Ch. 50 - 117

Sawyer's outfit:
Animal Clinic -

School / Animal Clinic / Sation / Scott's House -

▪ 🖀 🏳‍🌈🕯▪

Chapter Fifty
💰 117 💰

"Wow..." Deaton said as Scott and Stiles carried a young Derek Hale into the clinic, setting him on the table, "Wow? Wow, as in, I've seen this before and I know exactly what to do -kind of wow? 'Cause that's the kind we were hoping for..." Stiles said and Deaton looked over at him, "I think you might be overestimating my abilities." 

"He's cold, really cold." Lydia said as she held onto his hand. "Do you think this is permanent?" Scott asked and Deston sighed, "I'm not sure a medical diagnosis is even adequate. This is well beyond my experience." Deaton said. "So, what do we do with him?" Sawyer asked and Deaton sighed. 

"Until he wakes up? Probably not much. It might be best to leave him with me. He'll be safe here." Deaton said, glancing at all of them. "You mean, from Kate?" Sawyer said and Deaton nodded, "If she's alive and she is what you say she is, she won't be able to walk past that gate." 

"Why would she want to do this to him?" Lydia asked and Sawyer shook her head slightly, "After everything else she's done in the past, probably for something that only benefits her and is bad for everyone else." She said looking at all of them. 

"You guys should probably go home. He doesn't look to be in any danger... So, maybe the rest of you should get some sleep? It is a school night, and you all need to start taking care of your own lives again." Deaton said and Scott s sighed, "Someone should stay with you." Scott said. 

"I'll stay." Lydia said, making them all look over at her, "My grades are fine, despite missing a few classes." She said and Sawyer shook his head. "I'm so not okay with this." She said and Lydia rolled her eyes, "Guys go." She said and Sawyer shook her head. 

"No, absolutely not." 

Lydia gave Scott a look and nodded her head at Sawyer. Scott nodded, knowing what she was getting at, "Text us if anything happens." He said walking over to Sawyer, "Nope! Still not okay with it. Not going anywhere." Sawyer said and Scott grabbed her and started pulling her to the door with Stiles following, "Okay, fine. But I'm only leaving because you're stronger than me." 


"So, it's, like, two in the morning. I wake up, and she's just lying right next to me. She just sneaks in. This was, like, five times a week." Stiles said as he, Scott, Sawyer and Anakin walked up the stairs at school, "And then what happens?" Scott asked. 

"This..." Stiles said before lifting up the back of his shirt, making Scott's eyes widen while Sawyer cringed. "Holy-" Scott said and Sawyer shook her head slightly, "I'm so glad I already wear headphones every night... You should probably apologize to Anakin though." Sawyer mumbled as Stiles lowered his shirt. 

"Yeah... Right on, right? After that, we spent the rest of the night spooning..." Stiles said and Scott nodded slightly, "That sounds okay." He said. "Yeah, but I'm always the little spoon! Always!" Stiles said and Sawyer shrugged and nodded, "Makes sense, Malia's definitely a top." Sawyer said, making Stiles give her a look. 

"But this means you guys are together, right? You're dating? And if you guys are, I'm gonna be so offended that you guys are official before Lydia and I are." Sawyer asked and Stiles sighed softly, "I don't know. Sometimes, the way she looks at me... I think she knows I'm not telling her something." He said. "You mean Peter?" Scott asked and Stiles glanced at him, "We gotta tell her, Scott." Stiles said and Scott nodded. 

"Yeah, I know... I just... I don't know how." He said before they walked into class, Scott and Stiles sat next to each other while Sawyer sat behind her brother, Anakin laying down next to her. "It might surprise you to know that some of history's greatest leaders have had to endure some pretty great failures." Mr. Yukimura said as he wrote something on the board before turning to the class. 

"One you'll recognize from last night's reading failed in business, had a nervous breakdown, was defeated for both houses of Congress, and lost as Vice-President before he was finally elected as one of the greatest presidents that this country has ever seen. Who was he?" Mr. Yukimura asked as he leaned against the front of his desk and a few students raised their hands. 

"Malia?" Mr. Yukimura asked making Malia, highlighter in her mouth, pause her highlighting before looking up at him. Stiles, Sawyer and Scott all turned to look at her and she glanced at them as she slowly turned the page and Mr. Yukimura raised his eyebrows. Scott's phone went off, making Scott turn back around to look at it, "Scott, phones off." Mr. Yukimura said and Scott nodded before turning his phone off. 

"Malia? One of our greatest presidents? Gettysburg Address?" Mr. Yukimura asked and Malia nodded slightly as she stuck the red highlighter into her mouth before flipping through her books. Kira waved her hand around slightly as Sawyer's phone went off. "Phones off- everyone!" Mr. Yukimura said and Sawyer turned her phone off, "Malia?" Mr. Yukimura asked as Malia searched through her books. 

"Abraham Lincoln." Sawyer whispered, making Malia look over at her, highlighters still in her mouth. "Does anyone else know?" Mr. Yukimura asked and everyone except for Malia, Scott, Stiles and Sawyer raised their hands, making Malia awkwardly sink down into her seat. Someone else's cell phone started going off making Mr. Yukimura sigh, "I said, phones off!" He said and Kira raised her eyebrows. 

"Dad, that was yours." She said, making her father glance around slightly embarrassed, "Oh. Um..." He said before pulling his phone out and furrowing his brows. "Scott, call Lydia." He read making Scott, Stiles and Sawyer glance at each other. 


"I don't think he's just younger in body... I think he's younger in his mind, too." Deaton said after Scott, Stiles, Sawyer and Anakin came into the clinic. "He didn't recognize any of us. And he looked like he was scared out of his mind." Lydia said. 

"So, if you're a teenage Werewolf, and you're scared, where do you go?" Stiles asked, "A wolf goes back to its den... But Derek lives in a loft." Scott said and Stiles softly shook his head. "Not when he was a teenager." He said, making Sawyer's eyes widen, "The Hale house. He wouldn't remember the fire- it wouldn't have happened yet." She said. 

"Hold on... Say you do manage to catch up to him? What are you going to say to him? That his whole family is dead?" Lydia asked and Scott sighed, "I guess I'm going to have to..." Scott said and Lydia scoffed, "Oh! Good luck with that." 

"She's probably right. Maybe you shouldn't? You know, at least until we figure out how to get him back to normal." Stiles said and Scott shook his head slightly, "I can't lie to him-" He said, making Sawyer shrug slightly. "Okay! I'll do it." She said and Scott looked at her. 

"I don't think any of us can. Remember, he can hear a heartbeat rising. When we find him, we tell him the truth." Scott said and Sawyer raised her eyebrows, "If he gets to the house first, you won't have to." She said. 


Running into the station, Scott, Stiles, Sawyer and Anakin froze when they saw Derek sitting on a bench and Stilinski standing in front of him. Stilinski sighed and motioned them onto another room. "I want you to be honest with me- absolutely and completely honest." Stilinski said and they nodded, "Have you been time traveling?" He asked, catching them off guard. 

"Hang on, what???" Stiles and Sawyer both said at the same time, "Because if time traveling is real... You know what? I'm done. I'm out. You're going to be driving me to Eichen House." Stilinski said and Sawyer shook her head.."We found him like that." She said and he looked at his daughter crazy, "Where? Swimming in the fountain of youth?" 

"No... We found him buried in a tomb of wolfsbane in an Aztec temple in Mexico underneath a church in the middle of a town that was destroyed by an earthquake..." Stiles said awkwardly, making Scott close his eyes while Sawyer lightly pinched him to get him to stop talking as their father squinted at him. "You told me you were camping." Stilinski said and the twins nodded, "We were. In- In Mexico..." They both said. 

"Look, Derek's been aged backwards- he can't remember anything. We just need to talk to him." Scott said and Stilinski sighed. "Yeah, well, so far, he's not talking to anybody." Stilinski said and Scott sighed softly, "He'll listen to me." 


"Why would I go anywhere with you?" Derek asked looking at Scott who sighed softly, "Look...there was an accident... You lost some memory, but we can help you get it back." He said, making Derek look at her, "How much memory?" He asked. 

"A lot. But you can trust us." Scott said, crouching down in front of them and flashing his red eyes, "You're an Alpha. Okay who are you? And who is he? Who is she?" Derek asked looking over at Stiles and Sawyer. "Oh, we're the guys keeping you out of jail." Sawyer said and Stiles nodded in agreement. 

"Let us help you." 

"No." Derek said, making Sawyer roll her eyes while Stiles stepped forward, "Okay, dude, you almost tore apart two deputies back there. You need to listen to us and that starts with no fangs, no claws, no wolf-man. You got that?" Stiles said and Derek glanced down. 

"I'm fine as long as it's not on a full moon." Derek said making Scott look at him confused, "You still have trouble with the full moon?" He asked. "I said I'm fine." Derek said and Sawyer squinted slightly, "The voices in my head are telling me that was a lie." She said making him look at her weird. "All right. You coming with us, or not?" Stiles asked, "You want me to trust you? Where's my family?" Derek asked making Scott sighed. 

"There was a fire, and-" Scott started making Derek's face fall, "They're not here anymore. But they're fine- they just had to move out of Beacon Hills. And we're going to take you to them, as soon as we figure out how to get your memories back." Sawyer interjected, while stepping forward making Scott look at her thankfully. 

He looked over at her then nodded softly, "Okay..." 


"We shouldn't have done that. Sawyer just totally lied her ass off." Scott said as they waited for Derek, "Hey, my ass is fine. I saved him a ton of unnecessary pain!" Sawyer and Stiles nodded. "We'll figure this out in a day or two, he goes back to being old- Derek, everybody's happy." Stiles said and Sawyer pursed her lips, "Except for Derek, who's never happy." She said and Stiles nodded in agreement. 

"It's just another person that we're lying to. I always feel like it's always been better when we tell the truth. With Lydia, my mom, your dad..." Scott said and Stiles sighed and nodded slightly, "Yeah, and that is Derek Hale in there. He may be a kid right now, but he's still Derek Hale." He said 

"Alright. You guys take him to my house, and don't let him out of your sight." Scott said, making Sawyer raise her eyebrows, "And where are you going?" She asked and Scott sighed. "I'm going to talk to the guy we should have gone to before." He said before walking away while the twins made a face. 

"Uh... Yeah, we hate that guy!" 


"We're going to wait here for Scott. We're going to sit quietly. We're not going to call or talk to anyone." Stiles said as he, Derek, Sawyer and Anakin walked into Scott's house. "Do I talk to you?" Derek asked and Stiles shook his head, "No." 

"Fine, can I talk to her?" Derek asked, pointing at Sawyer who shook her head, "No." Sawyer said. "Can I pet your dog?" He asked and Sawyer shook her head again, "No, he's working." She said. "Who's going to talk to him?" Derek asked and they turned to see Agent McCall making Stiles and Sawyer jump, "Ah! Are you getting taller?" 

"What are you guys doing here?" He asked. "We're waiting for Scott." Derek said and Rafael nodded, "Yeah, so am I. We're supposed to have dinner. I brought extra. You guys hungry?" He asked. "Yeah-" Derek started to say but the twins cut him off, "No, We're not hungry." They both said. 

"No, I'm starving-" 

"None of us are hungry. Thanks, though." Stiles said and Rafael nodded slowly, looking at Stiles weird, "Okay... Well, if you guys aren't not hungry, Stiles, Sawyer, your friend can still eat with us. What's your name?" He asked, Derek went to answer but Stiles did first. 

"Miguel. Our cousin Miguel. From Mexico." Stiles said making Sawyer sigh and squint slightly while Agent McCall nodded, then looked back over at "Miguel" before speaking in Spanish. "Es usted natural de México, Miguel?" He asked, making Stiles and Sawyer's eyes widen, "Oh, my God..." 

"No soy nativo, sino que páse un montòn de tiempo allá." Derek said making Stiles and Sawyer look at each other wide eyed, "Fantastic! Egg roll?" 

"Hell yeah." 

"So, uh, Miguel... What did you say your last name was again?" Rafael asked as they all sat around the table, "Oh, it's Juarez... JCinqua... Tiago..." Stiles said, making Sawyer lightly kick him under the table and give him a look to just stop. "That's a mouthful. How do you spell that?" 

"Phonetically." Sawyer said as she held out a piece of chicken to Anakin. "Mr. McCall, you're an FBI agent?" Derek asked and Stiles spoke up again, "He's low-level. Very low-level. He doesn't even have a voice..." 

"So, do you investigate murders?" Derek asked and McCall nodded slightly, "Sometimes, when it's a federal crime." He said. "What about fires?" Derek asked, making Sawyer and Stiles look at each other with wide eyes, "Oh, my God... I wonder where Scott is. Shouldn't Scott be here by now? We should call Scott..." Sawyer said and Stiles nodded in agreement. 

"What kind of fires are you talking about?" McCall asked, "Do you know anything about the Hale family?" 


Derek slammed Stiles into the wall of Scott's bedroom as Sawyer and Anakin ran in, "Okay, we didn't lie. We omitted certain truths. Vital truths, now that I think about it." Stiles said and Derek backed up from him. "I don't want to talk to you. I want to talk to the Alpha. I'll talk to him." Derek said and Sawyer held her hands up and nodded. 

"Okay, I'm going to go get him. Our phones are downstairs. Going to call him real quick. You stay here. Just, don't move, okay? Don't move." Sawyer said before she, Anakin and Stiles ran out only to run back in, "Don't... I thought you-" 

"No, he's in your bedroom, he'll be totally fine. To be honest, I'm starting to miss the old Derek..." Stiles said as he, Sawyer and Anakin started walking down the hall, "So, if you think that Kate's coming to find him..." Stiles trailed off as they walked into Scott's room. 

Derek was no longer in the room making them freeze but Sawyer looked over at the window and her eyes widened. Kate Argent looked back through the window after climbing through it and her eyes instantly landed on the twins making her smirk. 


Stiles, Lydia, Sawyer, along with Anakin ran through the tunnel connecting the school to the field before stopping to catch their breath for a moment. "You seriously need to find something better than a baseball bat." Sawyer said as she eyed the metal bat in Stiles's hand making him look at his sister in offense before they started running again. 

They ran over to see the entrance of the school sign to see some type of vault wide open before running down the stairs to see Peter crouched down in front of a safe. "It was never... never... about the Triskelion. They took it. They took it while I was blind..." Peter mumbled, making them look at him confused. 

"Took what?" Sawyer asked and Peter slowly stood up and turned to them, "Bonds. Bearer bonds. And they took them all." He said. "Bearer bonds? Hold on, are you saying that you got robbed?" Stiles asked amused. "This was a heist! Somebody planned this!" Peter said angrily. 

"How much did they take?" Lydia asked and Peter sighed, "One hundred and seventeen..." He said. "Thousand?" Stiles and Sawyer both asked and Peter looked away from them. 

