Maybe Taehyung has a knack for hacking and stalking people because not long after Jinyoung's live broadcast, the idol already found the video. 

"Heol! What is this?!"

He exclaimed and earned his members' attention. Jimin whose sitting next to him peeked at his phone and saw Jihyo singing with three guys.

"Is that noona? Who is with her? Are they drinking?"

"What are you saying? Hey, Taehyung can you show it to me?"

Jin demanded, V pulled the headphones connected to his phone and shared the video with his hyungs. Everyone's head stuck together and confirmed that the one singing is Jihyo. Because they are busy after lunch, they belatedly saw Jihyo's video message. The sight of Hoseok already frustrates them because again; their noona has a friend whose handsome by far. How many of her friends did they met that are above the average look? Then after watching the video, there is another new face that again has handsome features. Jihyo is always surrounded by beautiful people and they are no longer sure if it's a good thing or not, no wonder her heart doesn't flutter around them anymore - she interacts with handsome guys all the time. 

"I thought you guys are tired? What are you watching?"

Seolhyun asked but instead of answering, the boys remained focus on the video. Manager Hobeom converse with her instead just to save her from being ignored;

"By the sound of her voice, I'm guessing its Jihyo. Hey V, is it our Jihyo?"

"Yeah hyung"

V responded forgetting about the conflict they had just this morning;

"She's with handsome guys drinking some soju. Hyung, should we go and fetch her? What if they're not good people?"

"Noona will not drink with people she doesn't trust Taehyung but... shall we fetch her, can we hyung?"

Joon added;

"Well, we do not know where she is and just like what you said, they are for sure her friends. Let's just let her spend happy times with them, okay."

"But hyung... what if noona got drunk? Who will bring her home? Ah! let me put some comments in the video."

"Aren't you too protective of her? Is she your former manager?"

Seolhyun commented; trying to join the conversation but the boys coldly responded to her;

"Of course we're protective of her, she's our only beloved female manager."

Jungkook said without thinking,

"Besides, Jihyo noona cannot drink too much alcohol.... can she?"

Jimin inquired;

"You didn't know? Noona can drink! She's probably way better than your alcohol tolerance Jimin. Hahaha! You're such a kid compare to noona!"

Jhope responds and earned hearty laughs from the boys;

"Eyy, Hobi hyung even if noona can handle her alcohol intake, I still think that we should fetch her."

"Don't bother Taehyung, Jihyo is simply enjoying her day. Who knows, they're probably celebrating her return in the campus. Didn't you told us that Jihyo is a celebrity in her school?"

This time it's Jin. The boys continued chatting forgetting about Seolhyun and her comments. Whether it is intentional or not, their new manager felt left out. On the other hand, there is another person who keeps his silence the entire time. After seeing Jihyo's video both in their group chat and on Taehyung's phone, he decided to keep his mouth shut. 

He felt bewildered about her response and her attitude. Why did she agree to go on a date with him then go out with different guys?? Is she testing his patience?? Now he regrets logging off in his line after he asked her for a date. If only he waited for her response then maybe he's not sulking today. But then... does he have a license to get upset? Wait a minute!!! Why is he upset in the first place?! He should be crazy, isn't he?? Then again, all the members are upset so maybe it is explainable if he feels the same way.... right! That should be it! They shared the same concern towards Jihyo... yeah, that explains it.

Suga closed his eyes blocking everything around him;

"Yoongi? you seem tired."

Seolhyun tries to strike a conversation with Yoongi instead since he's sitting the closest to her but Suga remains quiet.

"I guess you're not that close with Jihyo-ssi?"

Suga flutter his eyes open only to glare at her;

"It's none of your business whether we're close or not... and don't call me Yoongi leisurely unless I allowed you, got it?"

All the members fell silent after what Suga said; even manager Hobeom cannot retaliate to save Seolhyun from embarrassment. 

"I'm sorry... Suga-ssi."

All Seolhyun can say. They all remained silent for the rest of the ride. When they reached their dorm, Suga walks ahead and close his bedroom door immediately but the rest of the members stayed in the living room with the managers except Seolhyun who waits outside the dorm;

"Boys, I get it that you are all friends with Jihyo and you don't agree to have Seolhyun as your new manager. I am flustered too because I have no intention of hiring a female manager after Jihyo because I don't want you to feel like we are replacing her. But since Bang PD gave the post to Seolhyun, can I at least ask you to treat her better? It's not her fault to be in our team after all. Try to be casual and talk to her even just brief conversations, don't treat her indifferently. She might be all smiles but you are being mean to her that I am sure hurting her pride. Joon, Jin... you two at least make a good example please and Suga... tell him to apologize to Seolhyun tomorrow. Everyone calls him Yoongi, why  Seolhyun cannot? Jeez! You guys are giving me so much headache, I need a break too! It's not like you're a bunch of female teenagers! Can't you act more maturely??? I'll tell you on with Jihyo so she can scold you real bad, huh!"

The managers left the boys after Hobeom's long preach. Everyone fell silent again, yeah... he got a really good point there. They were treating Seolhyun badly which she didn't deserve one bit. They were so hung up with Jihyo's departure that they cannot accept her replacement (at least for the job). Jin and Namjoon felt worse since they are constantly asked to be the better members among the group because Jin is the oldest and Joon is the leader, yeah... responsibilities y'all. 

"Hyungs, can I have a quick word to all of you too?"

Taehyung breaks the silence;

"What is it Tae?"

Joon asked while massaging his temple;

"I'm sorry for today, I knew I acted unfairly to all of you too. I guess I triggered the hate to Seolhyun? Noona scold me already and although I knew I was in the wrong, I didn't apologize right away... it won't happen again, I promise. I'm sorry again."

"(sighing) Let's just all forget about what happened today. Tomorrow, let's treat Seolhyun... ah! Isn't she a noona too? Yeah, let's treat her with respect and apologize to her together."

Jin said concluding the night. The rest of the members went to their respective rooms too to get some rest. They all suffered for a long, tiring day today but hopefully, a good night's sleep will restore their energy. They badly need it to start their day tomorrow with their new manager, Seolhyun.




From a distance, Jihyo whose already sleeping soundly got floods of messages from the boys. One particular person keeps calling her until her phone went out of battery. A disturb soul left in discomfort since the girl he's been calling ignore all his calls. That particular person remained awake the whole night thinking of different things, asking his self of different questions he cannot answer.

Jihyo... who are you to do this to me?
