After taking a nap, the couple went out to buy ingredients for dinner. It's odd how grocery shopping feels like going out on a date but that's how people around them see the couple. It's like they are walking around with hearts, flowers, and sparkles circling them. Even the mask on Yoongi's face cannot contain his bright smile.

"You should be popular here too but weirdly enough, people seem not to recognize you."

"Isn't that a good thing? We can hang out freely without worrying about people."

"Well, you're right. What's for dinner, anyway? You said you're going to cook it for me."

"How's pasta and steak sound like?"

"With a bottle of red wine? Oooh! Sounds good!"

Yoongi reached out to pinch the tip of her nose. She's been clinging to him ever since they left his suite. He thought maybe even if she's not saying it out loud, she also misses him as much as he does. 


"Yoongi, can't you give this t-shirt to me? It'll be really good sleeping wear."

When they came back, Yoongi starts to work in the kitchen while Jihyo busied herself rummaging his things. 

"This baseball cap too, can I have it instead?"

Jihyo pops up in the kitchen wearing the t-shirt and the cap on. 

"Doesn't it looks good on me?"

"Sure, you can have it, Jihyo."

"Really? In return, I'll give you a copy of my homework."

"Homework? What's that?"

"It's something similar to what you gave me at the airport. Remember the USB?"

"You made a video?"

"Yeah, but it's a solo performance. I learned how to play the guitar and composed a song for my project. Since I thought of you while writing the lyrics, I thought I'll let you see my work too. What do you say?"

"I love it already."

"Eeww! You sound cheesy!"

"(laughs) But tell me honestly, you're not the type to ask for my stuff. What's the hidden agenda, Jihyo-ssi?"

"Well, I just like it."

"And?... should I also spray my perfume on it?"

"Yah!!! Don't get ahead of yourself! I only wanted it as sleeping wear."

"(laughs more) Fine, fine. I'm just teasing you."

"Tsk! How's it going? It already smells good."

"I'm almost done cooking, can you set the table for me?"

"Sure! Did the hotel provide you all these utensils? They even have wine glasses!"

"I'm quite surprised too. I asked them about it when booking a suite and they say they'll take care of everything and they really did."

(after a couple of minutes...)

"Whoah! I can't believe I'm eating steak while watching the city night lights. You chose a really nice hotel, Yoongi."

"Tell me about it. Say, JIhyo, do you like to stay here? I mean I'll be in Manhattan for at least a month."

"Nah! Luxurious things don't suit me."

She downright refused.

"If these luxurious things cannot coax you, how about my presence? You'll be at the academy for the rest of the days anyway, instead of going back and forth to meet, why not stay here for a while?"

"Nope! Can't do."

"Come on, there's another room in this suite. I purposely booked it thinking you'll stay with me, besides I'm still injured."

He massaged his shoulder and fake a wince.

"You're such a child, Yoongi!

"By the way, I put something inside that room (Jihyo's supposed room) but you can only have it if you're willing to stay here."

"If it's just a life-size stuffed toy, forget about it. It won't make me change my mind. Besides, my bed in the dorm is too small."

He's busted, the gift is indeed a life-sized teddy bear. As he was trying to brush off his wounded ego, Jihyo continued...

"Unless you do the dishes as well, then I might reconsider."

"Tsk! You're such a bully!"

And that made both of them laugh to their heart's content.


'I can't believe he planned everything so well."

Jihyo thought aloud after unpacking the other luggage Yoongi have brought. It was full of new clothes he bought for her. He said that their manager; Seolhyun did some shopping for him because he doesn't know what to buy.

I just told her to buy everything you'll need so you won't need to go back to your dorm.

He told him.

"If I didn't know Seolhyun Unnie I'll be really mad but, how can I if she chooses such beautiful clothes? It's even neatly packed."

She jumps to her bed and hugs the huge bear. 

"You're going to occupy the entire space of my bed (in the dorm), how can we both sleep then?"

Yoongi knocks from the outside, interrupting her line of thoughts.

"Just wanna say good night, you can dream of me, Jihyo."

"Huh! You wish!"

"(laugh) Go to sleep, I'll see you tomorrow."

"Good night, Yoongi."

