As soon as the managers are out of BTS dorm, Jin and Namjoon cornered Suga in his room to find out what happened with him and Jihyo. Jin being the eldest that Suga obeyed and Namjoon being the leader that Suga respects, he find himself submitting to their interrogation.

"What happened earlier? Why did Jihyo cry?"   -Jin

"Did you offend her? You didn't right?"   -RM

"Of course not. We just talked."

"Then why did she left the practice room?"   -RM

"It's actually a personal reason and I don't think I am in the right position to disclose the matter. Anyhow, I have already lighten up her mood. She should be okay now, hyung, Joon."

"We will not insist to know what happened then as long as you are sure that she's now doing fine."   --Jin

"Yeah, hyung."

"We didn't offend her or something right? She won't leave the team, right?"   --RM

"No Joon, we didn't offend her and no, she won't leave... yet."

"Ah... right! She'll leave after the summer break. I feel bad becase she's a lot of help to us but it's for her education, nothing we can do about."   --RM

"We just need to support her on her own endeavors."   --Jin

"You might want to tell it to Taehyung as well hyung. I bet the kid is either on the door right now, trying to listen to us or pacing back and forth at the living room waiting for any news."

"Right! He worries so much about Jihyo. I'll talk to him then."   --Jin

"I'll go with hyung then Yoongi hyung."     --RM

Just right after the two left Suga's room, his phone beep-- it's Jihyo.

💬 Yoongi, I just wanted to thank you again back there. Sorry for crying so much too 😅

💬 It's nothing, as long as you're okay now.

💬 I am, all thanks to you.

💬 Eeyy, you don't really have to thank me again and again you know.

💬 Hahaha.. okay, if you say so.

💬 But then... on second thought...

💬 Hmm??

💬 How about you thank me one last time?

💬 Thank you!

💬 No! What I meant is...

💬 Ah.. shall I treat you? What should I buy you?

💬 Firstly, you're not busy tonight?

💬 No, not really. Why?

💬 I'm craving for some coffee, want some?

💬 As in right now?

💬 Yeah, why not.

💬 Don't you think its a bit late now.

💬 It should be okay. I'll pick you up, where do you live?

💬 Rather than picking me up, let's just meet on the cafe instead.

💬 How about in Han river? I'll buy the coffee for us.

💬 I thought I'm treating you?

💬 Nope! I didn't say so.

💬 Then if its not about food or drinks, how would you like me to thank you?

💬 Just come with me for now... I'll think about it later, okay?

💬 Hahaha... demanding as ever. Okay, see you in a bit.

💬 Nice! See yah! Take care going out. Stay safe.

💬 You too.


Suga bought two cold drinks and a bunch of pastries. He drive faster than he used to be obviously excited to meet Jihyo again; as if they didn't see each other just a while back. He didn't know why he's so excited but he finds himself grinning from ear to ear. He sent her a message saying he already bought them food and she replied saying she's already on her way to Han river. Receiving her reply made him excited even more. 

Am I on a secret date or something? I feel like a fool right now.

Suga thought. Maybe the reason why a lot of idols prefer secret dating is because of the nervousness and excitement it gives a person. He felt thrilled meeting Jihyo behind his members and managers' knowledge. Most of the time, he hates driving because he preferred sleeping while on the road but this is the first time he thanked himself for getting a driver's licence and buying his own car. Now his babe has a purpose!


Jihyo arrived at Han river first. She sits closer to a lamp post and dialed Suga's number. The boy picks on the first ring which surprised her. 

📞 Hello?Did you arrived?

📞 Yeah, I just got here. Are you still driving?

📞 Sorry, I'll be there in a few.

📞 It's okay, no rush. Drive safely.

📞 Are you in a safe place? Wait for me where there's people. I'll call you as soon as I arrive.

📞 Roger that.

After the call, Jihyo roam her eyes around and decided that she's already in a safe location. She grab her dictionary in her bag and starts studying while waiting for Suga. She didn't understand herself but somehow, waiting for him in Han river makes her feel happy. It's not like its her first time meeting Suga but why does she feel like she needs to look pretty? A while back, she even had a hard time deciding whether to change clothes or not. In the end, she decided to just keep what she's wearing. However, she put a little make up and whisk her favorite perfume-- trying hard not to look like she's actually doll up herself 😅😂

Suga felt frustrated when he got caught on a traffic jam when he's almost near Han river. Jihyo has been waiting for him for about 10 minutes now and yet he's still stuck on the road. When the traffic lights turn to green, he speed up right away. On his way to the nearest car park, he found a flower shop that about to close. He march his way and plea to let him buy a stem of rose.

She might feel overwhelmed if I buy her a bouquet, right?

Once done with his purchase, he runs his way to Jihyo. He saw her on a park bench reading a book. He approaches without making a sound to startle her, then he thought of something else.

From her back, a shadow came covering her line of view. As she turns to see who's in her back, a stem of rose greeted her instead.

"Sorry for making you wait."

A smile draws on her face in an instant. She accepted the flower and automatically smell it's fragrance.

"I just picked it up somewhere."

She eyed him in disbelief. Sure thing, he bought it and only trying to look cool. Knowing that fact at least makes her happy.

"It looks pretty for something that has  just been picked up somewhere."

He touches his nape in embarrassment,

"Well... yeah."

They ended up laughing the awkwardness that starts to fill the air. Suga handed the coffee and pastries to Jihyo and they begin to consume the food first.

"So, how should I thank Mr. Min Yoongi now?"

Jihyo asked after finishing her food. Suga's expression becomes cautious, contemplating how to begin.

"You see Jihyo, I'd like to help you overcome your pain. If you will let me... I'd like to ask you to continue singing."

"How is that supposed to heal me?"

"You'll see."

For the next two weeks, BTS will work on their music and Jihyo is tasked to stay with the boys with Jin's earnest request to manager Hobeom and Bang pd. Without everyone knowing, Suga actually asked Jin to help him arrange Jihyo's work schedule for her last days being their manager. The reason behind his request are still unclear to Jin but he helped him out anyway after Jihyo confided to Suga. He knows one thing for sure, Suga is definitely the one Jihyo chose to open up with. He might as well support his members making their favorite manager enjoy her remaining days in work with them.
