Sawyer's outfits:
Scott's House -

School -

โ–ช๏ธŽ ๐Ÿ–ค ๐Ÿณ๏ธโ€๐ŸŒˆ๐Ÿ•ฏโ–ช๏ธŽ

Chapter Fifty-Five
๐Ÿ’ฐ Weaponized ๐Ÿ’ฐ

"After entering the IP address, you will be connected through a Darknet portal to an untraceable bank. Once logged in, enter your account number to receive wire transfers. The IP address will deactivate with each transfer... You will be assigned a new IP address if you choose to continue down the list. Remember- visual confirmation is always required for payment." The tape said as Scott, Stiles and Sawyer listened to it.ย 

"You ever made a wire transfer?" Sawyer asked as she stopped the tape, "Never had enough money." Scott said. "So, you didn't understand a word of that, either?" Stiles asked and Scott shook his head slightly, "I don't understand any of this. Why would someone use all this money just to kill us?" Scott asked and Sawyer sighed.ย 

"Someone wants us dead, dude- badly." Sawyer said and Scott sighed before he started putting all the money back into the bag. "Whoa, whoa- what are you doing?" Stiles asked, "It's late. We've got the PSATs in the morning." Scott said and Stiles pointed at the moment.ย 

"No, I meant the money. Five hundred thousand dollars, Scott... You know how much money that is?" He asked, "It's five hundred thousand-" Scott said and Sawyer cut him off."It's half a million dollars, Scott. What are you gonna do, just slide it under your mattress?" She said, raising her eyes incredulously, "I have to talk to Derek. The money's his..." Scott said.ย 

"You mean his and Peter's..." Stiles and Sawyer both said, making Scott furrow his brows, "What does that mean?" He asked. "It means, maybe you should proceed with caution..." Sawyer said and Scott raised his eyebrows, "You don't think we should tell Derek?" He asked, making the twins shake their heads.ย 

"No. No." They both said, before sighing and standing up, "No, of course we have to tell him. I'm just... I'm just saying, some of that money's Peter's, right?" Stiles asked and Scott nodded. "Yeah..." He said and Sawyer nodded and raised her eyebrows, "Right? Peter Hale? Homicidal killer? Remember? You want to give five hundred thousand dollars to him? Especially after everything he's done to us?" Sawyer asked.ย 

"So, we should give Derek his money back... but not Peter?" Scott asked and the twins shook their heads, "We didn't say that..." They said and Scott raised his eyebrows. "Guys, what are you saying?" Scott asked and the twins didn't say anything right away as they just glanced at each other.ย 

All of the sudden they heard footsteps walking towards the room, making Scott quickly push the bag under his bed, quickly standing up as Malia walked in, soaking wet from the rain. "We found Satomi's pack, Derek and I... But, they're dead." Malia said, making Scott raise his eyebrows, "All of them?" He asked.ย 

"All the ones we found..." Malia said and Sawyer furrowed her brows slightly, "Then where's Derek?" She asked.ย 


"Where's Lydia?" Kira asked as she, Scott, Malia, Stiles, Sawyer and Anakin stood around at the highschool waiting to go into a classroom to take their PSATs. "She took it her freshman year." Sawyer said, making Malia look over at her, "Does that mean I could have taken it some other time?" She asked.ย 

"Malia, you studied harder for this than any of us." Scott said and Malia shook her head and looked at Scott like he was crazy, "Doesn't mean I'm gonna do good." Malia said. "Well." Stiles corrected, making Sawyer shoot him a look while Malia looked at him confused, "Well, what?"ย 

"It's "do well," not "do good.""ย 

"Oh, God!" Malia said while Sawyer flicked the side of her brother's head making him look at her offended. "We're doing this, because while we're trying not to die, we still need to live. If I survive high school, I'd like to go to college. A good college..." Scott said and Kira nodded.ย 

"It's only three hours. We can survive three hours." Kira said, making Stiles and Sawyer both groan and squint at her.ย 

"Cell phone in the envelope, Sawyer." Natalie said, holding up an envelope after Sawyer did her thumb print and grabbed a couple pencils and her test. Sawyer looked at the envelope then at Natalie with a cocked eyebrow, not really liking the idea of not having her phone on her at all times. "You'll get it back after the test." Natalie said with a smile making Sawyer sigh and reluctantly pulled her phone out, dropping it into the bag.ย 

She and Anakin walked over to a seat and sat down, before giving Stiles a weird look as he sat down next to her, "You plan on sketching the Mona Lisa with that many pencils?" She asked, making him give her a look and shrug, "When you end up needing a new pencil half way through the test don't look at me." He said before starting to look over the rest of the booklet as she hummed sarcastically.ย 

"Please do not open the test booklet until you are instructed to do so." Simon, the guy who ran the PSATs said, making Sawyer look over at Stiles who awkwardly pursed his lips as he closed the booklet making her chuckle.

"This test is two hours and ten minutes. There will be two twenty-five-minute critical reading sections, two twenty five minute math sections, and an essay writing portion that will last thirty minutes. There are supposed to be two teachers monitoring this exam..." Simon said, looking over at Natalie.ย 

"I know. It's Coach. He's not exactly punctual. Um, let me just try him again." Natalie said and walked out of the room. Sawyer furrowed her brows slightly and closed her eyes, sucking in a deep breath as the whispers got louder, she was about to focus on them, but Natalie came back in, making everyone look up.ย 

"I can't find him... But Mr. Yukimura is upstairs grading papers. Do you want me to try him?" Natalie asked and Simon shook his head, "We have to start. We can ask for his assistance during the first break." He said and then pressed a button on his watch before turning to the students, "You may now open your test booklets and begin."ย 

Sawyer opened her test booklet and started reading questions and circling in answers. She paused for a second as she closed her eyes and took a deep breath, the whispers getting louder again. All of the sudden, Sawyer's eyes clouded over as she saw flashes of students laying in beds, separated by sheets of plastic as people in hazmat suits walked around.ย 

Everyone was in the middle of working on their test when all of the sudden, a girl named Sydney suddenly fell to the ground making everyone stop and look at her. "Sydney!" Natalie said, running over to her, "Are you alright?" Natalie asked as she helped her up. "I'm okay... I just got kind of dizzy..." Sydney said, chuckling awkwardly. "Sydney, how long have you had this?" Natalie asked, looking down at a red mark in Sydney's arm, "I don't know." Sydney said, confused.ย 

"Ms. Martin, do I need to stop the test?" Simon asked and Natalie shook her head, ".. Um, it's fine. Everybody stay in your seats. I'll- um, be back in a minute. Nobody leaves the room." Natalie said before walking out of the classroom.ย 

"Get back! No! Do not come in here! Get back outside!" They heard Natalie start to yell out in the hall, making everyone run out the classroom to see her locking the double doors. "Back to your seats! Now. Please." She said and everyone walked back into the room, Scott closing the door behind him.ย 


"Bet they're thinking smallpox." Stiles said to Sawyer, Malia and Kira, "Not likely." Simon said, making them look over at him, "Smallpox was eradicated worldwide in 1979. We've only managed to completely eradicate two viruses in history. The other was rinderpest- it killed cows." He said.ย 

"Is that supposed to comfort us?" Sawyer asked, looking at the man with a wary look as she mindlessly petted Anakin, "Unless it's something worse..." He said. "Whatever it is, they're taking it pretty seriously. There are a lot of cars and trucks out there." Malia said and Sawyer nodded.ย 

"Yeah, the CDC takes every unknown disease seriously. It's the smarter move." Sawyer said and her and Malia listened for a second before looking at the twins. "Your dad's with them." She said and they nodded and Stiles stood up, "We should probably call him." He said before walking over to where all the phones were.ย 

"Don't bother- they would have shut off any access to all outside communication by now. No cell service, no WiFi, no one starting a panic. Looks like we're all just going to have to wait here and see what happens." Simon said, making Sawyer squinted at him.ย 

"I don't like you."ย 


A while later they stood around in the locker room as they watched Scott's eyes flicker from red to his normal brown. "Still happening." Mr. Yukimura said and Malia sighed and held up her clawed hands, "I can't make them go back." She said and Mr. Yukimura sighed. "Obviously, the virus is affecting the two of you in a way it won't hit any human being." He said.ย 

"You guys have to stay out of sight." Sawyer said and Stiles nodded, "We have to quarantine you from the quarantine." He said and they nodded in agreement. "Yeah, but where? I mean, what if they get violent, like on a full moon?" Kira asked and Scott sighed, "We shouldn't stay in here. Not in the locker room." Scott said.ย 

"A classroom is not going to hold us..."ย 

"What about the basement?"ย 

"Too many ways out. We need something secure- somewhere nobody can find us." Scott said and realization crossed over Sawyer's features, "The vault." She said, making them look at her and Scott nodded. "The Hale vault. The Hales always have an escape route, like their house. There has to be another way in." He said.ย 

"This is where the high school sign is, so the vault's got to be right about here." Sawyer said as they stood around a blueprint of the school, "I suppose, if there's a second entrance, it would probably be accessible from the basement." Mr. Yukimura said and Stiles nodded.ย 

"It's probably somewhere in this hallway- west corridor." Stiles said as he pointed at something and all of the sudden he started to fall making Malia and Sawyer quickly grab on to him to steady him. "It's happening to you, too. You're getting sick- you all are." Mr. Yukimura said and Sawher and Kira glanced at each other. "I don't feel sick." Kira said and Sawyer nodded, "Neither do I."ย 

"This virus might not affect you at all, at most you might start feeling a little sick like Stiles." Mr. Yukimura said, looking at Sawyer before turning to his daughter. "But I think it's affecting you differently. Neurologically. I found your test answers here in a pile with the others." He said, pulling the sheet out to see that instead of filling out the bubbles, Kira had scribbled a circle next to them.ย 

"We should probably get to the vault, now." Sawyer said and they all nodded before running out and down the stairs to the basement. They looked around until Stiles found marks on the wall behind a shelf, "Hey, guys? Over here." He said and they all walked over to him. Scott pulled out the shelf to reveal a triskelion carved into the wall.ย 

"Look at the cracks in the wall. It's like the entrance outside. It only opens with claws-anyone's claws, right?" Sawyer asked and Scott looked over at Malia. "Malia, can you try?" He asked making Malia look at him confused, "Why me?" She asked. "I don't have control." Scott said, holding up his and Malia thought for a second before nodding, "Okay. I'll do it... But, first, tell me what you've been hiding from me." Malia said, making them all glance at each other.ย 

"I know you think you're trying to protect me, but I can handle it." She said and they didn't say anything right away, "I know I'm on the list!" Malia said, making them slightly let out a breath of relief. "Yes..." Stiles said slowly making Malia nod, "So, how much?" She asked making Sawyer raise her eyebrows. "How much what?" Sawyer asked, "How much am I worth?"ย 

"Four million..." Scott said, making Malia look over at him before looking down, "Are you okay?" Stiles asked and she looked up and nodded. "Yeah. Scott's worth twenty-five-, Sawyer, twenty-three, Kira, six. They'll take you guys out way before me." Malia said before walking over to the vault door.ย 

"That's progress. That's progress." Stiles muttered right as Malia went to stick her claws in the markings. Malia was able to turn the lock, making the vault door open.ย 

After a few minutes, Sawyer was walking around with Anakin looking at all the stuff on the shelves while Kira paced back and forth, Scott sat on a metal box and Malia laid in Stiles lap. "You know, this is where it all started. That's where the money was. One hundred and seventeen million in bearer bonds." Stiles said, looking over at the safe that Scott sat by.ย 

"How do you even change bearer bonds into cash?" Kira asked as Sawyer and Anakin walked around a shelf, "Bank." She said, leaning against the shelf as they looked over at her. "Apparently they had just let it sit here the whole time, collecting dust. " She said and Stiles nodded slightly.ย 

"You know bearer bonds are basically extinct?" Stiles asked, making them look at him, "Why does it matter?" Kira asked and Sawyerย  sighed. "You know how many problems that money could solve?" Sawyer asked making Kira raise her eyebrows slightly, "For you?" Kira asked. "Us, our dad... The Eichen House and MRI bills are killing him. Even if Sawyer helps pay bills while taking extra hours." Stiles said, glancing over at his sister who set him a small sad smile.ย 

"My mom does this thing... She writes down all the items in our budget, and how much they cost, and then she adds them all up and figures out how long we have until... we lose the house." Scott explained.ย 


"Anything?" Stiles asked as he, Sawyer, Anakin and Scott stood by the vault door, "They're looking for us. Someone's going to have to go out there." Scott said and Sawyer nodded. "I'll go out there." She said before noticing Stiles looking at Malia, "We gotta tell her the truth about Peter. She's going to see the rest of the Deadpool eventually." Sawyer said and Stiles sighed.ย 

"Try to remember that Peter is the one name missing on that list- which either makes him incredibly lucky, or the Benefactor. She finds out about him, she's going to go to him. You know she is. And then he's going to twist his way into her head, like he does with everyone- including us. We let him walk around like nothing ever happened, like he's one of the good guys..." Stiles said, making them sigh softly.ย 

"Guys, he's not one of the good guys. If she finds out about him, she's gone. That's probably what he's waiting for! And if he wins, we lose." Stiles said and Scott sighed and shook his head, "We're already losing." He said and Sawyer sighed softly.ย 

"You wanna come with me?" Sawyer asked, looking at her brother and Stiles nodded, "Yeah, I'll come with you but I'm gonna talk to Malia real quick." He said and she nodded before he walked over to where Malia laid.ย 

"Malia, I gotta leave for a few, okay?" Stiles asked and Malia sat up slightly, "Where are you going?" Malia asked and he sighed. "Whatever's happening...? It's worse for you guys. That means it's not just people getting sick- it's another assassin."ย 

"Here." Stiles said before wrapping his jacket around Malia's shoulders. "You're coming back right?" Malia asked and Stiles nodded, "Yeah. Yeah, I'd never leave you behind." He said making her smile. Stiles kissed Malia on the forehead before he stood up and started walking to his sister and Anakin. "Ready?" She asked and he nodded before they walked out, the door closing behind them.ย 

They ran back up stairs and into the room where everyone was getting quarantined in making Natalie look over. "Stiles, you're not looking so good. Maybe you ought to lie down." Natalie said as they walked up to her, "It's okay. Have you seen Mr. Yukimura?" He asked and Natalie nodded. "Yeah, he's fine. He's helping the other students." She said and Stiles nodded and went to walk away but Sawyer slowed slightly.ย 

She stopped, closing her eyes for a moment as a wave of dizziness washed over her, while Anakin started to alert. She took a deep breath before opening her eyes and immediately noticing something.ย 

"Is Coach the only adult who got sick today?" She asked, looking at Natalie, "As far as I know." She answered and Stiles and Sawyer glanced at each other. "Why is he...?" They both muttered and Natalie grabbed their arms, "Guys? I think you both should lie down." She said and they shook their heads. "Yeah, no, it's okay. We'll be back. We'll be right back-" Stiles said before he, Sawyer and Anakin ran out the room.ย 

They ran into Coach's office and instantly started digging around everything. They moved to the desk as Stiles started looking through papers that Coach was stamping to see the red ink had started fading before becoming black. "Stiles." Sawyer said as she grabbed Coach's mug to show a bunch of black smudges, "It's the ink." She said in a slight whisper.ย 

"I was wondering how that idiot got sick." Someone said making them jump and turn around to see Simon standing in the doorway holding a gun. "I'm also wondering where your friends are. Since, it order to get paid by the Benefactor, I need to have proof that they're dead." He said as he messed with the gun.ย 

"Visual confirmation..." Stiles and Sawyer said as they grabbed each other's hands, "Exactly." Simon said before pointing the gun at them.ย 

"Still a bit feverish, Mr. and Miss. Stilinski?" Simon asked as he made Stiles, Sawyer and Anakin walk into the locker room. "But, you should know something. The virus doesn't kill humans. You'll get better. So, don't you think you should tell me where they are? Shouldn't one of you get to live? Although, I am quite disappointed the virus didn't affect you more, Sawyer." He said, looking at Sawyer.ย 

Sawyer just gave him a fake smile and chuckled, "Yeah, here soon I'm gonna make you wish it did." She said and he chuckled. "Why don't you just tell me where the rest of your friends are?" He said and Stiles sighed, "I think we saw them in the library.... Or, it might have been the cafeteria. It was definitely one of those two." He said sarcastically.ย 

"I'm going to count to three, and then I'm going to kill your sister." Simon said, holding the gun in front of Sawyer forehead making Stiles turn around while Sawyer just raised her eyebrows, almost daring him. "What? You think that's gonna scare me? Gonna kill my dog too?" She asked, tightening her grip on Anakin's leash.ย 

"No... I think I can kill you. I just thought the countdown would make it more exciting. So, One. Two-" He said and Stiles went to move in front of her but she wouldn't let him until all of the sudden a gunshot went off making them jump. Blood splattered across the both of them making them look over to see Simon falling to the ground and Agent McCall standing there in a hazmat suit.ย 

"Where the hell did you come from?" The twins both asked as they looked over at Agent McCall, "Guys, listen. I got a call from Melissa. I don't know what it means. She said there's an antidote? Reishi mushrooms..." He said, making them look at him confused. "Wait, what's in a vault?" Stiles asked, "It's in a jar on one of the shelves. She said to tell Scott, It's in the vault." He said and the twins and Anakin instantly ran down to the basement.ย 

"Hey, Scott? Scotty? In the vault, in there with you- it's called reishi mushrooms. Scott?" Sawyer yelled as they bagged on the door,ย  Scott, open the door! It's in there with you! It's in a jar, it's on one of the shelves. Scott! Scott, can you hear me?" Stiles yelled. The only answer they received was silence making the twins grab each other's hands, fearful looks on their faces.ย 

A few seconds later the door opened, making them sigh in relief as they saw Scott standing there. The three friends immediately wrapping their arms around each other. After hugging Scott, Stiles walked over to Malia and crouched down in front of her.ย 

"Hey, you alright?" He asked but she didn't say anything, "Malia?" He asked again, grabbing her shoulder but she grabbed his arm, before looking at him with glossy eyes. She removed his hand then stood up, dropping a piece of paper as she walked out.

A couple minutes later Sawyer and Anakin walked down the hall after getting her phone from Mr. Yukimura. "Sawyer!" Someone yelled, making her look up to see Lydia running over to her. The second Lydia got up to her she threw her arms around Sawyer's shoulders making Sawyer wrap her arms around Lydia's waist.ย 

"Are you okay?" Lydia asked worriedly as she pulled away and grabbed Sawyer's face, looking at the blood. "I'm fine, I barely got sick." Sawyer said and Lydia raised her eyebrows, "What about the blood?" She asked and Sawyer shook her head slightly. "It's not mine. It belongs to the guy who ran the tests, who McCall shot because he had a gun to my head." Sawyer said, making Lydia's eyes widen.ย 

"He had a gun to your head?" She asked, worried and Sawyer smiled softly at her, "I'm fine, just need a shower." She said and Lydia sighed softly before leaning her head on Sawyer's shoulder. Sawyer smiled softly as she looked down at Lydia before leaning her chin on the top of Lydia's head.
