
The days pass by uneventfully for the couple as they are both busy living their own lives. The only interaction they have was through phone calls and chatting. Fast forward to the day before Jihyo needs to leave Korea, the couple finally gets a chance to date. It was Jihyo who coaxed him to meet because there will be no more opportunity for her to tell him her news.

They are in a serene place away from the crowd just like always. It was a cold, starry night, and the two are spending their alone time on top of Yoongi's car trunk. Each is enjoying a can of beer to keep them warm and fried chicken too, a simple yet comfortable kind of date.

"It's been a while since we last dated."

"I know, right? We're both been busy these days."

"Yeah, that reminds me, don't you have something to tell me? You said only if we meet in person will I hear the reason for your sudden coming back home. What is it about, I'm curious."

While Suga anticipates her story, she, on the other hand, can only smile timidly. Since they agreed to talk about it in person, Suga didn't pressure her about it again until now. The thought of keeping it from him for so long isn't easy even for her and becomes agitated too as the days pass by and yet, she still cannot find the courage to tell him.

She kept quiet for a while debating how to start, and with a few more encouragement from the innocent Suga, she decided to spill the beans.

"I have a reason for coming home but that reason is both good and bad news for you. Which one do you want to hear first?"

She begins that makes him look skeptical.

"Huh? Let's go with the bad news first."

"Tomorrow, I'm leaving Korea."


She stared at him a bit and already regretted doing so. He looks appalled and at the same time felt being deceived. He stares at her with a thin thread of hope that she's just up to something but didn't mean what she just said. However, Jihyo decided to continue with her hanging statement.

"About the good news, I'm going to study abroad, I got qualified as an exchange student in Manhattan Music Academy."

Jihyo smiles so she can hide her nervousness but Suga's expression becomes blank. The thin line of hope he had suddenly snapped when her smile turns to a concerned look. 

So it wasn't a prank, after all.

He thought. Leaving tomorrow to go abroad for her childhood dream. Is he happy for her? He should be. But is he? No. He sighs deeply and clears his throat before speaking again.

"All of a sudden? You're  just leaving without advance notice?"

She gulps, of course, she had anticipated it already and she knew she did him wrong. The calmness in his tone only adds to her fright but she cannot complain and no right to do so.

"I'm sorry, I don't know how to tell you. I've been contemplating many times but my hesitations lead me to this."

"We both can agree that it is just a lame excuse, Jihyo. Do you even plan to tell me in the first place?"

She ought to get mad, he's doubting her but can she blame him? Does she have to blame him? No.

"I do, of course. I know, it's lame and sounds insincere so I won't save myself for making another excuse. But at least believe me that I have no plans of keeping it from you."

"That's why you let me know a day before your flight."

She winced. Yeah, he's being salty and she cannot help it. She reaches for his hand to hold, suddenly craves for a response, maybe to assure her that he's not mad or something but he didn't respond at all. She bit her lips to stop herself from pouting like a pitiful child.

"When will you come back?"

He asked after a long silence.

"I'll be there for the whole semester so six months at most."

"Six months..."

He trailed off while nodding his head and becomes quiet again. Suga thought of multiple curse words inside his head but he chooses to clenched his jaw instead to avoid yelling or saying words that later he might regret. 

Six months isn't that long especially for someone like him who lives in a full day schedule every day but she's leaving Korea. Being around Seoul and living outside the country is a way too different situation. Their relationship is already suffering from having no chance to meet, what more if she leaves for abroad? Manhattan?! Now they need to consider not only the distance but also the time. It'll be harder to match each other's free time if even their timezone is opposite from each other. What to do now? He didn't know either.

"(sigh) How am I supposed to send you off, JIhyo? You didn't even give me enough time to prepare myself."

"I'm sorry, it's my fault."

She pulls him for a hug, probably to avoid looking at his eyes full of pain. The look on his face is like a  déjà vu of the past when she rejected him, only more intense. She looks up to stop her tears from falling.

"It happens all of a sudden. I didn't know I'm going to pass the exam too. I'm just being hopeful at that time and when I did, for a moment I was in a state of denial."


"When it starts to sink in, many thoughts come to my mind. About why do I want it, can I live abroad alone? What about my friends? My family? What about you... about us? I have all of those inside my head, Yoongi. Please believe me, okay?"

She lets go to meet his bitter eyes.

"I thought I should just let the chance pass because I cannot recall why I dream of studying abroad anymore, what's the point? But my friends cheer me up and supported me."

"I could've supported you too, you know?"

She winced again, she said something unnecessary that only adds to the cuts she caused him.

"I know, of course, I know."


"It was unplanned but I managed to visit home. There in my old room, all the reason why I wanted to study abroad comes back to me."

This time she can no longer stop herself from shedding tears.

"Do you remember when I am still a BTS manager? I always have an English dictionary with me. I am so eager to learn the English language even until now."

He didn't say anything but didn't stop her from explaining herself too.

"I wanted to become like my mom. I wanted to perform on the same stage she has performed. I want to perform on the very same stage she does her musical acts and work with her."

She sobs though she tries not to. Talking about her mother always makes her cry even now that she's older and maybe quite mature too.

"I thought I hate her, Yoongi. You knew that I loathe her because she destroyed my family. All this time I harbor ill feelings toward her but why... why my feelings become invalid with just one travel back home? Isn't it unfair?"

"Because she's your mother, Jihyo. Your feelings are not invalidated, you just mistook your longing for hatred is all. How can you hate her? You're not that kind of person."

Jihyo shivers for her sudden realization. Who is comforting who now? Isn't it him who is angry at her and needs an explanation? Why the tables have turned? Even his expression has changed, his eyes are now void of anger.

"Are you comforting me now? Aren't you mad at me?"

She asked as he dries her tears.

"I am not mad but I am upset, do you know why?"

"Yeah, of course."

"I don't think so. Listen..."

He cupped her face and stared at her eyes as he speaks his mind.

"I am upset because I should've been there to share your anxiety, fear, and your joy. I should've been there to cheer you up too. I should've been with you when you visited your home and goes down memory lane. Even if my physical self may not be able to be with you, my heart can. However, you didn't give me a chance, Jihyo and that's why I feel betrayed."

She sobs like a little kid. It hurts to hear him say it because she now realized the weight of her hesitations. She should've been comforted, she could've been happier to go, she should be excited now and missing him at the same time but no, all she has is regret. Regret for not letting him involve as she turns another page from the book of her life.

"Hush now, Jihyo."

He hugs her so tight he might break her bones. Every time she cries audibly, it makes him weak inside. 

"I'm sorry, Yoongi. I'm really sorry, it's my fault. I regret it all now, I'm so sorry."

"It's okay, Jihyo. You're now forgiven, okay? I forgive you. Everything will be alright so you may now stop crying."

"How could you forgive me so fast?!"

She complains though he can only barely hear her as she buries her face in his chest.

"Because I love you, is there any other possible reason?"

"You!!! I love you too, thank you."

In time, her cries become softer but she didn't let him go. They stayed like that until her eyes become dry of tears. As the night goes deeper, their love and trust in each other become stronger too.

"What will happen to us after this night ends?"

"What else? We'll love each other as always."

"We will work things out together, right?"

"There's no other way than that and we will make it."

"You're that confident?"

"Only because my feelings for you are stronger than you can think of."

"Me too!"

"I know."


a/n: Hi guys, do you miss me? How many of you believe that LDR works and who thinks it's not worth trying? 
