"Jihyo can we talk outside for a bit?"

Seolhyun's tone rises Jihyo's suspicion that something is up. She nods her head and about to leave when Suga caught her by the arm.

"Why do you need to talk to her outside? You can talk here, we wouldn't mind."

He said firmly but Jihyo hissed in a protest which made Suga cower a little; even slowly retracting his hold on her arm. Hobeom watched them with a smile, sensing the peace and unity in BTS team will soon be back.

"What's wrong? We're just going to talk, what's the big deal?"

"There's no point going out."

Suga answered in a soft tone.

"There's no need to be utterly against it too unless... something is up between the two of you. Did you guys fight?"


Jihyo watched how the boys scattered away as soon as she asked the question. Suga even refused to look at her and answer and that leads to only one person - manager Hobeom. 

"Heol! Hobeom Oppa?"

The man sighed and rise to his seat. He clears his throat and gives each member a lingering stare before he settles back his eyes at Jihyo; still with a big smile on his face.

"Seolhyun and BTS have a huge misunderstanding."

He begins. He slowly walks towards Jihyo with clasp hands.

"As a matter of fact, the misunderstanding is because of you, Jihyo."

"You're wrong, Hyung!"  "That's not true, Hyung!"

The boys exclaimed, surprising Jihyo, Hobeom, and Seolhyun.

"Do you have to aggressively disagree with me?"

Hobeom commented;

"Jihyo, I'd rather talk to you in private, please."

Seolhyun interrupted, tagging her hand a little. Seeing how uncomfortable Seolhyun is, Jihyo finally concedes to her invitation. They left the waiting room and went to a nearby cafe instead. Now that they are away from the members, an awkward silence embraced them both until Seolhyun finally take courage to speak.

"Jihyo, thank you for coming with me."

"Don't mention it, Unnie. Please tell me how can I be of help."

Seolhyun timidly smile;

"Will you really help me if I ask?"

"Of course, we're friends, aren't we?"

She said with confidence to encourage Seolhyun.

"Can you not show up again in front of BTS for me?"


"Hyung, what's taking them so long?"

V worriedly asked Jin. 

"Who knows, I'm worried too honestly."

"Will Seolhyun-ssi say something bad against us?"

Jimin added making the atmosphere even sourer.

"I'm dying of curiosity, how about we go and take Jihyo Noona?"

"No Jungkook and besides we need to go to your next schedule. I'll just let Seolhyun know so she can follow us later. Let's go guys."

"But Hyung!"

"No more buts, we need to work Bangtan. Go, go, go."



"Do you have an idea of how much your close relationship with the members affected me? It's far different from what you think, Jihyo."

Instead of responding, Jihyo allowed her to speak first. She thought she'll hear her first before she makes her comment.

"Did I cause your departure from BTS team, Jihyo?"

"No, I left because my contract ended."

"(smile) But you know what? Even though everyone knows that, I am still receiving cold treatment as if I purposely took your place. They never once considered me as their new manager. All they care about is you! You're great at this and that, you are the best manager, you are one of a kind, you're irreplaceable. What about me then?"

"Did they never listen to you even once? Did anyone of them avoid speaking with you? Did they never stay on guard around you when you're outside dealing with their fans? Unnie, have you ever watched them carefully?"

Seolhyun purse her lips as Jihyo speaks.

"When you're outside, Jin and Namjoon will walk in front as they command the members to walk alongside you, normally it is Taehyung and Jungkook while Suga, Hobi, and Jimin will follow behind. If the crowd becomes excited, they will stick closer and no matter how you wanted to deal with the fans, they won't let you. Instead, they will call the other managers to control the crowd, am I wrong?"

As she speaks, Jihyo observes Seolhyun's reactions. As she expected, there are lots of things Seolhyun failed to notice while she works with the boys and it vividly shows in her face.

"They are doing that not because they think you're weak and not able to protect them, it's the opposite, Unnie. They were protecting you from the crowd because they wanted to be gentlemen around you. If it becomes too crowded and you still insist to help control the fans, a few members will scold you because they do not want you to get hurt. Have you not ever realized that?"

Jihyo continued;

"During meals, they will ask you what you want to eat and purposely not touching your meal, right? Do you think they do not want to eat with you? You're wrong, Unnie. They are just being careful in case you're not accustomed to sharing your food with them. I used to offer my food with them first because they won't even look at my side while eating until they warm up and started stealing my food. How about you, Unnie? Did you exert an effort to get close with them during meals?"

Seolhyun is about to retaliate but Jihyo didn't give her a chance to do so,

"If they are exhausted after a full day schedule, instead of going straight to the dorm, they will ask Hobeom Oppa or anyone whose driving to bring you home first. You think their just avoiding to ride with you? No, Unnie. They are ensuring that you are home because you're the only girl riding the van with them. They are taking care of you even though they are equally tired but have you ever considered that? Maybe not."


"Unnie, it's not like the boys didn't treat you well. It is because you are looking at them the wrong way. Have you ever tried to understand them first? Learn their personalities? I don't think so because if you do, I don't think we're here to talk about all of this, right?"

"You don't understand me, Jihyo."

"You're right, I don't understand you, Unnie. How come you're questioning my close relationship with the boys instead of doing your best to win their hearts? I am not the issue here, it is you. You lack effort, Unnie, and only comparing yourself to me."

"How can I make them like me if they already like you?!"

"They can like us both, you know. But you cannot expect them to like us equally, Unnie. Let them warm up with you first, get personal with them until they begin to understand you. Build a bond first before you expect anything with them. I know because that's what I did when I am in your place."

"Is this your way of telling me you'll keep seeing the members despite my plea?"

Seolhyun's expression becomes cold;

"Yes, because you don't have the right to tell me who to meet. If I break my ties with the members it will not because you asked me to, Unnie."

"I thought you will understand me of all people, Jihyo. I guess not."

"Stop looking at things in one direction. Look at them properly, listen to them intently, that's the only way for you to get the treatment you wanted. Don't expect something if you haven't done anything, Unnie. That's just a wrong mindset, to be honest."

"You know what, forget it. I'll just deal with it myself, Jihyo."

She stood up and about to leave but Jihyo stopped her,

"Don't make your situation worse. Take my words into consideration, I'm not here to question you but to help you, please."

She shrugged her hold and left the cafe not even once looking back at Jihyo. Seolhyun didn't expect that Jihyo will side the boys. All this time, she's hoping she'll be able to help her but instead, she just makes her feel down even more. She dared to say that she didn't make an effort to get close to the members? Huh! She didn't know what she's saying!


"Hey, quiet! Jihyo is calling."

Suga announced and the van immediately went silent.

"Suga, can you guys not talk about me for a while? At least until you clear the misunderstanding you have with Seolhyun Unnie."

"Why? What did she tell you?"

"That's not important, please listen to me and try to treat her better. I know you're all being nice to her but be nicer okay. Please relay my words to the other members too."

"Did she asked you not to meet us again?"

"(lying) No, of course not. She's a little insecure that's all. Give her time and understand her better, okay."

"Shouldn't it be two-way? I mean do we always need to adjust for her sake?"

"Min Yoongi... be the bigger person, okay?"

"(sigh) Why do you always have to be nice? You make it sound like I'm a bad person, you know."

"(laugh) Am I? But will you do it?"

"As if we have a choice, if Park Jihyo asks us so nicely? I'll put you in speaker so you can tell the boys yourself."

Jihyo repeated her pleas and everyone agreed just for her sake. 

"Come to think of it, we were able to become this close because you allowed it to happen. How about with her? Did you give her a chance to understand you too, or not? You can't be friends if one denies friendship so please give her the opportunity as well. You might be treating her good but with reservation and that's why she cannot reach out to you properly. Open up a bit, okay? I know you'll be able to fix your relationship with her soon. I'll trust you guys.

They ended the phone call after they promised to do well next time. Jihyo always says the right words to convince them and just as before, they believe she is right. Time to make amends and clear things up before it gets worse. Thanks to Jihyo, Hobeom will be able to breathe normally again.

