"We're back!"

"Good, let me get that to start cooking."

Jihyo fetched the bags of groceries from the boys and proceeded to the kitchen right away, leaving the three members a little confused. Jin and Namjoon helped with explaining the situation but saving the important details for later's conversation at their dorm. Jin and Namjoon know that Jihyo will give them no answer so they plan to corner Yoongi instead. 

Jin followed Jihyo in the kitchen to help prepare their lunch but not even a minute had passed, the members came to offer help one after another and the kitchen becomes crowded in no time. To speed up, Jin dispatched Jihyo back to the living room together with the rest of the boys and ends up cooking by himself. He rather spends time cooking alone than watch over his members waste precious food due to their poor cooking skills.

To entertain herself, Jihyo asked the boys about their whereabouts, their upcoming schedules, and their next comeback. When she's still their manager, sleep is her only rest day but seeing how they managed to spend time to visit her, she's more than glad to know that the boys have their rest once in a while.

"So, who's gonna talk to me about your new manager? How is she?"

"She's okay. How's school, Noona?"

"It's all good, I didn't know I'm going to miss being a student. Hey, why you're changing the topic, Kookie?"

"Nothing, I'm more curious about you than to talk about her."

"Oh, come on! Be nice, Kookie. By the way, what's her name again? Sorry, been busy at school, I can't keep up with the news."

"Seolhyun, she's older than Jin hyung. To tell you the truth, I think she's nice, Jihyo noona. It's just that..."

"That??... (pause) Way to go Hobi."

"She looks so fragile but in a different way. You see, we've been very protective of you, Jihyo noona not because you're weak, although you look delicate the first time we met you. Everyone will agree that you look like a beautiful ceramic doll that might break with improper handling but in truth, you're quite clumsy and naive, and that makes us all stay on our guard around you. With her though, it's different. She looks so feminine, sensitive, weak and frail... in short, we can't interact with her comfortably."

Namjoon explained on behalf of JHope.

"Joon hyung is right, noona. It feels like we can't make fun of her without offending her or worse, make her cry. She's somewhat giving us that kind of impression."

"Did you even consider knowing her first? Maybe that's all just you're assumptions but she could be more than that. You see, someone questioned my capabilities as a manager on my first day, was it Namjoon? All because I look so small around you except maybe-"

"We get you, noona. You might be right, maybe we really need to spend more time around her and know her better."

Jimin butted in,

"Nice timing Jimin, but noona, it wasn't easy even for Armys. They've been missing you a lot too."

"Is that true, Taetae? Tell them I miss them too, okay?"




on the other hand...

"Why don't you join them in the living room, Yoongi?"

"I'll pass, need a hand?"

"I'm good but if you'll insist, please cut the vegetables for me."

Suga took the knife and started cutting the vegetables. From the kitchen, he can hear the conversation from the living room, loud and clear. He hears the excitement and care in Jihyo's voice as she speaks with their members and that alone already makes him happy.

"I didn't know you love cutting the vegetables."


"You've been smiling from ear to ear, isn't it because you are cutting vegetables?"

Jin teased despite knowing the real reason behind Yoongi's smiles. If you are friends with Yoongi, you have probably met the two sides of him; the serious and the playful side. However, this side of Yoongi is new to Jin and probably to Yoongi as well. He's showing a soft, tame image around Jihyo and begins to smile a lot more. Yeah, he smiles on camera, for the fans and the general public but the Yoongi behind the limelight is a little different. He's stingy when it comes to showing his emotions, maybe because he claims to be a strong guy at all times that it becomes hard for him to open up around people.

"Alright, let's finish cooking before the kids get hungry."




"Thank you for the food."

They all dig in after the two chefs finish cooking their lunch. They are happily planning an afternoon schedule as they eat when someone knocked, and Jihyo went to see who's outside her door.

"Hi, is Ms. Park Jihyo living here?"

A tall, beautiful woman with a slender shape and a long silky, black hair appear before her. She's wearing a fitted shirt and high waist jeans paired with comfortable flat shoes. Without any effort, she looks like modeling her outfit in front of Jihyo.

"Yes, I'm Jihyo, may I know you?"

"Oh, I'm your successor, Kim Seolhyun. Nice meeting you Jihyo-ssi."

"Ah, you're the new manager of those boys, please come in."

"Thank you, I'm sorry for troubling you but I came here to pick up the boys."

Seolhyun timidly went inside, right behind Jihyo and everyone fell silent at the sight of her.

"Oh, you're having lunch."

"Yes, please join us manager Seolhyun. Taetae, please get her a plate."

"Please call me Seolhyun, Jihyo-ssi. Can I really join you?"

"Of course and just address me as Jihyo, please. I heard you're older than Jin? Then that means you are older than me too."

"Ah, yes I am. Then please call me unnie comfortably."

"Sure, I'll do that. Come, you may sit next to Yoongi."


"Yes, don't worry, he won't bite."

The members laughed but Yoongi silenced them with his glare. Seeing how comfortable the boys are around Jihyo makes Seolhyun envious. She reluctantly sits between Yoongi and Jihyo and accepted the utensils from V. Surprisingly, she can even summon them to do things for her and without complaining. As soon as she had her plate, Jihyo helped her to fill it with food and they all continued eating afterward.

"So you are in first name basis with Yoongi?"

She hesitantly asked Jihyo.

"Yes, why?"

"Nothing, did you cook all of these?"

"Nope, Jin did."

"I helped too, give me some credits as well, Jihyo."

Yoongi complained, much to Seolhyun's surprise.

"You cook too, Suga-ssi?"

"Suga-ssi? Aren't you addressing him formally as a manager of these beagles? Seolhyun unnie, you can treat them casually, you know."

"Ah, really?"

"Yes, on my first day Taetae begins calling me Noona and everyone naturally followed so I treat them casually too. Their nice kids so it shouldn't be a problem dealing with them except if their immaturity kicks in."

"I'm afraid I'll offend them again if I speak comfortably so--"

"Offend them again? Boys??"

Jihyo gave them a questioning look.

"It's only Suga hyung!"

J hope confessed.

"He made things awkward when he denied Seolhyun-ssi to call him Yoongi."

"And you all addressed each other formally? Uh-oh!... then, shall we break the ice?"




"Lock gaze with the person on your left for 10 seconds without blinking. If you fail, you'll have to kiss that person."

"Oooh! Go Yoongi hyung!"

Jihyo suggested playing Jenga blocks to ease the tension between the boys and Seolhyun. Each block has a written task that a player must follow. Seolhyun happens to knock off the tower and pulled a block with a task that requires Yoongi, the one on her left side to help her.

"I doubt they'll last for 10 seconds."

"Yoongi hyung will look away after 3 seconds, wanna bet, Jimin?"

"Call! Yoongi will make it to 10 seconds."

Instead of Jimin, Jin made the bet with JHope. The oldest knew Yoongi won't make a mistake and ends up kissing someone in front of Jihyo.

"10 seconds, tsk! No big deal. Don't you dare to fail your mission."

Suga threatened, the two positioned themselves and stared with each other for 10 seconds. To JHhope's disappointment, the two succeeded in their mission. Another round has begun and this time, Yoongi knocks off the tower.

"Now it's your turn, Yoongi."

Says Jihyo, the latter flip the Jenga piece he pulled and went silent as he read the words carved on it.

"Read it aloud, hyung. Ey! Let me do it instead."

Namjoon snatched the piece of wood from his hand and reads the mission out loud. A huge grin immediately appeared on his face as he enunciates each word.

"Kiss the person you like."
