
Meeting with a perspective endorsement


The boys meet the marketing manager of a Korean Sports apparel . They were about to discuss the CF concept that their brand wants for their products. The idols came with their managers to see if they will like the concept or if it needs a bit of tailoring.

As soon as they arrived, the manager and his secretary greets them warmly.

"Is she a model in your agency? Shall we cast her too for the CF?"

The brand's manager joked, looking at Jihyo. Jimin and Jungkook highfived each other. It took them less than five minutes to win the bet.

"No sir, I'm BTS' new manager Park Jihyo."

She humbly told him while bowing curtly.

"Oh! Aren't you too pretty for a manager? Hobeom-ssi, don't you think you should've cast her  as an idol instead? 😄"

"Maybe you're right. Manager Jihyo gets too much attention for her liking."

"Hahahaha.... she sure is pretty, that's why."

Jihyo just humbly accepted the compliments and refuse to argue just so they can move on with the real intention of their meeting. 

The two parties immediately agreed with the concept. The next meeting will be between the brand's manager and Bang pd for the contract discussion. The date of the shoot will be determined right after that. BTS left the place with a happy heart. Another endorsement, another bagged achievement.

Their last stop will be for SBS meeting. They arrived around 6pm and eventually meets Monsta X at the basement parking lot. The two groups politely greeted each other. Jooheon eyed Jihyo intently as soon as she went out the van holding some BTS stuff.

"Excuse me..."

He started. Suga who's standing next to Jihyo meet Jooheon's eye. Jihyo did the same and immediately smiled brightly.


The two quickly shared a hug and greetings. Both BTS and Monsta X members left dumbfounded.

"Let's talk some other time Heonie,we need to meet some people first."

"I think we're heading on the same place noona."

"Really? Shall we go then?"

They all started moving to the elevator. Monsta X let BTS takes the lift first but only eight people will be able to ride it. Including the four managers, the team will be eleven in total.

"Hyunsoo, go join the kids. We will follow after."      ---Hobeom

"Hyung, noona should come with us."    ---RM

"It's okay, you go first."     ---Jihyo

Suga pushes the maknaes inside the lift before she faces Jihyo,

"Jihyo, we need to go now. Monsta X will have to go up too. The time is ticking, you know."

Jihyo looks at manager Hobeom. The guy just ended nodding at her so she went together with the boys instead.

"Aren't they too protective of Jihyo noona?"     ---Jooheon

"Yes they are. Oh, how did you know her?"     ---Hobeom

"Noona? She's my senior in school. She's really good in singing."     --Jooheon

"Really? I haven't heard her sing yet?"     ---Hobeom

"Go ask her to sing hyung! You'll be surprised for sure. Oh here's the lift."     ---Jooheon

"You guys ride first."     ---Hobeom

"Jihyo, how did you know Jooheon?"     ---Jin

"He's my hoobae at school."

"Ahh... you're really popular noona, aren't you?"     ---V

"No, I just kept meeting good people, that's all."

"You maknaes, instead of brewing Jihyo's popularity, how about you starts protecting her from others?"     ---Suga

"Protect me? I should be the one protecting you. And besides, I don't need to be protected, I'm totally fine Suga. It's just Jooheon and a friend of mine."

Suga didn't retaliate anymore but he eyed the maknaes, making sure they will not disregard his words.

When they reach the conference room, another idol group has already been waiting there. BTS immediately bows at them and felt embarrassed for making a senior group waits for them. Monsta X arrived a minute after and experienced the same feeling as BTS. But honestly, who wouldn't when it is Super Junior??

Jihyo's eyes are sparkling after seeing the senior group. She's been totally quiet at the back side. She will steal a glance or two every now and then as well only to feel shy soon after.

Eunhyuk quietly stands from his seat to grab himself a bottle of water. Jihyo see her and immediately hands out the water next to her. The senior accepted and thanked her. Jihyo's eyes sparkles even more. She looks starstruck and retract to her seat in a slow manner.

Suga witnessed it all. His eyebrows are knitting together the longer he watched Jihyo.

She's definitely fangirling.

After concluding the meeting, both idol groups let Suju to leave first. Jihyo and Jooheon sneak a moment to converse at the side.

"I saw you noona. You're fangirling."

"Ssshh!! Am I that obvious?"

Jooheon confidently nods,

"Totally noona. You're lucky they are sitting against your side or else the members will notice you."

"Woah! I don't think I can watch them face to face. I'm too shy to look at them if their facing me. I saw Eunhyuk-ssi upclose for the first time. Wow!! I didn't even imagine that my bias will come near me."

"You're funny noona. I bet you wanna see him dance live too."

"Jihyo? Let's go?"

Namjoon called before she can even answered Jooheon. Sure thing, she likes Eunhyuk for a reason. His really a true entertainer with all his dancing skills and personality. She's one of the reason why she likes the senior group. Not to mention the other members whose equally taleted as him. 

"Sorry, let's go. See you around Heonie."

BTS van...

Jihyo double check her list. Everything is done neatly. They have concluded the day smoothly as well. Tomorrow will be the boys' day off, then, they will be flying to Japan for a photo shoot the day after that. It's a shame that Jihyo will not be able to join them. Only the three senior managers will come with the boys. Oh well, she might as well use the extra day for napping. 

"Noona, tomorrow is our day off. Would you like to come with me? I need to buy some stuff."

"Me? Oh, where to?"

"V, I can come with you instead of Jihyo."     ---Hobeom

"But hyung..."

"Jihyo has some studying to do."     ---Hyunsoo

"Oh, but noona don't you have some things to buy before we fly to Japan?"

"Oh, I'm not coming with you guys."

"Why?"     ---BTS

"Because Bang pd says so. You guys are only looking out for Jihyo. Hyung is getting jealous now."     ---Hobeom

"Eeyy, hyung... noona is different."     ---Jimin

"How so?"     ---Jigae

"She's noona."     ---Kookie

Then the argument stops there with them laughing outloud. Nothing can beat the noona remark after all. Indeed, she's the only girl in their group and that made her extra special.
