After her short get-together with her sisters, Jihyo sits down for a makeover courtesy of her lovely makeup artists/stylists; aka her sisters. They made sure that Jihyo will stand out despite being around so many people in the concert and not to mention her face-to-face encounter with her greatest idol backstage. Yes, she was allowed to meet him backstage as well.

One hour before the concert, Jihyo made it to the venue. As expected the place is already crowded but with a help of a friend, she managed to dodge the queue and get inside the concert hall first. Soon enough, the fans were allowed entrance and filled the venue in an instant. The show begins after a five-minute introductory video and then her idol appears on stage; looking as handsome as she can remember.

In the middle of the concert, each member got the chance to walk around the stage to serenade their fans as closely as they were allowed to. At that moment, Jungkook spotted her from the crowd.

"Wow, daebak!"

He unintentionally uttered in his microphone. The fans get curious but he wittily saved the day by pointing randomly at fans and shooting hearts as he sings his lines. When the song ended, another groovy number followed, and this time, he run towards where Yoongi is and let him know what he just discovered. The latter's eyes went round for the sudden news. He immediately went to where Jungkook came from and looks for her in the crowd. Jihyo subtly raised her arms and waved at him. He found him instantly and smiled. For the last part of the concert, every time, they will have the opportunity to roam around the stage, Yoongi rarely leaves the corner where he spotted Jihyo. 

After the concert ended, a few fans that were given access to meet their idols backstage gathered. Jihyo was separated though and blended in with the other managers she's close with. When her turn comes, she entered their waiting room and greeted each member with a hug. They all warmly accepted her as usual and casually exchange a few words before Yoongi interrupted them and pulls Jihyo away from the rest.

"This is such a surprise, Jihyo."

He said.

"That's the point, I'm here to surprise you, did you like my small event?"

"How can I not like it? Are you staying for long?"

"Depends, will you be out of Seoul again?"

"No, this is our last concert for this year's world tour. We will officially be in our two weeks break starting tomorrow."

"Fantastic! I'll be here for two weeks too!"

It's funny how they do not know much about each other's working schedules but that's what they agreed upon three years ago. It definitely works for them unexpectedly. They call each other almost every day but they rarely talk about work which makes their relationship healthier despite the odds. Since they do not set expectations, each spontaneous call or message becomes their source of happiness and a good luck charm for a hard day. 

"We have an after-party tonight, would you like to join us?"

"Can I attend? Will that be okay?"

"You're my special guest, if someone will not allow your entrance then we will leave the venue immediately."

Jihyo ride the same van with Yoongi before the fans spotted them leaving the concert venue. She hid well in between the other members and burst into laughter when they were already on the road.

"That was hilarious!"

She commented while wiping her tears accumulated from too much laughing. V who is sitting next to her pats her head gently.

"Noona, you've been through so much for just one day."

He said while smiling.

"You're right, this is hard work."

Then she blew her bangs to end her comment.

"But it's fun so I don't mind."

She added quickly, realizing her words might sound negative and it works as Yoongi who almost made a sour face smiled satisfactorily instead.

"Find a woman who is as brave and faithful as Jihyo, Taehyung. You'll never have a dull moment when dating."

He said while putting his arm around her shoulder.

"But you might trouble your friends a lot (to V)... because you did! (to Yoongi)"

Jin countered, teasing them. 

"Seriously though, how long have you been together? Five years? Six years? I cannot believe you made us your chaperone for most of your dating scheme."

He added; shaking his head in disbelief.

"You're lucky we all like Jihyo Noona  too, otherwise we will never help you date her."

Namjoon commented as well.

"Then, shall I end your sufferings?"


Everyone bewilderedly asked Yoongi.

"I have a way to do so."

He smirked but did not continue after that; leaving everyone hanging. When they arrived at the after-party venue, Jihyo walks inside next to the managers despite Yoongi pulling her next to him. She also takes her seat where all the staff is gathered instead of where the members are seated. Yoongi tolerated her actions because he can understand where she was coming from but it was also infuriating him at the same time. He watched her eat and made a quick phone call when she finishes her bowl of rice.

"Let's head home."

That is all he has to say before standing up from his seat. He told his members that he was feeling tired as an excuse for the onlookers and waited for her outside. He hailed the first cab and give him directions to send them to his apartment.

"You have an apartment of your own now? You never told me about it."

"I just recently leased the place. Did I not mention it to you? Anyway, I've never stayed there myself too because the renovation has just been finished a week ago."

"Are you moving out of the dorm then?"

"Nah, it's more convenient to stay at the dorm. Plus Jin Hyung makes the best meal, I'll be saving my energy for cooking if I were to stay with them."

"Then why lease an apartment?"

"So I can use it if I want to be alone. It's more like an extension of my studio at Bighit, plus a huge bedroom to sleep on. Also, that place is for you to stay when you're in Korea."

"I can stay with my family. Our little sisters moved to Seoul for college so I have a place to stay when I'm on vacation."

"But I cannot stay in your sister's apartment, while you can stay in my place with me."

"Well, point taken but don't you think it's overspending your money?"

"Nope, I can make use of that space for my work and hobbies."

"Hobbies, like sleeping and sleeping more?"

She teased.

"Sure, whatever makes you happy."

He said as he lightly pinched the tip of her nose.


"Wow, this place is quite large for an extension of your studio. It is a house, Yoongi!"

"Let's play house then."

He playfully suggested.

"Ahh, I'll be your grandmother and you'll be my five years old grandchild. That sounds fun!"

"Tsk! By the way, I've been itching to ask you this. Why did you sit with the managers back in the restaurant?"

"I do not want to draw unnecessary attention. Plus, your CEO also attended the event, it'll be a bad idea to stick with you with him around."

"But you are my guest."

"I'd rather blend with the crowd, come on."

"Aren't you tired of hiding our relationship, Ji? As Jin Hyung said, we've been dating for years hiding from people. Isn't it about time to reveal our relationship now?"

"I... I never thought of it, honestly. Though our current setup is a little inconvenient, it works perfectly fine over the years."

"The fans are already suspicious since three years ago. Do you remember that photo from the Busan concert when we dramatically met? It all started from that, then several more photos were taken after that in the US. People already know about you as the 'mysterious girl' but it only remains as a rumor because the company pays people to keep silent."

"I... didn't know. I thought the rumors naturally die down because no one is paying attention to it."

"Ji, our group is already achieved a lot, it is safe to say we are successful in our field. You bagged more than enough lead roles in the three years of your career as a musical actress too. That means you are doing really great as well. Both of us are living our dream, don't you think so?"

"Your point?"

"We're adults and in marrying age so it should not be an issue if we were to date publicly."

I thought he'll suddenly propose.

Jihyo thought to herself and subconsciously sighed relief when he didn't.

"Let's slowly reveal it to people, okay? Let's date comfortably from now on."

"Don't you need to discuss it first with your members or the management?"

"It's easier to deal with it when it's out, trust me."

"If you say so, I won't disagree. You're right, it's about time to let the people know who's your owner. Whenever I watched your vlives, your fans keep on proposing to you."

He smiled,

"That becomes an inside joke between me and Armys."

"Well I know that but..."

...I'd like to be the only one to ask you that.

She said, whispering the last few words so he wouldn't hear.

"Yoongi, I know you just ended a concert but can we skip the resting part and do something else?"

