"Seriously, Jihyo?? Our Jihyo??"

Hoseok exaggeratedly asked the BTS members when they shared how sweet and thoughtful Jihyo was with them. The other guys; Jinyoung and Jackson laugh out loud as if mocking what BTS members have just said.

"What's so funny, guys?"

Taehyung asked, quite confused.

"Sorry, it's just that we cannot imagine Jihyo the way you guys are describing her. Do you know how she normally acts around us? (laugh) Dude, you'll definitely question who's Jihyo you have met before."

Said Jinyoung, even slightly slapping Jihyo's arms.

"Maybe you're just treating her bad that's why she's rough around you?"

Jimin suggested, unconvinced that Jihyo is different from how they knew her.

"You're just trying to badmouth her to discourage Suga hyung, aren't you?"

Jungkook added.

"Speaking of Suga, hey, are you sure she didn't make you drink some potion or something?"

Asked Jackson.


He snickered and shook his head, no. Jihyo's friends amuse him so much to the point that he cannot believe they are the same people he used to know. Before they are giving him cold shoulders but now, however, they are carefree and just goofing around.  At first, Jihyo tries to save her face but over time, she just let them say whatever they want. She got tired of redeeming herself and her friends are having the time of their life.

"Jihyo, who could've thought you can be a great actress?! You totally made a fool of them!"

Jackson commented later on.

"I know, right? It's about time I receive my Oscar awards."

She answered cooly. She refills her glass but all the soju bottles in their table are now empty.

"Can't you guys drink moderately? Look how many bottles you have finished? (sigh)"

"We still have some left inside, let me get them."

"Nevermind, I'll do it."

She pulls down Jinyoung back to his seat and fetched the remaining bottles of soju. On her way, however, she changed her mind and went for a solo drink instead. She secretly opened a bottle for herself and drink it.


She spilled the alcohol out of surprise. Suga walks like a cat; too quiet and suspicious for her liking.

"Are you okay?"

He hands her a tissue from the countertop and gently pats her back.

"Can't you walk noticeably? You scared me just now."

"It's because you're trying to drink alone. Why did you leave the group?"

"(shrugs) They have more than enough liquor. If I let them drink more they'll pass out."

"Then I'll stay here with you."

He fills the glass she's using with soju and drinks it.

"Are you sure they are your good friends?"

"(Laugh) are you afraid that they might be telling the truth?"

He stared at her with a raised brow for a brief moment,

"It doesn't matter, I have my own opinion about you."

Curious, she dared to ask,

"What are those exactly? What do you think about me?"

He smiled knowingly,

"Fishing for compliments?"

"Oh! So you only have good things to say about me?"

"(shrugs) Who knows?"

Suga smirked.


Jihyo leans on the countertop and snatched her glass from his hand. She fills it again for a drink.

"But you know what, they're not telling lies either. Those kids (BTS maknaes) seem to only see my cute image, right?  Although I can be a little sweet, most of the time I am not."


"Eh? What's that supposed to mean?"

Suga pours soju on her glass and took it from her hand again for another drink.

"You're strict and cold-hearted. You worry a lot even for nothing. You're indecisive most of the time. Furthermore, you always act like you're one of the boys and it's really frustrating on my part."

"Tsk! But that's my charm."

"(leaning closer) I know, right?"

She backs off and gets another glass to pour her liquor. She noticed that they've been sharing the drink in one glass and she cannot enjoy her drink that way. 

"But I'm glad they are the friends you have, Ji."

"Really? Why?"

"They are protective of you. If you are with them, although it's worrisome, I know you're in safe hands. Besides, if I will be away I'm sure they are the ones I'll ask a favor to look after you too."

"I'm glad to hear that. Honestly, I don't know what good deed I did in my past life to deserve them. They are the brothers I never have. They are part of my family, you know."

"I know, that's why I'm tolerating your friendship with them. You know what, they say a girl and a boy cannot stay friends forever. There should be something special between them that keeps them together. Knowing that I fear that one day I'll have to regret condoning your friendship with them."

She pours herself a drink and downed it in one shot.

"I cannot help it if you think that way. I cannot console you either by cutting ties with them because I cannot do that."

Suga pinched her nose lightly,

"Silly, you don't need to do anything. I'm just sharing my concerns because I do not intend to keep them from you. I don't want to have any misunderstanding between us especially if it's about your family and friends."

She didn't respond but she kept staring at him as if encouraging him to say something more.

"Are you sure none of them sees you as a woman?"

"(laugh) We've been together since we were kids. Since then, no one ever confessed to me."

"What if they just cannot confess to you?"

"That's absurd, Yoongi."

Doubting his thread of thoughts, Jihyo answered.

"Sure, if you say so. However, even if I don't intend to I cannot help but be cautious of them. So, please I'm not saying you cannot meet them but can you not meet them alone aside from when you're in the school of course."

She stared at him, weighing the words she's about to say. 

"You know, they requested the same thing before you guys arrived here. They told me to avoid meeting you often so we cannot attract attention from the public."

"But I'm your boyfriend."

Suga replied, a little pissed.

"Yeah, that's why I told them I cannot do it. Having said that..."

Jihyo paused for a moment to check his reaction. Indeed, Suga already understands her point.

"(sigh) Say it."

"I cannot do what you're asking from me too. It might be a little uncomfortable for you but as I've said, they are family to me. How can I avoid meeting them outside school?  That's just impossible, Yoongi."

Without any word, he pulls her into her arms for a tight hug. Even though he asked her to lessen the times she meets her guy friends, at the back of his mind he already knew what her answer will be. But knowing is different from confirming the truth. After hearing her confirmation, he still feels a little disappointed.

"Say, if I asked you not to meet your fans in Vlive or chat with them or take photos with them while you're in day-off will you do that for me?"

"Of course."

Jihyo raised her head to meet his eyes,

"Liar! Even if you mean it, you cannot do it. So why bother promising something you cannot keep? You have to interact with them no matter how much I dislike or disapprove of it. It's one thing that we cannot help."

He didn't say anything rather, he cannot say anything.

"You know, I like doing stuff that normal couples do too. Even though we don't have many opportunities, let's try to be as normal as the others, okay? Let's date a couple of times, argue a little, and makeup before the day ends. If we fight, I'll go to my friends and you to your members for consolation. Then let's settle things as soon as possible and be happy again."

She buries her face to his chest and mumbles,

"While you're spending time with your fans, briefly think of me too. Not always, just from time to time, and I'll think of you too when I'm not busy studying, hmm?  We'll spend the time that we are not together productively and seize every moment we're together. Let's not be greedy, instead be understanding, okay? I won't whine but you cannot be unreasonable too."

She raises her head once again,

"Promise only those you can keep, don't make me wait in vain or hopeful for nothing. I will not complain as long as you convey only the truth. I ought to do the same as well so you don't need to worry about me. No keeping secrets, no white lies either. Lastly, being thankful is allowed but no apologies. Let's not commit to things we will be apologizing for, okay?"

"(smile) It seems like you have a lot of worries too, Jihyo."

Suga tucked her loose hair under her ears and lightly pinch her tiny nose.

"I will keep all of your words to my mind. I'll hold it dear and try my best to adhere to all of it, after all, it's for the both of us."

"(nods) thank you, Yoongi."

"How about thanking me this way?"

He leans closer to meet her lips but-

"Gotcha! Eh? Did I disturb anything?"

Taehyung appears out of the blue. His face is red and his eyes are already droopy, signs that he's already drunk. 

"Noona, did I make a mistake?"

He innocently asked after seeing Yoongi grunts in frustration.

"Of course not, shall we all go back outside?"

Jihyo pulls Suga and Taehyung back to where everybody is. Well, she already sincerely thanked him with words, that should be enough, right?


a/n: I made it longer than usual because I've been MIA for a long time. Hope you guys like it 😀 
