"Yoongi-ssi, can you cut the vegetables for me?"

With her soft voice, Mina asked Suga and he immediately complies. Chaeyoung and Mina followed him in the kitchen to supervise his works. 

"Please cut it evenly, Yoongi-ssi."

"Is it supposed to be like this?"

"Uh, make it a little thinner if possible."

As Mina watched him slice the carrots into thin strips, she begins asking him random questions;

"How is it being an idol? Are you happy?"


Among all the Park siblings, Suga least expecting Mina to strike a conversation with him. As Jackson said, she's the quiet type, and to make her exert an effort approaching him doubled his gratefulness towards the girl.

"Uhm, mostly I'm happy. I'm even more than grateful. There are just those days that I thought could've been better if I do this or do that but overall, I'm very happy."

"Did you dream of being an idol since childhood?"

"No, not exactly. I mean I'm into music since I was young but never have I dreamt of being an idol. Have you heard that story before? I was scammed by Bang PD."

He laughs a little but Mina only gave him a shy smile;

"I'm sorry, I don't think I've heard of it. How did it go? Why did he scammed you and yet you're still in his company?"

"Oh, to make a long story short, I signed a contract as a producer but didn't realize I'll be joining a group instead. It's Namjoon's fault that I'm still hanging around and next thing I knew, I already love the members to even think of quitting."

"That's lovely."

"You think? Others thought it's hilarious."

"(smile) maybe a little but the thought of sticking around because you realize the value of your members is touching."

Suga stopped for a moment to look at Mina. Though she continues peeling potatoes next to him, the genuine smile painted on her lips made him realize she meant her every word.

"Thank you, Mina-ssi."

This time, it's Mina who momentarily stopped while he begins slicing vegetables again.

"I wonder about your intention, Yoongi-ssi but I won't think ahead of myself. Please have fun while you're here."


After helping Mina, Yoongi went back to the living room to help Dahyun. The younger one is busy doing random stuff but mostly observing what her older sisters have accomplished so far.

"Do you need help, Dahyun-ssi?"

"Oh, Oppa! Please speak comfortably with me. I feel awkward being addressed formally."

"Dahyun-ah... can I help you with anything?"

He carefully started again which brings a sweet smile on the latter's face.

"That sounds better, Oppa. Uhm... I'm not doing anything significant, just looking around. I feel something is lacking on the decoration Jeongyeon Unnie did but I can't point my finger on it. What do you think?"

Suga scratches the back of his head, after all, he helped Jeongyeon with the decoration.

"You think? I'm not so sure because when we decorated it, Jeongyeon seems pretty pleased."

"Oh! Did you help Jeongyeon Unnie? (apologetic) I didn't mean to criticize your work, please don't get me wrong, Oppa."

"Sure, don't worry. Hmm... what do you think we should improve, the design? the color?"

"Maybe... ah! I have a better idea! Wait here, Oppa."

Dahyun took her phone and dialed a number,


"Unnie, we're decorating the living room for Tzuyu's party but the decoration feels lacking. Can you give your comment, I'll show you around."

"Okay, turn your camera."

Dahyun showed the living room to the person on the line. Suga remains silent on his feet, waiting for the younger one and although the voice in the line seems familiar, he refused to ask about her.

"There! What can you say, Unnie?"

"What is he doing there?!"

"Huh? Oh, Yoongi Oppa? Momo Unnie invited her to come. Why?"


Suga turns to Dahyun and noticed that the familiar voice is Jihyo.

"Unnie, what do you think about the decoration?"

Dahyun insisted, ignoring her sister's surprised expression after seeing Suga.

"That's not important right now, Dahyun-ah, where is Momo? Can I have a word with her?"

"Ow, I heard my name, who's that Dubu?"

On cue, Momo arrived with a platter of food; 

"It's Jihyo Unnie and she wants to talk to you."

Momo stared at the motionless Suga and quickly understand the situation.

"Why, dear sister? Are you worried about Yoongi? Don't worry, he's managing well and we're treating him nice, don't we?"

"Uhm, yes. Thank you very much."

Yoongi cautiously replied; he suddenly felt awkward. He's used to people talking about him but to be the topic of discussion while he is around (except interviews) somewhat made him uncomfortable.

"Although he's a little awkward right now, (to Yoongi) are you sure you're okay?"

"But why did you invite him over?"

Jihyo interrupted but Momo ignored her again.

"Jihyo, everything's fine here as you can see. If you want, you can come over and join us instead of being anxious. If you didn't notice, our Yoda is sulking because you're not here. Oh, gotta go! There's still a lot of things to do, bye!"

"Unnie don't! Eh? I'm still waiting for Jihyo Unnie's response!"

"Oops! Sorry! Try to call her again."

In the end, Dahyun redialed Jihyo's number to get her opinion and though distracted, the older sister tries to give her unbiased opinion.

"Dahyun, can you not put me in a loudspeaker, please?"

"Oh, okay."

"Is he still there near you?"

"Mmm (nod) you wanna-"

"No, not at all. Did he perhaps say anything related to me?"

"Who knows? He's been around the house helping a lot of people. Are you really not coming over though? You're the only one missing."

"Not today, Dubu. You know my situation, right?"

"I wish you can set that aside and consider Tzuyu instead. When Momo and Sana Unnie went to visit you in Seoul, she silently wished they can persuade you to come home but you weren't back with them."

"I'm sorry, Dubu. I gotta go now, take care, okay?"


Lunchtime comes and the girls halt their work to fill their empty stomach. Dahyun becomes quiet and the older sisters noticed it immediately. 

"What happened to Dubu?"

Asked Momo, nudging Suga on the side.

"You were with her before lunch, did you notice anything?"

"She's on the phone with Jihyo and after their call, she becomes like that."

Suga quietly answered,

"No wonder, Jihyo is the only missing member of this family. If only she'll come home this time, the girls will be happy."

"I'm sure you all tried to bring her home, right?"

"Yes, and that's also the reason I brought you here. I thought if she finds out, she'll come home. (sigh) But since I failed, let's just do our best to cheer the younger ones especially Tzuyu."

Everyone seems normal in the dining area, the siblings are chatting lively as always. Jackson stayed by his side to keep him entertained. The head of the family joined the table as well and the first words he spoke of made Suga flustered.

"I've been meaning to ask, is Tzuyu a fan of yours? I heard you are a member of an idol group."

"No, I'm not, Dad. It's all Momo Unnie's idea. Now that I think of it..."

Tzuyu turns to him for a brief second;

"...I regret agreeing with Momo Unnie to have him invited on my birthday."

When everything seems to fall into the right places, Tzuyu declares disapproval of Yoongi. His surroundings suddenly became cold and quiet. If there will be a day that he will wish to disappear, it will be that very moment. 

"You disappoint me, Yoongi Oppa."


a/n: (unpopular opinion) two things bother me now that I involve Jihyo's members as her sisters. Can you guess what it is? Let me know your thoughts. 
