
Thank you for 100k+ reads, everyone! You've been very patient and supportive of me since day one and I can never be grateful enough. This is for you for being patient with me. I hope you'll like my little present, enjoy reading! 😘


**Before Park sisters' visit**

"Yoongi, wake up!"

I've been hearing a woman's voice calling my name waking me up but I keep ignoring it because one; there can't be a woman in my room and two; there just can't be a woman inside my room, period.  But the voice becomes voices and it's getting louder every minute. I tried to muffle the noise by pulling my blanket over my head but someone pulls it away, exposing half of my body. As if the intruder isn't satisfied, she also opens the curtain of my window allowing sunrays inside my room directly hit my face, blinding my sight.

"Wake up Yoongi!!" 

The voices yelled close to my ears. By this time, I was forced to open my eyes to see the intruder but instead of me scolding her (them), I ended up petrified. Eight girls are standing before me, staring and smirking wickedly. I suddenly felt naked in front of them though I'm wearing my shirt on.

"Good morning, Yoongi! We need to talk."

Said the girl standing across me. I cannot see their faces but I knew who they are. They are the Park siblings who have come to invade my privacy. 

"We heard you're dating our sister, Jihyo."

Dating? Are we finally dating? The last time I remembered she ignored my confession and dump me mercilessly.

"Do you like her?"

Someone asked, do I? Of course, I do! Otherwise, why will I confess to her despite being ignored more than once like an idiot?

"(scoff) Are you deaf? Why won't you answer us?"

"I... I like her! I do!"

"I don't know what Jihyo sees in you, you're far different from Hoseok."


"Is Hoseok Jihyo's ideal guy?"

I asked cautiously to no one in particular.

"Jihyo's first love is Hoseok."

Well, it sucks to know.

"You're not even half of Hoseok Oppa. He's taller than you, he's more handsome and manly. Aside from his physical attributes, Oppa is also kind, good-natured, and talented like our Jihyo."

"Don't look down on me! I may be a little shorter than Hoseok, with an average look and have no muscles but I'm talented too! I'm a musician and my works are acknowledged and appreciated by many."

"Well, you might lack a little compare to Hoseok Oppa but maybe average looking is too much. You look quite handsome too but not the same as Hoseok Oppa."

"Charismatic, I think it suits him better than being called handsome."

The girls argue within themselves like I wasn't there with them comparing me to almighty Hoseok who's role model is probably the Greek god Hercules. Why did he even invest his time building muscle? To irritate people like me?? Huh! Short people cannot build too much muscle or we will look smaller than we already are! 

"Didn't you say you like Jihyo? What do you like about her?"

What do I like about her? Tsk! I've been asking that myself several times too. There are just so many reasons I cannot name them all. That's why I decided to settle with just one thing, I like her because--

"Well, I like her because she is Park Jihyo."

"That's it?!"

"Don't you know that Jihyo has a bad temper?"

"Aren't you aware that Jihyo hates boring people like you?"

"Jihyo unnie cannot tolerate a guy with bad manners."

"(smiled) I know, and I love all of those and more because it's Jihyo. Despite all of that I still like her."


"But why should Jihyo likes you back?"

Why?... why not? Am I too bad for her? Am I not good enough?

"What's wrong with me? I'm single, I have a decent job and earning a lot. It might be inappropriate to say this with my own mouth but I'm not a bad person. I value my family, my friends, and the people around me. I always work hard to achieve my dream--"

"But you don't have time to give her."


"You're an idol, you're always busy. You travel too often, hardly have time to rest. How will you spend time with her then?"

"Jihyo unnie likes normal dating, walking at the park, watching movies, eating at food stalls but you're famous and cannot do all that because people will always mind your business."

"No matter what you do, the public will take interest and you'll drag her name alongside you. What if people hate her? How will you protect her?"

I do not wish to put her into the spotlight too because I know it will only harm her but that's part of my reality too.

"Are you confident you can make our sister happy?"

Make Jihyo happy? (pause) there's nothing more important to me than making Jihyo happy. She knows the nature of my work, I'm sure she'll understand my circumstances. Will she?

"Are you confident?"

Am I???

"I like her, that I am sure of. I wish to make her happy, I want to be the reason behind her smile, the reason why she laughs. I want to be the man taking care of her, protecting her, loving her. I don't have much time to spare but I'll make time. I cannot go out in public too often but I'll put an effort. I cannot control the public but I'll protect her no matter what. I will do things that can make her happy because that will become my happiness too."

"But she rejected you."


"Didn't you give up on her already too?"

Give up?! Me??? When? Ah! That day? It's only me putting a strong act but I'm not giving up my feelings.

"I'm only trying to solicit feelings from her. If my words can confuse her then isn't it enough proof that she's also thinking of me? I like her to only look at me and I'm desperately wanted to make her look at me."

"You're doing it wrong though."


"You're pushing the wrong buttons and instead of drawing her near you, you might be doing the opposite. You're misleading her."

"I swear I'll meet you again and give you a proper scolding, Yoongi. You're only making things complicated."

I smirk, I wish to meet all her sisters again too and win over their hearts. If that happens,  they will be on my side helping me and Jihyo might probably see me in a different light.

"Yoongi Oppa, instead of steering her heart onto confusion, please make her feel your sincerity."

"You need to be confident for her to have confidence with you too."

"We will root for you, okay! Fighting!"

"Fighting Yoongi!"

Despite not seeing their faces, I know they are all smiling at me. That gave me enough encouragement to continue. They were right, I may be approaching her incorrectly that's why she's backing away from me. Maybe I'm pushing too hard instead of letting her slowly accept my feelings. I should go according to her pace, with a good amount of distance but not too far not to be felt. I'll make sure she'll feel my presence despite not always showing around.

"Thank you for visiting me and showing concern. I'll make sure to pay you a visit next time and treat you properly."

"We will wait for you and give us good news next time we meet, okay?"

"I will, thank you... Jihyo's sisters."


"Hyung! (knock, knock) Come on! We will be late!!"

Yoongi was pulled back to reality by the loud noise coming from the outside of his room. Jhope has been knocking at his door to wake him up. It was only five in the morning but he needs to get up quickly and prepare for the day. 

"Hobi, stop banging my door, I'm fully awake now."

"Hyung! We will leave at five-thirty so make sure you're ready on-time."

"I will don't worry."

Yoongi finally sits up and massage his temples,

"Was that all just a dream? Geez! I can't believe I have met her faceless sisters in my dream (smile). The things you do to me, Jihyo."

Today is Saturday and before the day ends, BTS will meet Hoseok and Jihyo for their weekly practice. As to how his dreams taught him, he will approach her differently, this time according to her pace. He needs to show her more of himself and overcome his disadvantages to win her over, and the biggest hurdle he has right now is his profession. Time, normal dating, he cannot give her that unconditionally but he is confident. That confidence must be conveyed to her properly enable to make her feel confident towards him too.

Tonight will be his fresh start.


a/n: Suga will meet the fake twins on ch42. Stay tuned.
