At BTS dorm...

"Hyung, why Jihyo noona and Yoongi hyung not coming yet? It's been three hours already when Noona said to pick up Hyung, isn't it?"

Taehyung inquired but Namjoon just shrugs his shoulder.

"Who knows Tae, maybe the two spend the night together."

"What the heck, hyung!"

"Calm down, I'm just kidding. Why don't you call Noona and check?"

"I was about to, oh! I missed her call, (to all) Hey, does anyone received a call from Noona?"

The members checked on their phone and advised V that they received a missed call too. The boys wonder how did they missed the call and thought back what they did during those times. 

"Ah, aren't we outside playing nametag ripping at that time?"

Jhope commented and everyone agreed. On rare occasions, the boys usually use the rooftop of the building to play by themselves and it just happens that they decided to play games while waiting for Yoongi and Jihyo to arrive. Unfortunately, they missed the timing and now the two are nowhere to be found.

"Nevermind, Jihyo might have brought Yoongi with her. Let's just call them tomorrow since it's already late. Go to sleep now, all of you."

"But hyung, don't you think it is rude to let Yoongi hyung troubles noona? Let's go pick him up."

V complained,

"Yes, I know. We will scold Yoongi tomorrow and apologize to Jihyo. But tonight, let them rest and the same goes with all of you. Prepare to bed now."


The next day...

Sunday morning... Jihyo was supposed to sleep until late in the morning but she was awake the whole night instead. She cannot believe what she had heard from Yoongi yesterday night. She gets up from bed around seven in the morning to prepare breakfast. She plans to kick him out of her place as early as possible but she cannot send him off with an empty stomach. 

Yoongi wakes up by the good smell coming from the kitchen. He gets up from his bed(?) and rub the sleep in his eyes. The moment he lifted his head away from the comforts of his pillow, the world around him swirls and that only proves he drunk too much alcohol yesterday night. He massages his temple to ease his dizziness and move his shoulders and neck to relieve the tension in his muscles, wondering why he feels uncomfortable in his sleep. When he is finally able to fully open his eyes and looks around, he noticed the unfamiliarity of the place he was in. When did his room have hints of pink and female stuff around? Didn't he paint his walls gray? Without second thoughts he knew, he was in someone else's place!!

Instead of his bedroom, he was in someone else's living room and everything around him indicates that a woman is living there. He carefully checks out the room to find any information about the house's owner and lucky for him, he found some personal stuff in the corner. There are signed BTS CDs lying on top of a CD player and that familiar gift box. He opens it and as expected found the USB where he stored the studio version of the song they made for Jihyo including the dance practice video they shoot with the members.

Am I in Jihyo's place?

He carefully walks to the kitchen to verify his speculations and there he saw the woman's back standing in front of the stove. She's wearing a comfortable oversized shirt and a pair of shorts. She also tied her locks on a messy bun revealing her nape. 

What am I doing here in her place? Did I call her yesterday? Did she pick me up from the club I was in?

Yoongi watched her cook in silence. This is an unfamiliar sight to him. Yes, he saw her cook breakfast for them before but she looks different today. The fact that she's cooking in her own kitchen wearing her comfortable outfit gives a homey feeling and he's liking it. He leaned on the kitchen's door jamb with his arms crossed above his chest, showcasing a satisfied smirk on his lips. Without any reason, he feels proud of himself witnessing such rare moments of her with his very own eyes that even Taehyung hasn't seen yet. He was too engrossed watching her that he missed the part where she turns around and find him staring at her.


Jihyo almost drops the plate full of bacon out of surprise. Yoongi rushed to aid her but Jihyo handled the situation very well. She puts the plate of bacon on the table and turned off the stove to face her guest. She had her brows arched and hands crossed above her chest. Her foot taps the floor as she thinks of the words to speak. Yoongi lowered down his head, hands clasped together in front of him, impersonating a frightened boy. By instinct, he knew he is in trouble.

"I have so many things I wanted to tell you, I don't know where to start."

Jihyo begins in her calm but cold voice, 

"First, why are you out drinking without your members around? Ah, well that's not it. You can go out with your other friends, of course. The thing is why did you drink so much?"

Jihyo pull the chair under the table to sit,

"Then, after getting drunk you will call me to fetch you up because none from your managers can come for you?"

"Then when I have considered helping, you drop the call without even telling me where to find you. How inconsiderate!! You didn't even think how worried I become? All the bad thoughts run around my head, what if someone saw you while you're doing crazy things because you're drunk? What if you engaged yourself in a stupid drunken fight? If not for Namjoon, I won't be able to find you, you know?"

Yoongi tries to lift his head and explain but Jihyo cuts him out. He decided to lower his gaze again and listen attentively before he angers her even more. 

"Okay, you're drunk but do you have to throw tantrums at me the whole night? It's hard enough to drag you outside the pub, brings you back to your dorm which by the way reminds me that your members didn't open the door for you. I need to call Taehyung and had him explain too. Anyway, I need to bring you here with difficulty but you cause me a lot of trouble on our way, Yoongi. Do you even remember the things you talked about? It's enough to put you on today's news, you know?"

He lifts his head again to answer,

"What did I say? Did I spout nonsense?"

"You bet, Mister!"

Jihyo exasperated, even pointing at him.

"I didn't know you're so talkative, I thought you'll win against Yoo Jaesuk in a hosting battle."

"What did I say?"

"Look at you (mocking tone) you can't even remember the things you said. Nevermind, I'm not gonna remind you anything. Go prepare yourself and come back here for breakfast. Ah! I already washed your shirt, it should be dry by now."

Only then Yoongi realized he's wearing a different shirt. It is a loose pink shirt with a cute bunny printed in front. Last night, his outfit speaks of swag, now his black Gucci top and leather jacket was replaced with Jihyo's cute, pink sleeping wear? Boy, he's blushing!! He stupidly gets out of the kitchen to change his shirt but springs his head back to ask where the comfort room is.

"The door next to my room. Your shirt is hanged outside, go check it out first using the back door."

Yoongi did as he was told. He took his now dry shirt from outside and looks around. Jihyo had a backyard separated by a wall fence rise as high as his chest. He goes out to observe the neighborhood. There are plenty of houses around and the place seems safe to live at but for a woman who lives alone, she still needs to be careful. Yoongi checks out the lock of her back door and realized that it was damaged.

"This looks bad (shaking his head)"

He goes to the comfort room to wash up and change his shirt. Everything around is in hues of pink and baby blue, even her toiletries. He was about to take note of the brands she was using but immediately scolded himself.

It is already invading of privacy, Yoongi.

But the temptation is just too strong to handle. He was about to take her bottle of bath gel when Jihyo knocks on the door;


"I forgot to bring you a towel and a spare of a toothbrush. Hurry up, the coffee is getting cold."

Jihyo walks back to the kitchen leaving a startled Yoongi. He shakes his head hard to freshen up his thoughts and immediately washes up. 





"Oh, you're done? Sit down and eat Yoongi. Jin called and said they are on their way to pick you up."

"Ah, really? By the way, I noticed that the lock of your backdoor is damaged. How do you keep it closed when you're away?"

"Ah, that! I keep forgetting to install a new door lock every time I go out so I just block the door with the small shoe cabinet next to it."

"Aren't you afraid a burglar will come to your house?"

"Sometimes but the neighborhood is really nice so--"

"You cannot be complacent all the time. What if it happens when you're sleeping? Aside from being a girl, you are staying here all by yourself. Don't take your safety into risk."

Jihyo just shrugs it off. She knew that he's right and it was her fault for kept forgetting about the backdoor's damaged lock so she refused to argue. He took out his phone and called,

"Jin hyung, before you come here, please buy a new door lock. We need to fix Jihyo's backdoor first. This girl is fearless for letting her house unsafe without putting into consideration that she's staying here alone."

"OkaAayy... I didn't ask you to fix it but thanks, anyway."

Jihyo commented after he puts down his phone. Yoongi didn't reply, instead fills up his plate with food and takes his first bite. Jihyo has always been a good cook, better than Jin. He savors the taste inside his mouth and continues digging in.

He wishes his members will arrive late so he can stay a little longer. There is something he remembered while he's inside the shower room that he wanted to ask her in private. Though thoughts of yesterday's events vaguely register in his head, he wanted to confirm if he may or may not said something embarrassing. 

Did I really tell her I like her or was it just a dream?
