Sawyer's outfit:

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Chapter Ninety-Six
โš” Triggers โš”

Sawyer sat in between Scott and Malia in Argent's car while Argent and Lydia sat in the front seat. Sawyer's phone buzzed, making her pull it out to see a text from Liam, "It worked." She said, making them look over at her.

"It's about time." Malia said and went to open the door but Scott grabbed her arm, "Wait." He said before they both listened for a moment. "I hear them, too." Malia said, making Lydia raise her eyebrows, "Hear what?" She asked.

"Heartbeats." Scott said and Sawyer groaned dramatically while dropping her head back against the seat, "How many?" Argent asked. "Ten?" Scott said unsure and Malia listened, "More." She said and Sawyer sighed again before sitting up.

"So are we breaking in, or not?" She asked, "Not. The armory should be empty by now." Argent said and Malia scoffed. "We can take down a few Hunters if we have to." Malia said and Argent turned to her, "We're dealing with a dozen well-armed Hunters who have orders to kill you on sight." He said, making them all glance at each other. "Then how are we supposed to get inside?" Malia asked.

After a few minutes of talking Argent sighed and turned the car on making Malia quickly shoot forward and turn it off. "Gerard thinks we're gone. It's a good plan." Malia said and Sawyer shrugged, "It's our only plan." She said and Argent sighed. "And it's not working." He said and Malia looked at him crazy, "We can still do this!"

A sound of glass cracking made both Lydia and Sawyer look at the window while the rest still talked.

"Let's vote."

"Guys, we just need to give Liam and Theo more time."

Lydia glanced back at Sawyer who looked at her before nodding at the window she saw a crack that wasn't there before. Lydia reached out to touch it and the crack grew bigger.

"We have ten minutes. Ten minutes before Gerard's people flag this vehicle. Once that happens, we'll be seen as a potential threat."

"Then what?"

"They'll pay us a visit." Argent said and that's when Scott noticed Sawyer's and Lydia's distant looks. "You okay?" He asked making them jump slightly and look at him, "Yeah... I think so..." Lydia said, glancing at Sawyer who hummed and nodded slightly.

"We should call off this mission." Argent said, "Brett and Lori are gone, and Jiang and Tierney are still missing. Gerard's always one step ahead of us. We have to do this now." Scott said and Argent shook his head slightly. "We're too exposed, Scott." He said and Malia shrugged slightly. "You said we have ten minutes." She said and Argent looked at his watch.


"What are you doing?" Sawyer asked when Scott went to open his door, "I'm gonna lure them away so we can get inside." He said and Sawyer smacked his hand making him let go of the handle and she quickly locked it. "We need a new plan." Scott said and Malia looked at him crazy, "Not a dumb one."

"I'll bring the thermite charges." Scott said and Sawyer shook her head, "We need them for the armory." She said. "The explosion will buy you time, but not enough to get in and out safely." Argent said as something caught Lydia's eyes.

"Guys..." She said but only Sawyer paid attention to her and noticed what Lydia was looking at. "How about using the tunnels?" Malia suggested, "We could get underneath the building, but we'd still need to sneak in undetected."

"Guys..." Lydia said again but they didn't pay attention. "The ventilation system?" Scott suggested and Argent shook his head, "Same problem."

"Hey! Look!" Sawyer said loudly making them look at her and she pointed out the window making them look over. "They're leaving." Lydia said as they watched a group of people get into cars and drive off.


Sawyer walked into the armory despite Argent trying to tell her to slow down. She quietly walked right up to the first person she saw and her eyes clouded over. The man groaned and held his head in pain as all he could hear was a thousand whispers all at once until he passed out. "He's definitely gonna need some psychiatric help when he wakes up..." Sawyer said as the others walked in.

They walked down a hall and Argent opened a door before shooting a paintball at one of the cameras and the rest followed him, Malia dragging the unconscious body of the hunter with them. "The thermite charges will take care of the weapons. Just make sure you're clear before they detonate, okay?" Argent said as he grabbed a bag from Scott before walking down a hall with Lydia and Sawyer following him.

Argent slowly opened a door where a hunter was sitting in front of a few screens, "You find the problem?" He asked and Argent walked up to him before slamming the butt of his gun down on the man's head, knocking him out.

They walked over to the desk and watched through the surveillance cameras as Malia and Scott walked down the hall. All of the sudden Sawyer and Lydia heard the faint sound of a gunshot making them look at each other, "Did you hear a gunshot?" Lydia asked making Argent look at her.

"No, I didn't hear anything." He said while they heard the sound of shell casings falling to the ground. "I heard it and I also heard shell casings. We also saw your windshield crack, and then heard it shatter." Sawyer said and Lydia nodded in agreement as Argent turned to them.

'I think you were right. We should've called this off." Lydia sighed and Sawyer nodded in agreement. "We all have to get out of there." Lydia said as she and Sawyer heard another gunshot and more shell casings. "Do that, and we lose our chance." Argent said and Sawyer sighed, "Scott and Malia could die. It's not worth the risk." She said.

"Ten minutes ago, I would've agreed, but right now, we're in it, and we need to weigh the risk versus reward carefully. If we stay, we could succeed. If we go, we know we won't get another chance. Since one risk is known, and the other unknown..." Argent trailed off and Lydia sighed and nodded slightly, "We go with the known." She said and Argent nodded before unlocking the door.

A few minutes later after finding out they had taken all the weapons, Argent pressed the button to the intercom, "Guys, get out of there now." He said.

"Let's go before they all get back." Malia said and they went to leave but Scott stopped, "That scent..." He said and Malia sniffed the air for a moment before turning to a door off to the side. "It's Jiang and Tierney." She said

"Guys, you need to leave now!" Argent said, making Scott and Malia look over towards the camera before looking at the door again, "Help me with this." Scott said, running over to a door. "He never listens. Never." Sawyer muttered as Scott and Malia started to try and open the door.

Something started beeping and a red light on the desk started flashing making them look down at it and Argent's eyes widened slightly. "No, no, no! Don't open that door!" He yelled through the intercom but Scott and Malia ignored him before pulling the door open.

Almost instantly a bunch of stuff on the console in front of them started beeping and flashing and an alarm started blaring as the door to the armory closed on its own. Argent tries a few things before sighing, "Nope. Everything's shut down. They're locked in, and we can't do anything about it."

"What's this?" Lydia asked, making them looked down at the console in front of them that had a bunch of flashing lights. "A motion sensor." Argent said and Sawyer furrowed her brows slightly as she read something on it, "What does H-2100 mean?" She said.

"H stands for halon. It's a fire suppression system. It'll pull all the oxygen out of the room to put out a fire." Argent explained making their eyes widen, "All of the oxygen? How long can a Werewolf hold their breath?" Lydia asked and Sawyer sighed as she looked at the screen.

"I think we're about to find out."

"Communications are shut down, and the room is soundproof." Argent said as he looked at some wires on the ceiling, "We need to warn them." Lydia said. "We are. One of these pipes leads in there." He said before pulling his gun out, taking the clip out and handing it to Sawyer before banging the end of the gun on the pipe. "Anything?" He asked and Sawyer shook her head, "Nothing." She said and Argent continued banging on the pipe.

"I think he hears you." Sawyer said as Scott and Malia looked in the direction of the banging. Argent started banging on the pipe harder making Lydia and Sawyer look at him confused, "What are you doing?" Lydia asked before noticing the giant hole in the pipe.

"Don't trip the sensors!" He yelled and another sensor turned on. Sawyer sat down at the chair and watched as Scott and Malia jumped over one sensor then ducked under the other before jumping on top of the shelves, Malia on top of Scott. Malia went to sit up but another sensor right above them turned on making Scott pull Malia down, flushed against him.

"Okay. If I can bypass the electrical system, I might be able to reset the console." Argent said as he messed with a bunch of wires on the desk. Sawyer's eyebrows furrow as she kept watching the screen before tapping Argent and Lydia's arms and nodding at the screen. "What in the hell is she doing?" Sawyer muttered as Malia climbed up a pillar.

Malia jumped from the pillar and hung off a beam on the ceiling by her hands and feet before trying to reach out to something. She tried a few times before managing to rip a padlock off of a skylight but right as the lock hit the ground it broke and a piece hit a sensor. An alarm started going off as something started blowing into the room making Scott and Malia fall to the ground with a groan before they both started having trouble breathing.

"How long do they have?" Lydia asked and Sawyer shook her head slightly, "Minutes." She said as she slowly stood up.

"We found Anderson unconscious. We're moving in." They heard over the radio making Argent sit down and change cameras to the hallway to see a bunch of hunters walking up to the door. "How many are inside?"

"I don't know."

"What else can anybody see?"

"We have to do something." Lydia said and Sawyer nodded, "Drive them insane." She said before walking out. She slowly crept over to the end of the hallway before her eyes closed over. All the men in the hallway started groaning in pain, slowly lowering to their knees as they grabbed their heads in pain. Countless whispers filling their heads, louder than their own thoughts.

Sawyer's eyes went back to normal as all the men passed out before Lydia and Argent walked around the corner to all the men in the ground. "Are they really going to be insane when they wake up?" Argent asked and Sawyer looked at him and shrugged slightly, "That or they'll have nightmares for a while. Nothing they don't deserve." She said and he nodded slightly before walking down the hall.

Sawyer looked over at Lydia and held her hand out, making Lydia grab it. They were about to follow Argent when all of the sudden a sound of electricity cracking made the couple freeze. The lights flashed for a moment before they were standing in the middle of the McCall house with the weird spider-like shadows. The loud sound of glass shattering made Lydia grab onto Sawyer's arm and was followed by the sounds of gunfire and screaming.

"Girls!" Argent yelled, bringing them out of their premonition before they walked up to the door. "You said the doors were solid steel." Lydia said and Argent looked at her, "I said they'll stop a bullet, not a Banshee." He said before stepping off to the side. Lydia looked over at Sawyer who nodded slightly, "Time to shine Scream Queen." She asked and Lydia chuckled slightly and shook her head.

Lydia turned to the door and took a couple deep breaths before letting out an ear piercing scream. The door started bending from the force of the scream before completely falling down. Malia and Scott both sucked in a deep breath, looking over at Lydia as Sawyer walked over.


"They're Nemetons." Sawyer said as she, Argent, Melissa, Lydia and Mason looked down at a map that Scott and Malia found at the armory. There was a red dot in nearly every continent. The sound of glass cracking again made Sawyer and Lydia look up and glance around.

"What does Gerard want with them?" Melissa asked, "If they're like the one here, they're beacons for supernaturals." Mason said and Sawyer nodded. "If you wanted to kill every supernatural creature in the world, these are where you would start." Argent said and Melissa sighed, "Well, then Gerard isn't gonna stop with Beacon Hills, is he?"

"He wants the whole world." Argent said and then Agent McCall walked in making them turn to him, "Where's Scott?" He asked. "Upstairs. Why?" Sawyer asked as he walked over to them, "He can't leave. No one can." He said.

"Nice to see that you changed your mind, but I'm afraid to ask why." Melissa said, "It's Gerard's weapons." McCall said and then the sound of shell casings falling made Sawyer and Lydia look at each other as Scott and Malia walked in. "Dad?" Scott asked making them look at him.

The guns, they've all been distributed legally to the citizens of Beacon Hills-
all of them, and at no charge." McCall said making their eyes widen, "What, he just gave them away?" Scott asked and Argent shook his head. "No. He's arming his army." He said and then the sound of a gunshot and glass shattering made Sawyer and Lydia look at the window and then Sawyer's eyes widened.

"Get down!" She yelled before grabbing Lydia and Mason, pulling them down right a couple flash bang arrows shot through the window making everyone get down. Soon the sound of gunfire filled the house and red dots pointed inside. It went on for a moment before the shots and red dots disappeared.

Everyone looked up before their eyes widened as a giant puddle of blood started to grow on the ground.
