"If it's not too much, can you give me a hug, little puppy?"

She hesitated for a moment and look anywhere except her dad's direction. It's too soon for her to do it but she doesn't know how to refuse. Being away for how many years even avoiding contact then suddenly seeing each other and hugging is so awkward, she can't even imagine herself doing so.

"It's okay, you don't have to force yourself. I totally understand, Jihyo. As long as you're back, I'm good."


"I'm sorry."

"You don't have to. What's there to be sorry about, my child?"


She lowers her head.  There's a lot of words she could've told her father but couldn't. She remains quiet next to him as he watches his other daughters bickering with each other.

"Your sisters play along well. I oftentimes watched them and they always look happy. I'm really glad that all of you are growing up well but sometimes I have these selfish thoughts in my head too."

She raised her head to look at her father.

"Thoughts like... why are they growing up fast? When did they become this independent? How did they accomplish this and that without asking for help?"

"Because you raised everyone so well, that's why."

"Did I? I shouldn't have raised you all too well. Although I'm glad you're all doing good on your own it also makes me lonely these days."


"Just because (sigh) don't mind it, it's probably just an old man's sentiment."

"Don't be lonely. If anything, call Dahyun to make you laugh. She's really good at it, you know?"

"But I can't do that."

"Why not?"

"Did you forget? You are my partner."

She bit her lips as thoughts from her younger days flashes right through her. It's her seventh birthday and all her sisters and their mom are having fun. Only her father is sitting alone in the corner, watching them fondly. 

"Dad, why aren't you playing with them?"

"I'm not good at playing games so I'll just watch them from here."

"It's okay even if you're not good at playing games. You can still have fun, daddy."

"Ah, really? But I don't want your sisters to know that I'm bad at playing."

"Are you afraid they will tease you, daddy? (laugh) Okay, it'll be our secret."

"As usual, I only have Jihyo by my side. Thank you, my daughter."

"(giggle) Since you don't want to play, I'll just stay here with you so you won't be lonely."

"But don't you want to be with them? It's your birthday, you should be having fun just like your sisters."

"I'm having fun too, daddy. Staying here with you is fun!"

"Ah!!! Park Jihyo... are you really my daughter? Why are you so kind?"

"Because I'm your daughter! At times like this daddy, just call me so you won't be lonely. I'll be your partner."

"Forever partner?"

"Forever partner! Promise!"

They even sealed the promise with a pinky swear. It's a sweet memory they shared in the past. Looking at her father now, she can tell he is thinking of the same memory too, making her feel guiltier.

"Whenever they play or do things on their own I can't make myself bother them."

"I'm sorry."

All Jihyo could say. The look in his eyes and the warm smile he's wearing are so like her father. He's trying to comfort her when she's supposed to be the one giving comfort.

"(smile) If you're sorry then can you call me from time to time? Or just send me a message whenever you're not too busy?"

"I'll try."

"Thank you."


Jihyo went to bed a little late than usual because of her sisters. They all want her to sleep with them to catch up and they begin to squabble. But in the end, Jihyo slept alone in her room; now Nayeon's semi-storage/closet. 

He's been calling me!

She immediately dialed Suga's number after seeing his missed calls. She was too occupied the moment she came home and has no time to check anything else besides her family and closest friends.


"Yoongi! Sorry I was busy a while ago."

"Are you studying? It's Friday night though."

"Uh, I actually went home."

"Home?! All of a sudden?"

"Yeah, it's a long story. By the way, why are calling me? Is everything alright?"

"Oh, I was going to ask you out since we cleared our schedule a little early."

"Is that so?! I'm so sorry!"

"You don't have to. Say, I want to hear your long story. What made you go back home?"

"Later, I'm going to tell you some other time."

"Why not now?"

"Well, it's something I need to tell you in person."

"Do I have to ready some tissue when that time comes?"

"(laugh) Maybe? I'm not sure. How's your day?"

"It's all good but could have been better. You're the missing piece to make it perfect."

"(cringe) Ugh! You and your cheesy lines MIn Yoongi."

"(laugh) I know, right?"

"Are you staying there for the weekend?"

"Maybe? Maybe not? I haven't thought about it yet."

"Should I come to visit tomorrow too? I'll make time to see you."

"It seems like you have a lot of free time lately, aren't you?"

"Am I? I guess we also have to talk about it some other time."

"Really? Do I have to worry?"

"Maybe? Maybe not?"

"Yah! Don't mimic me."

"(laugh) I miss you."

"Me too (yawn) sweet dreams, Yoongi."

"Are we saying goodbye already?"

"Yeah, I'm kind of tired today so..."

"I get it, dream of me."

"Huh! You wish! Good night."

"Good night."

