"Baby, I'll stay here for a while, okay? (whispering) Someone's squatting in our house."

Mark lies down on the couch and played the show on the tv. He did it again, Mark is infamous in his university because of his overwhelming charms and mysterious personality. He is the quiet type; 'less talk, do more' kind of guy that's why more people are falling for him. Jinyoung is supposed to attend the same school as he does but because Mark is a girl-magnet, he changed his mind and enrolled in his friends'  school instead. Growing up, Jihyo always plays the girlfriend wannabe whenever Mark needs escaping. They've been doing it since Jihyo turned sixteen unless they are with Jackson, Jinyoung, and Hoseok, Mark cannot use the 'Jihyo chance card'. Since Mark adores Jihyo so much, playing like a man in love in front of her becomes easy. All he needs to do is show his brotherly affection and the girls will take it negatively to the point of avoiding him. Jihyo is untouchable because she's in the same class with either Jinyoung or Jackson. 

"Who is he, Jihyo?"

Suga asked,

"He's Mark Oppa, Jinyoung's older brother."

"Why is he here and (peaks) lying on the couch leisurely?! No, before that, why is he calling you 'baby'?!"

Jihyo taps his shoulder in an attempt to calm him down.

"Well, I'm practically his baby sister. We grew up together, that's all."

"No, no, no... I see the way he stared at you. He's looking at you like he really likes you."

"Because he really likes me. Come on, don't mislead yourself. Mark Oppa..."

Jihyo left Suga on his own and entertains her special visitor. Mark always wants to have a girl sibling, someone he can protect at all cost that's why when his family got a second child, Mark burst in anticipation only to learned it's a baby boy. When Jinyoung grows up and brought friends at home, Mark met Jihyo for the first time. That same day, he marked Jihyo as the latest addition to their family. Jihyo came from a family of all girls and always seeks for a big brother's love and protection. When she met her gang, her wish is half fulfilled but when she met Mark, she knew right away that he's the big brother she longs for. Whenever her friends tease her, Mark will come and save her. He always treats her like a precious person and everything she says or does, Mark will always be there to listen and to support.

"Oppa, how many girls are waiting for you this time?"

She teased,

"Ugh! I'm not sure, I already lost count."

"Wow! So humble!"

Mark sits back and pulls Jihyo to sit next to him.

"I know you're at the right age, baby but why are you inviting a guy in your house?"

He asked discreetly,

"He only came to give me that (mochi)."

"Then why is he still here?"

"He... we ate the food together while watching."

"Is he a friend of yours or does he have any other motive coming here?"

"He's my friend."     "I'm courting her."

Jihyo and Suga answered at the same time. When Jihyo left him at the front door, Suga contemplates whether he will head home or stay a little bit longer. He barely heard their conversation and it seems the intruder has no plans of going back just yet so he decided to stay too. This is what he doesn't like about Jihyo. She has so many handsome friends around her and she's too comfortable with them too. She trusts people easily and lowers her guard down without hesitation. 

"He's courting you? And you didn't tell me?!"

"Didn't I?"

"It's okay, he's probably insignificant that's why you forgot to tell me."


"Yeah, Jihyo tells me everything that worths telling. She respects and listens to me well. (to Jihyo) How come Jinyoung never mentions anything about this guy to me?"


"You haven't told them too? (to Suga) See?! I knew you're someone insignificant."

"Eyy, Oppa, I just don't know how to tell you or the boys."

Mark watches how Jihyo blushes in embarrassment. He came to hide in Jihyo's place for a while but never he thought he'll find out her secret.

"You're not yet dating him, are you?"

"No, Oppa."


Mark trusts Jihyo and he knows she won't lie to him. He gestured Suga to occupy the seat in front of him and made a phone call. He invited Jinyoung to come over and ask to bring the others too right away as if there is an emergency. He used his authoritative tone and immediately, the younger brother obliged.

"Today, you will court Jihyo properly."


Jinyoung, Jackson, and Hoseok riched Jihyo's house in less than an hour. It seems the boys go for a basketball game when Mark called because all of them are wearing their jerseys and basketball shoes. They were all surprised to see Yoongi in the living room together with Mark and Jihyo.

"What's with this setting, Mark Hyung?"

Jinyoung confusedly asked,

"Guess what?"

"I don't have a clue. Can't you tell us, Hyung?"

"Sit down. Apparently, our baby is all grown up and learned to keep secrets from us."


JIhyo complained,

"Are you officially dating?!"

Hoseok butts in, to everyone's surprise.

"Officially dating?! Not just 'are you dating' but 'officially dating'?! Hoseok, what do you know that we do not know about?!"

Now Hoseok is the one in the hot seat and he realized it too late.

"I thought everyone knows about them."

"I have no idea, whatsoever."

Jinyoung said wanting to be on Mark's good side. 

"How about you, Jackson?"

Mark asked,

"I knew he likes Jihyo and he once visited the Park family in their hometown. That's all I know, Hyung."

"You knew a lot but didn't say anything?"

"Sorry, Hyung. I'm waiting for Jihyo to open up. I don't want to precede her decision. Who knows, she might not be interested in him at all."

"Point taken, however, you should have at least gives us a heads up. You know how gullible Jihyo is, he can be a bad influence for all we know. Not because he is a public figure, we will give him a pass."

"I have good intention, feel free to evaluate me."

Suga interrupts with confidence. There is a thin line between confidence and proud and that's what Mark is getting the more Suga opens his mouth. He keeps disliking the guy's attitude but what bothers him more is the other boys' reaction to his presence.

"Mark Hyung, Suga is a nice guy. I believe he means well too. Besides, Jihyo is very picky when it comes to liking a guy so-"

"Liking a guy? (to Jihyo) You already like this guy?!"

"Mark Oppa..."

"Okay, it seems like I'm the only one who doesn't know you. Will come with me for a man-to-man talk? You (Jinyoung, Jackson, Hoseok) stay here and don't let Jihyo goes anywhere."

Suga followed Mark without hesitation. The others just watch them leave Jihyo's house in hopes that the two will settle any misunderstanding. Outside the house...

"Do you bring a car? Or shall I call a cab?"

"I have my car, where are we going?"

"Just follow my lead."


a/n: See you on next update 😁🤣🤭
