As soon as Jihyo and Yoongi arrived at the dorm, she rang the bell for them to open but none has answered yet. She dialed Namjoon's number instead, then Taehyung and the others but apparently, none picks up their phone.

What is going on?

She dialed the managers' number again but to no avail. She's losing her patience and energy and Yoongi is not helping either. Jihyo felt that the boys are playing a prank on her on the most inconvenient time but she doesn't have even a minute to get mad.

"Where are your members? Why no one's opening this goddamn door?!"

She asked Yoongi in annoyance. The latter only swayed beside her, knocking the both of them down.

"Ugh!! Yoongi!!"

In the end, Jihyo decided to bring Yoongi home since she doesn't have much on an option. She drags him outside the building and hailed another cab to reach her house. The boy is soundly sleeping on her shoulders the whole ride which works perfectly fine with Jihyo. Yoongi keeps mumbling incomprehensible words in his sleep but all his sentences ending with 'Jihyo' which made her sure that he is talking or referring to her. When they arrived at her place, she dragged him inside and lay him on his couch. She flops down on the floor and watches Yoongi's sleeping face, her brows are knitted in annoyance. The sleeping drunkard shift his weight and moved to his side facing Jihyo,

"You... it's your fault."

He mumbles again on his sleep. Out of curiosity, Jihyo answered him,

"Whose fault?"

"You... Jihyo-ah."

It's funny that she's having a conversation with a drunk Yoongi. She wonders if he will remember bits of it tomorrow when he's fully awake.

"What did I do? Should I apologize?"

"You! (hand raising pointing in front) don't go anywhere!"

"Are we still on it? Didn't I said already that I won't go anywhere anymore?"

"You did? That's good."

He smirked in his sleep. Jihyo waited for another drunken conversation but it seems that finally, he has fallen in deep sleep. 

"Now, let's help you sleep comfortably."

Jihyo brought a damp face towel, a spare shirt and a blanket. She takes off Yoongi's shoes and socks first then wipe his face and arms.

"Now... how should I help you change?"

Jihyo contemplated for a few seconds before she begins waking up the sleeping baby. To her annoyance, he's completely passed out and won't budge. 

"Fine, whatever!"

With a deep sigh, she helps him to sit and took off his stinky shirt with difficulty. She keeps her eyes half-closed while trying her best to dress him up. This is the hardest job she ever did for the boys considering she's no longer part of their management. 

"You lazy kitten should stay away from alcohol from now own. Seriously Suga, how can you be this heavy when you're this tiny?"

Jihyo complained while trying to put on the shirt on him. Suga is now limply leaning on her for support and she can't even budge him, otherwise, she will not ever finish dressing him up. 

"There, I'm done. Now sleep to your heart's content and tomorrow you'll get an earful from me. Prepare yourself, honey."

She annoyingly pushes him to lie down and dusted off her hands as if she just accomplished the biggest hurdle in her life. She took the blanket off the floor and covers Yoongi to keep him warm. She squatted next to him to watch his comfortable expression while he sleeps. The big, annoying baby even wears a smirk on his lips as if teasing her that he successfully push her to her limit tonight. Though she's almost drained with energy, seeing him sleep comfortably on her sofa lights up her mood.

"Why did you drink so much if you cannot handle it, Yoongi? Look at you now, you look like a lost kitten taking shelter to a pauper's home. I bet you'll strain your back tomorrow when you wake up."

She stroke his hair carefully; afraid to wake him up again. Their recent conversation pops up her mind and she blushed immediately. Why does Yoongi felt troubled when she met her handsome friends? Did he really perhaps... he cannot, right? Is what she thinks right now is true? That he... he... she can't even want to consider that idea because it doesn't feel right. But what else could it be except him liking her? Jeez! There, she just thought of it loud and clear on her head.

"Hey, I'm not trying to assume things here but... do you perhaps like me, kitten? Are you crazy? Don't even consider it."

Jihyo was about to leave and prepare to bed but Yoongi utter another word in his sleep and that took away all the peace that's left of Jihyo's night.

"I like you, Park Jihyo"
