[the same day as ch40 and 41]

The elevator door opened on the 7th floor and they all went straight to BTS dance studio where the rest of the members are waiting for them. The members got surprised looks on their faces the moment Sana and Momo appeared before them.

"You're all back... and we have visitors?"

Jhope subtly asked about the two new faces who entered the room with them.

"They're Jihyo Noona's sister, introduce yourselves guys."

Namjoon encouraged the members and no second thoughts needed, the boys stood up to greet the ladies properly earning them a better first impression from the Park sisters.

"Wow, Noona I can't tell who's younger and older between you and your sisters! Would you mind if I ask?"

V curiously asked Jihyo,

"They're both older than me, though I'm sure they look younger."

"Eyy, no offense Noona! I didn't say--"

"Never mind, I'm used to it already."

Sana and Momo laughed seeing the annoyed expression of Jihyo. It's not like Jihyo looks older, it's just that both Sana and Momo's feminine and cute side is more evident than Jihyo's and that's what makes them look vibrant and young. The latter has always been expressing her mature side more than her innate cuteness and it makes her look older.

"It's nice meeting you all, and though it is all of a sudden, we hope we're not interrupting your practice."

Sana said to no one in particular.

"No worries, we're glad you're here. Have you had your dinner yet? Would you like to eat first?"

"Thank you, we've already eaten. "

"Then, would you mind if the boys take a little bite? It won't take long."

Seolhyun asked presenting the plastic bags of food on her hand. The maknaes helped set up their mini table (serves as their dining table) and invited everyone to join them grab some food. Out of customary, the Park sisters together with Jinyoung joined them; though they refused to eat again.

"By the way, what made you visit Jihyo Noona? Is there a special occasion today?"

The ever-curious V asked once again,

"To tell you the truth, we came to talk with--"

"Momo-ah, you like this kind of food, aren't you? Eat a lot, my dear Unnie."

Sana covered her mouth to stop herself from laughing while Momo almost chocked of the food Jihyo suddenly stuffed in her mouth. Most of the people inside the practice room look clueless except Namjoon, Jin, and Suga. Like Sana, the leader, and the oldest member suppressed their laughter to the best of their ability but the other members are keen enough to notice that something is going on that they never knew about.

"Jihyo Noona, you're keeping secrets aren't you?"

"Me? Why should I keep a secret, Jimin?"

"Well, your sister is about to say something but you silenced her with food."

"Did I? I just thought Momo will love the food, is all. Don't get me wrong and eat, Jimin. We need to finish all of this quickly."

"You're definitely hiding something, Noona. Perhaps, is Momo-ssi came here to meet one of the members?"

Taehyung added with a suspicious glare towards his favorite Noona.

"That... how did you come up with that idea?!"

Jin felt embarrassed on behalf of their younger member. 

"You should just stuff your mouth with food instead of talking."

Momo raised her hand to silenced everyone. She gulped down the last bits of food inside her mouth before pointing her finger to Suga.

"You... can you give me some water... please?"

"Y-yeah, of course."

Suga quickly grabs a bottle of water and hands it over to Momo, and the boys quickly noticed how respectful he becomes towards the latter. Though most of them didn't say anything, it's obvious that they communicated through their eyes, asking the same thing with each other with every exchange of looks they gave. 

"Thanks. Would you mind if I ask you something else?"


Jihyo tried to intervene but her sister didn't even throw her a glance;

"I want to hear you rap, live without instruments, will you? I mean, I'm a fan."

"All of a sudden?"

"Ahh, I guess you can't if I will request suddenly, can you?"

Momo taunted, keeping her expression blank. Sana joined the subtle interrogation by requesting the same thing with Namjoon and the leader obliged without further ado. He kept it short and fun to give laughs and lift their guests' spirits.

"I wish Chaeyoung is here to witnessed you rap, Namjoon-ah. She'll be excited hearing your bars, and Dahyun too."

Sana's innocent comment added salt to Yoongi's wounded pride but he already lost his timing to impress the Park sisters so he just secretly clenched his fist and waited for his next opportunity to come (if it will come again).

"Though we didn't get to hear Yoongi's rap, Namjoon's will be enough to impress you, right, Momo? Oh! Jhope too! Aren't you a rapper as well?"

"I am, shall I give it a try as well?"

"Will you? We'd like to hear it."

Sana and Momo were able to make all the members rap and sing for them without much effort. While they all play together, Suga felt discarded on his own. The Park sisters didn't pay him any attention after he missed the chance they gave him. After their meal, the two ladies continue to shower other members their attention. They interact with them enthusiastically and throw comments here and there as dance instructors and fans.

Suga becomes more determined to grab their attention. He even made sure to take their rehearsal too seriously; as if he is about to perform on stage five minutes after rehearsing. Even their members are pretty puzzled with his sudden passion but didn't question him anyway. He also reacted the loudest when the Park sisters show off their dance skills but it didn't work out as he thought it could be. He didn't manage to redeem himself, instead he only made them feel awkward.

"I guess we're done for today, good work everyone."

Manager Hoboem announces after finishing up their last performance. Everyone gathers together to say their goodbyes.

"Let's go home, Momo, Sana. Thanks for today, everyone. Hoseok, you can come with us, Jinyoung will drive us home."

"Right, because my chauffeur is somewhere else, sleeping (about Jackson)."

"Hahaha, now that you've mentioned it, where is Jackson? You don't mean he's really asleep, right?"

"Oh, but he is! Don't mind him, he'll regret sleeping tomorrow when he found out that Jihyo's sisters came to visit."

Hoseok and the Park sisters laugh. They can even imagine the expression Jackson will show tomorrow when he finds out what he missed. It wasn't a secret to all that Jackson was the closest to Park siblings; almost the 10th sibling of theirs.

"Will you all fit in your car, Jinyoung-ssi? We won't mind giving a ride."

Suga intervenes, trying his best to be noticed for the last time.

"Don't worry, we can still squeeze Hosoek, though it will be crowded at the back. Would you mind, girls?"

"We're fine, we can use Hosoek's biceps as a pillow to sleep with."

Sana joked making the bunny embarrassed. 

"Also, I don't think it's proper for you to let us ride in your car. People might see us and misunderstand."

"I'm sure they won't, Momo-ssi. Jihyo was our former manager in the first place."

"That's why I'm telling you, we will ride with Jinyoung. Thanks for the offer though."

Momo insisted with a faint smile. The air starts to feel stuffy again and before it becomes more awkward, Jihyo dragged her sisters out and bade everyone goodbye one last time.

"Ah! Suga-ssi, I think I still want to hear you rap but maybe some other time. Will you honor me the privilege next time?"

"Yes, it'll be my pleasure! I'll see you next time, Momo-ssi."

Suga answered lively, slightly bowing to the girl too.

"You seem delighted, I thought you're not interested to know us better. Well then, until next time. Bye Suga-ssi."


"Hyung, don't you think it's about time you tell us something? Are you after Jihyo Noona? Seriously, do you like our Noona?"

V cornered Suga, they were already on their way to the dorm but the younger cannot hold his curiosity any longer. Suga tried to avoid him but the expectant look from everyone in the van only made him feel worse. He's not obligated to share the information with them but he cannot deny the betrayal he's seeing in V's eyes. Sighing loudly, he finally gave in.

"I do, will you help me out? Park Jihyo is not an easy woman, Taehyung. It hurts my pride but I guess, this timeI'll be needing your help."

