Sawyer's outfit:
Woods / Scott's House -

Station / Eichen House / Scott's House -

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Chapter Ninety-Two
⚔ Raw Talent ⚔

"We can still catch him." Malia said, making Scott snap out of his trance and he turned to the girls with a confused look, "Catch who?" He asked, making Sawyer raise her eyebrows and look at him confused as she adjusted Anakin's leash.

"The killer. What were you thinking about?" She asked and Scott glanced down at the bullet casing he held, "Getting the bullet to Argent." He said and she raised her eyebrows. "Even if he's the one who fired it?" Sawyer asked looking back up and Scott nodded, "Especially if he's the one." He said and then turned to start walking but froze. "Do you hear that?" He asked and Malia listened for a moment, "Heartbeats." She said.

"A lot of them. They're here." He said as he started glancing around, "Who?" Lydia asked. "Hunters. Run!" Scott said before taking off, the girls glanced at each other wide eyed before they and Anakin quickly followed him, "Scott, wait. Scott!"

They try to keep up with him but he runs off a head making them stop for a moment. "What the hell is going on with him?" Sawyer asked and Malia and Lydia just sighed and Sawyer grabbed Lydia's hand and tightened her hold in Anakin's leash before they all ran after Scott again.

They finally catch up with Scott where he stood with Stilinski, Parrish and other deputies, panting in exhaustion from attempting to catch up with Scott. "Sometimes you do something that makes me regret becoming your friend... This is one of those times." Sawyer said as she gave Scott a dirty look and Scott gave his friends a melancholy and remorseful look.

A few minutes later, Scott, Sawyer, Anakin, Lydia and Malia lead Stilinski, Parrish and the other deputies to the place they found the body and while the other deputies search the area. "I'm really sorry." Scott apologized to Stilinski, apparently he had kinda attacked him, "You don't think they saw anything, do you?" He asked.

Parrish, who is crouched down examining the body, stands up and looks over at Scott, "No more than they're used to." He said. "You wanna tell us what happened here." Stilinski asked, "He's a Hellhound." Parrish and pointing down to the body.

"A dead Hellhound." Malia said, making Stilinski raise his eyebrows and nod, "Yep, got that." He said. "Well, I don't get it. I didn't think you could kill a Hellhound." Parrish said and Sawyer nodded, "It's supposed to be really hard." She said and Malia shrugged slightly. "Looks a lot easier than we thought."

It was quiet for a moment until Stilinski spoke up, "You got anything you wanna add?" He asked and the girls glanced at Scott. "Yeah... I don't think it was just any bullet." Scott said and Parrish crouches down and looks at the body with a worrisome frown.

"I hope not."


Malia, Lydia, Sawyer and Scott pull up to Scott's house and Scott took off his seat belt to leave when Lydia spoke up. "Why didn't you say anything?" She asked, making Scott's eyes widen for a moment, "Why didn't you say anything?" He said and Malia turned to them.

"Wait, was I supposed to say something?" She asked and Sawyer sighed slightly and shook her head. "None of us said anything because of Argent. And none of us are going to say anything until we talk to him." Sawyer said and Scott nodded, "Everybody good with that?" He asked and the girls glanced at each other before nodding.

"As long as we talk to Argent soon." Lydia said and Sawyer nodded in agreement, "Our premonition?" Sawyer asked and they nodded. "Yeah. The one with the screaming, and people killing each other."

"First we find Argent."


Parrish slides his card on a cell's lock glancing over at Lydia and Sawyer. They had gone to the station because they needed help at recognizing a sound they heard in their premonition. "Is that it? The sound you heard?" Parrish asked and Lydia sighed and shook her head, "No, it's something else."

They walked into the bullpen Parrish leaned against his desk as the girls stood in front of him, "It could be any kind of public facility. hospital, a fire station, or..." Parrish suggested and realization slowly crossed over Lydia's features.

"Or a mental institution." Lydia said and Sawyer groaned, "Don't say it." She said. "Eichen House." Lydia said, making Sawyer cringe, "Ah- Why would you say it?" She mumbled while Parrish furrowed his brows.

"The card readers on the doors?" He asked and Lydia nodded, "It's the Closed Unit." She said and Sawyer shook her head. "You are not going back to that place, and you're definitely not going anywhere near the Closed Unit. Ever again." Sawyer said, making Lydia sigh softly, "What if there's a connection to the... dead Hellhound?" She whispered and Sawyer and Parrish glanced at each other.

"What if you go there again and someone tries to kill you? Which happens literally every freaking time we go in there!" Sawyer said and Lydia just rolled her eyes, "It's our only lead." She said and Sawyer shrugged. "I'm not letting my girlfriend go back into the place that almost killed her. Twice. And nearly killed my brother and I." She said and Lydia sighed, "Then you come with me."

"Or I could just go alone." Sawyer said and Parrish shook his head, "No, I'll go. Alone." He said, making her look at him offended. "What? Jordan, I don't think you quite understand how things work around here." Sawyer asked and Parrish gave her a look. "I'm going" He said as he grabbed his jacket and she was about to say something but he spoke up first.

"No, you're not going." He said before grabbing his jacket and walking off making Sawyer's jaw fall slightly.


Lydia and Sawyer sat next to each other, waiting for Parrish to come back. Lydia's phone goes, with a message saying "Last day to register for MIT Today, 6:00 PM" and Sawyer sighed softly. "We'll be able to go to college soon." She said, making Lydia sigh and lean back against Sawyer's chest.

"At this rate?" She mumbled as Sawyer wrapped her arms around Lydia and grabbed Lydia's hand. "Maybe not this year, unless our schools let us start late, but maybe next year." Sawyer said before kissing the size of Lydia's head. Lydia was about to say something but stopped when they both started hearing radio feedback.

The two glanced around until they noticed a deputy was putting her walkie-talkie up to charge. The Deputy walked when the station's phone started ringing and Sawyer instantly walked over to the charging walkie-talkie, pulling Lydia with her. Sawyer picked up the walkie-talkie and it produced even more static until she raised the volume but nothing more than louder static just came out.

Sawyer and Lydia glanced at each other before looking at the other deputies but they didn't seem to notice them so Sawyer held the walkie talkie up before pressing the button. "Hello? She asked and a second later a voice echoed through the radio.

"Even you can freeze solid, Deputy Parrish. We should be killing them."


The girls' eyes widened as they looked at each other, "We need to go get Parrish. He's in trouble." Lydia said and Sawyer nodded before gently grabbing Lydia's arm. "Are you sure you want to go there? I can go there on my own." She said and Lydia took a deep breath and shook her head. "I can go." She said and Sawyer raised her eyebrows, "Are you 100% sure? You don't have to if you'd prefer not to." She asked and Lydia nodded.

"Let's go."


Lydia and Sawyer pulled up to Eichen and got out of the car. Lydia hesitated for a moment as she looked up at the gate but Sawyer gently grabbed her hand and gave her an encouraging smile before they walked through.

They managed to get into the closed unit just to find the gate wide opened. They slowly walked over to it and Sawyer pushed it open wide, "Hello?" Lydia called out but nobody answered, making them glance at each other as they walked into the hall.

Suddenly, there was a clanging sound making them both jump and turn around to see that the gate closed by itself. Lydia squeezed Sawyer's arm before they started walking again. Lydia jumped again slightly, making Sawyer look over at her to see her looking completely terrified about being back in Eichen. "J-Jordan?" Lydia called out and Sawyer squeezed her hand.

All of the sudden Lydia ran back to the gate and tried to open it but it was locked. "Hello? Hello?" She yelled as Sawyer ran up to her. "Lydia." Sawyer said calmly as she gently grabbed her girlfriend's arms making her turn to her, "Hey, breathe." She said and Lydia took a deep breath.

"You know that I wouldn't let anything happen to you. We're going to go find Parrish and get the hell out of here. You'll never have to come back here again." Sawyer said as she gently grabbed Lydia's face and Lydia nodded slightly as she focused on her breathing. Lydia calmed down for a second before she suddenly flinched slightly.

"It's here."

"We should be killing them."


A gunshot is heard right after and Sawyer and Lydia's eyes widen in realization as they turn back to the hall. "You ready?" Sawyer asked, holding her hand out and Lydia nodded, looking more confident and determined then before she grabbed Sawyer's hand, intertwining their fingers.

"I can't be afraid anymore." They heard Dr. Fenris say as they walked up to a room to see him pointing a gun at a semi frozen Parrish. Lydia threw her hands forward, letting out a loud scream making Dr. Fenris fly back toward the wall before he fell to the ground, knocked out. Sawyer glanced around before noticing the thermostat and turned it up, making warm air flow through the vents.

The girls quickly walked over to Parrish and helped him up and out the door before Sawyer walked back into the room. She grabbed Dr. Fenris' keys, key card and gun before walking back out. "What are you doing?" Lydia asked as Sawyer shut the door, making her glance back at them, "Making sure he can't get out. Karma." She said before stepping back, pointing the gun at the lock.

"Do you even know how to shoot?" Parrish asked, making Sawyer look at him in amusement, "Who am I? Stiles?" She asked before looking at the door. She pulled the trigger, shooting the lock a couple times until it broke.

"Let's go." She said, putting the gun between her belt before wrapping Parrish's arm around her shoulders.


Scott, Malia, Sawyer and Lydia gather around in the kitchen, where Lydia and Sawyer had just explained everything Dr. Fenris did at Eichen. "He killed every supernatural in the Closed Unit? All of them?" Scott asked and they nodded, "He said he couldn't see it any other way." Lydia said.

"Well, I've got another way. You don't kill everyone." Malia said sarcastically, making Sawyer give her a look before sighing softly, "He was terrified- or at least that's what the whispers were telling me." She said and Scott turned around to face them. "The wolves, the rats. It keeps coming back to the same thing, fear." He said and Malia frowned in confusion, "But what is everyone afraid of?"

Scott thought for a moment until he set the bullet's slug on the kitchen table, "Us. We don't know what fear would do to somebody. I mean, it can change them. They'll look at us differently. They'll do things that they've never done before." Scott said. "People can be so stupid." Malia said and Sawyer sighed and shook her head, "They're not stupid, they're scared." She said and Scott nodded.

"And scared people will do things that you wouldn't believe."
