Min Yoongi, will you marry me?

On the last page of her journal, Jihyo prepared another event for him. In beautiful cursive letters, Jihyo wrote her proposal including a pair of rings tied in a bow.

"So... is it a yes?"

His eyes are rounder than usual and his mouth is slightly ajar out of surprise. Jihyo shakes him a little to get a response from him. 


"How come... why?..."


When he finally grasp the situation, he whined and made a disappointed look.

"Why do you have to propose first?! I should've been the one asking you for marriage and not the other way around."

"(laugh) Well, I thought if I don't do it sooner, one of your fans will win you over a proposal before I even ask you myself."

"Your laughing?! This is a serious matter, Park Jihyo-ssi. Cancel your proposal, I'll do it instead."

"No way!"

Jihyo holds him by his collar and with determined eyes, she asked;

"Will you marry me or not?!"

"I have no reason not to but Jihyo... fine. This is your proposal but I can still make mine, right? You better not refuse me."

Jihyo made an impatient expression.

"Your answer?"

"I'll marry you any time of the day."

With a satisfied look, Jihyo pulls him in a hug.

"Now when your fans asked you for marriage, let them know you're taken."

He hugs her back and nodded.

"Should I show off my ring when they asked?"

Jihyo thought of it for a while.

"Hmm... I changed my mind. Don't tell them yet, okay? Let's give it to them, to cherish you and support you. I'm not an immature girlfriend after all."

She boasted and that cracks a smile on Yoongi's face.

"Just a little jealous, right?"

He commented. Jihyo pulls herself a little further so she can face him.

"Just... I thought if they can ask you about that so simply, why couldn't I? I have all the right to ask you first, in the first place. Now that I did, it was not simple at all. They can casually ask you because they are your fans and that even if you do not respond properly, it does not matter. However, in my case, though I acted tough just a while ago, if you happen to reject me... what should I do then?"

"Who's rejecting who? I worked so hard to make you mine, Park Jihyo. To be asked for marriage by you, I probably lived as the kindest man in my previous life."

He lightly punches him in the chest for his cheesy comment.

"Come to think of it, once you confirmed to Army about us, don't tell them about our ring exchanges, okay? We are not officially engaged yet."

"Huh?! If not, then-"

"You said you're gonna do your proposal too. Once you did, only then we can say we're officially engaged. You need to hear my answer first, okay? Who knows, I might still change my mind."

Jihyo teased with a proud grin.

"Really!!!! Why am I in love with such a heartless woman?!"

He was exasperated but still wears a huge grin on his face.


"Unnie! Have you seen Jihyo Unnie's recent post in our group chat?!"

Everyone took their phone to see the fuss Chaeyoung is about. They were all in shock and comes running to their dad.


"Hyung! Open our group chat, quickly! It's the end for Yoongi Hyung!"

Shouts Jungkook. As soon as everyone saw his recent message, they exchanged looks and shake their heads in disbelief.

--shared photos in two group chats--

[Photo #01]  Jihyo armlocks Yoongi as she tries to put the ring on his ring finger while the latter has the 'I'm so done in my life' expression.

[Photo #02] They were hugging each other with huge smiles on their faces and hearts in their eyes as they show off their engagement(?) rings. 

