning into the Kanima, and then just erases part of it so he wouldn't know? I mean, who would do that?" Sawyer said.ย 

"Somebody who wanted to protect him?" Allison suggested, "There's something else. You said the only thing you found online about the Kanima is that it goes after murderers. What if that's actually true?" Scott said and Stiles looked at him, "No, it can't be. It tried to kill all of us, remember? I don't know about you two, but Sawyer and I haven't murdered anybody lately."ย 

"But, I- I don't think that it was actually trying to kill us. Remember when we were at Isaac's the first time, it just went right by us, didn't it?" Scott said and Allison nodded, "You're right- it just ran off." She said. "And it didn't kill you in the mechanic's garage." Scott said looking at Stiles and Sawyer, "Well, yeah, but it tried to kill us and Derek in the pool." Stiles said, gesturing to himself and Sawyer.ย 

"Did it?"ย 

"It would've. It was waiting for us to come out. I mean the thing came at Sawyer when she went for my phone." Stiles said and Sawyer pursed her lips thinking back to that night, "Yeah but what about before I went in the pool? It had enough time to kill me but it didn't." She said and Scott nodded in agreement.ย 

"What if it was trying to keep you in?" Scott said, making the twins look at him in disgust, "Why do I feel so violated all of a sudden?" They both asked at the same time. "Because there's something else going on. We don't know what it is. We don't know anything about what's going on with Jackson, or why someone's protecting him..."ย 

"Know thy enemy." Allison mumbled making all of them look st her confused, "Just something my grandfather said." She said, shaking her head. "All right, I got it- kill Jackson! Problem solved." Stiles said, making Scott sigh. "He risked his life for us, against Peter. You remember that?" Scott said and Sawyer nodded, "Yeah, after he told Argent about you. And what did we just find out? He got the bite from Derek. Kinda funny how he got exactly what he wanted by supposedly risking his life for us." She said.ย 

"Yeah. It doesn't mean he's not still worth saving." Scott said, making Stiles look at him, "It's always something with him." Stiles said and Scott shook his head. "He doesn't know what he's doing." Scott said, making Stiles scoff, "So what?" He asked. "So, I didn't either. You remember when I almost killed you and Jackson? I had someone to stop me. He has nobody." Scott said and Stiles shrugged, "That's his own fault."ย 

"Doesn't matter. If we can save him, we should try."ย 


Half naked in the car, Allison and Scott sleep in perfect peace. Until a hand pounds against the window, jolting them both awake. They spin around to see Sawyer looking at them crazy, "I sure am glad that I'm gray-asexual so I don't act like horny dumbass like the two of you. Get out here!" She asked making the couple quickly put their clothes on.ย 

The four of them peer through the open doors of the Prison Transport Van. The chains lie twisted and broken on the floor amid Jackson's torn clothes. "I have to tell my father. Scott, he's going to kill someone." Allison says anxiously, making Scott nod, "Okay, tell him. Tell him everything."ย 

"Scott, we gotta tell ours, too." Stiles said, gesturing towards Sawyer and Scott sighed in defeat, "This is all my fault." He said and Allison shook her head. "It's not. But, we have to tell them. We're just a bunch of teenagers. We can't handle this." She said and Scott nodded. "You're right." He said and Sawyer pursed her lips and shrugged, "I kinda thought we were doing better than the adults." She mumbled.ย 

"How are you gonna make your dad believe all this?" Allison asked looking at Stiles and Sawyer who both shrugged, "I dont know." They said and Scott looked back at them with glowing eyes.ย 

"He'll believe me."ย 


Scott, Stiles, Sawyer and Anakin walked into the Station and Scott gave the twins a nod, affirming he's ready. "Could you buzz us in? We need to see our dad." Stiles asked and the night officer nodded and hit the buzzer. The three of them walked in and as soon as they did they instantly noticed Jackson sitting in one of the chairs.ย 

Jackson looks up from his seat inside Sheriff Stilinski's office. Stunned, the twins and Scott stand there blinking until Stilinski and Jackson's father peer out at them. "Scott, Stiles, Sawyer... Perfect timing. Have you met Jackson's father, Mr. David Whittemore, Esquire?"ย 

Jackson gives the boys a sinister smile as he leans forward in his seat, "That means Lawyer." He said.
