--First day after being unemployed--

Jihyo wakes up from the sun light coming through her window. It was Saturday morning and the birds' chirping out her window soothe her ears. While stretching her limbs, a sweet smile appears on her face. The thought of a cup of hot coffee, toasts with bacon and eggs is too appealing, it makes her hungry. She finally decided to get up from bed and prepare her own breakfast.

Yesterday night, she planned how she should spend her entire day. She took her notes with her and put it on top of her dining table. She put on her apron and took the ingredients she need out of her fridge. She started to brew her coffee as well while heating the pan to cook herself some bacon and omelette. As she cooks, she also put some bread loaf to her toaster. She prepared everything just as how she imagined it while on bed. She did a very good job in plating too and inspired her to post a photo of her breakfast in her IG.

The aroma of her coffee awakens her sleeping brain cells. Finally settling down to grab her first bite, Jihyo reviewed her plans for today. She made a healing schedule before she starts her life back in university. Her last few weeks as BTS' manager have been the most fun days in her entire career with the boys. She received a beautiful present from them that made her thought it will be a waste if she will decide to stop pursuing her dreams now. She also made a promise with Suga that she will gain more confidence and take little steps towards achieving her dreams.

Okay, Jihyo... what do we have for today? Hmm...

Her list composed of only three things;

1. Clean the house

2. Cook your favorite dish for lunch

3. Go out and spend the whole day outside

She smiled thinking how simple her list looks like. She wonders how her "Me time" will turned out and excited to spend her day happily.

After breakfast, she washed the dishes she used and starts cleaning her house starting from her room. As she wipes the dust off her things, she came across an old notebook in a pile of her old school materials. She took it and open the familiar pages. It was her song book when she was still into music writing, when she's still clueless of her parents' marriage problem. On the very first page was her messy scribbles when she was about... seven years old??? Her old self seems very happy to acquire the note book from her mom for the very first time. The way she have written each words on that page put a smile on her lips. Oddly enough, she can remember the exact feeling she had back then... the heart fluttering and full of excitement, the unwavering resolve and undying happiness and love for music.

On the next page lies her first ever composition entitled "My favorite mom in the world". As she scan each lines, her eyes start to moist. The little Jihyo back then was full of love and dreams. Little did she know, the mother she hold dear will eventually crushed all her dreams. She decided to close the notes and carefully wipe it clean before continuing her task.

She begin to clean the kitchen and living room too. When finally satisfied, she wipes her hands with a proud smile. Her house now looks like a cozy home. Since it's almost time for lunch, she decided to start cooking her favorite dish; fried chicken and kimchi stew. She turns on her favorite song playlist and happily starts cooking while grooving in her choice of music.

After cooking, she packed the rest of the dish and ask manager Hobeom to send it to the boys. She remembered Taehyung earnestly asking her if she can cook kimchi stew for them. Though she cannot meet up with the boys now, she knew they will enjoy her little present.

When she's done, Jihyo starts to get moving. She decided to buy some stuff for scrap booking. She realized she had a lot of photos taken and decided to create a scrap book out of it. She might also spend time sight- seeing around Seoul and capture more photos for her scrap book. At night, she wanted to experience drinking a can of beer at Han river because she had never tried it before. They say it's relaxing and gives you a different feeling so she becomes curious and wanted to try it out.

She dolled herself a little and wear her favorite pair of jeans and top. She tied her hair in high pony tail and carry her red backpack to conceal the things she plan to buy. With her favorite red converse shoes, Jihyo begins her light steps towards her chosen destination.

She came inside a stationary store and surprisingly get super excited to see the things inside. You know the feeling of a kid brought to a toy store? That's exactly what she's feeling right now. The scent of paper and enticing mixture of colors from pens, papers to decorative stuff, Jihyo can't help it but to gawk at them. She spend a big chunk of her time in the store contemplating over and over again which stuff to buy. She tried her best not to buy unnecessary stuff unwritten in her shopping list but its hard work to say no with the cute little things surrounding her. She finally left the store almost making herself broke but at least she's happy ๐Ÿ˜‚

She decided to eat dinner outside. She heard there are food stalls offering delicious food near Han river and decided to try it out. However she was distracted by the street foods on her way and decided to give it a try. She arrived at Han river with a full stomach. To digest her food intake, she decided to stroll around first before buying herself a drink.

As she inhales the beauty of Han river at night, she unconsciously reach a far end where the lights from the lamp post are almost out of reach, the place is also quite empty. Realizing it belatedly, Jihyo turn her heels to walk back where she came from. However, from the corners of her eye, she caught a depressing silhouette sitting alone in a darker corner of the area.

With an unknown reason, Jihyo's instincts told her that the person she saw is harmless. In fact, he needs someone to save him. The guy is holding his head low and obviously hiding himself under the comforts of his hoodie. She unconsciously walks to where he is sitting and stop in front of him without saying any words.

The two stood still for a moment until the guy can't take her presence any longer. He turn his head up to meet her eyes. Jihyo stop her self from gasping when she realized who the person in front of him.

"Hi, sorry to bother you but... do you know how to go to the happy place?"

Jihyo started a conversation. The guy only stared at her but didn't speak;

"You see, I'm a little lost now and I thought you might be of help. Can you please show me the way?"

The guy lowers his head again and in his soft, weak voice he said;

"Sorry, I don't know where that place you're looking for."

"Ah... I see, well you really looks like you don't know where it is. After all, you don't look happy."

The guy raised his head again and stared at her. Jihyo smiled and make a step closer;

"You look sad, I guess you're also lost and finding your way to the happy place. Shall we look for it together?"

The guy only stared at her, not sure how to take in her words;

"I'm sorry miss but... do you perhaps know me?"

Jihyo smiled meaningfully but instead of saying yes, she said the opposite;

"Sorry, but I don't really know you. Am I supposed to recognize you?"

The guy smiled bitterly; not sure if he'll be happy that she's pretending not to recognize him.

"Hey, catch!"

Jihyo throws a coin to the guy's direction and instinctively he caught it.

"No peeking!! Head or tails, what's your choice?"

The guy kept his wrist close but he didn't say anything; instead he stared at Jihyo with curiosity.

"Ah... heads means things are difficult for you now but it will be okay very soon. However, tails means you are currently in a very difficult situation and no one knows when exactly it will end. Now, what's your choice?"

The guy stared at her long and hard as if thinking his choice. Jihyo patiently waits for him with an encouraging smile plastered on her face. Soon, the guy made his choice -- tails.

"I see."

Jihyo bridge the small distance between them to give the guy a light tap on his head,

"I can tell you are hurting right now. You probably needs some space and quiet time but... seeing you now, I just can't help my self but to intervene a little."

Jihyo crouched down to ensure he will meet her eyes. She reached for his hands too and clasp them together;

"I cannot probably sympathize with your pain. I'm sure I'm not the best person to say I understand how you feel. However, just like what you have chosen, this is only the beginning of your hardships. But don't be afraid, instead be stronger."

"The next days will be full of tears, regrets and longings. Today, you hit rock bottom don't you? The bad part is that it's really a pity to be where you are now. The good side? You only have one way to go to... to stand back up and regain your self."

"It will never be easy, but guess what? It will never be impossible. For the people like you who have a lot of dreams and passion, I know you'll make it the second time around. Give your self a time to heal and maybe change the pace of your steps. Rest a bit and reconstruct your resolve, it's okay to take things slower."

Jihyo stands up again and giving the guy a light tap on his shoulder, trying to encourage him more.

"Okay, I'll leave my precious coin to you. See what's inside and decide how to start from it. If it's heads then I wish you will start to think how to work things out and make your come back. If it's tails then please heal your self properly. Cry all you want, regret all you want but... you cannot give up from here."

"I'll leave you now to give you space. I wish to see you very soon with a much better perspective in life. Hopefully, when that day comes you'll remember me and greet me with a smile on your face."

She takes a step back and waive him goodbye;

"Take care! Please do find your way to your happy place... Kim Hanbin."

After a heart-to-heart talk she had at Han river, Jihyo decided to go back home. The situation might be really different but she saw herself with him. She understand how difficult it is to have your dreams crushed right in front of you. How your hopes and inspiration betray you and you are totally defenseless and unready. She heard his situation on the news but it's not like it's the only thing that matters. She's sure he is way better than what the news say. Seeing him makes her think she was a lucky person with a much lighter situation than him and luckier to have good friends helping her back to her feet.

She thought that it is just right to give the same encouragement and love she received from BTS. She thought that the sincerity of people wishing her well and hoping for her to reach her dreams is such a warm feeling that needs to be spread in the world. Fate let her saw him at this point in time, then it only means she was given a chance to give back what she just receive. She utter a silent prayer for him to restore his smile and hopes. After all, he is still a young boy with a long way to go.


a/n: Okay, I know it is a story for BTS and Jihyo but... I have mentioned it before, iKON is a group that I adore. Regardless of the truths and lies surrounding them right now, I'd rather cheer for their happiness. I just wanted to deliver good words for him and hopefully he will be back on his feet very soon. His absence is surely felt by all the members, fans and non-fans alike. He's the heart, the brain and the backbone of the group. He is a pillar that holds them together. The members are surely flustered, confused and hurt right now so if there are iKONICS here, please cheer them up. Same with our forever iKON PD, Kim Hanbin - our beloved, irreplaceable leader ๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ˜Š

*ps: I made a little touch up here ๐Ÿ˜Š
