
Jihyo sent everyone a message that she made a reservation for lunch. She was about to go down first and probably starts ordering when Namjoon's door opposite hers opens too.

"Oh, noona going down?"

"Yeah, let's go together? Help me order food, Joon."

The leader bobs his head and smiled. On their way to the elevator, manager Hobeom was already there waiting for the lift. The three of them were the first batch to set out for lunch.

One by one the members came out to eat too. When all the food they ordered has finally served, they all starts to eat. But Jihyo made a head count and missing one person -- Suga.

She excused herself to see if the guy is still in his room; probably sleeping? When the elevator's door open in their floor, she found Suga already standing on the opposite side.

"Oh! I thought you're still sleeping. Let's go? Everyone's already waiting."

Suga enters the lift without a word. Jihyo finds it odd that Suga has been giving her a cold shoulder. She remembered how he genuinely offered her company when they are in Han river but aside from it, most of her encounters with Suga are full of cold and straightforward conversation -- if the guy ever considers speaking with her.

"Suga? Are you okay?"

Suga spare her a glance and curtly nods as a response. Jihyo noticed that a few strands of his hair is sticking out. She purse her lips to hide her laugh instead, she reached for it to smoothen his hair back in place. However, Suga dodge her out of surprise;

"Oh! I didn't mean to surprise you. Your hair..."

Suga roughly fix his hair. This time, Jihyo can no longer hold her laughter. It escapes her lips despite herself. 

"Okay, I won't touch your hair again. I'm sorry."

"It's okay, I just got surprised."


"I said it's okay... you can touch my hair."

He said in a very soft voice. Jihyo finds Suga's gesture to be cute and ended up messing with his hair -- well, she has been given permission, hasn't she?

"Why are you so cute all of sudden, Yoongi? :)"

The elevator door opens and they went out to join the group. Jihyo wearing a huge grin and Suga shyly fixing his hair. The other members who saw them walking towards their table shared a curious look.

"Hey, what's wrong with you two? An inside joke?"     ---Jin

"Hmm?? Oh, it's nothing, Jin! Let's dig in!!" 


They all shared a hearty lunch. The maknaes are simultaneously taking Jihyo's attention. Because of the maknae's too much attention towards her, Jihyo's plate has never been empty. Whenever one will put a food in her plate, the  two will follow suit. If she refuses their offer, she'll be asked to return the food that she received from the first member. In the end, she ended up receiving all their kindness. When everyone is done eating, only Jihyo's plate is still full. 

"Noona, take your time eating, okay :)"      ---Kookie

"Noona, go eat the one I gave you, it's really delicious."     --V

"No, try the crab I deshelled first noona, I'm sure you'll like it."     ---Jimin

"I'm really full now though. I wish someone will help me finish all this."

"Give me some then noona, aaahh...."     ---V

"I'll help too! Aaahh...."      --- Kookie and Jimin

The older members including their managers watched them amusingly. Jihyo have bewitched the kids entirely and the sight of them will make you shake your head in disbelief.

"Why are you all so adorable???"

Jihyo laughs amusingly too. She put the food she received from each member to their mouths. Soon enough, her plate becomes empty. Manager Hyunsoo settled their bill before they finally left the place.


After their hearty lunch, Namjoon asked the members to go see him in his room. Namjoon feel a little discomfort on how the members are treating Jihyo. It should be nothing to worry about but he thought that maybe... just maybe, Jihyo will be uncomfortable. He needs to address it as soon as possible.

at Namjoon's room....

The members are all scattered around his room. Namjoon took the sit next to his bedside table and ask for everyone's attention.

"Okay, I see you guys especially you maknaes really like our new manager, Jihyo noona."

he started, the maknaes wear their most innocent expression which Namjoon hates the most whenever he has a bomb to throw against them. The three shared looks first before nodding in agreement.

"The thing is, your too much affection might make Jihyo noona uncomfortable. Your behavior during lunch is really concerning me..."

"Hyung, we only want her to eat her meal."     ---V

"I know, but you three keeps minding her food intake. You think she can eat properly that way?"

"But she's happily accepting the food we give her."     ---Jimin

"Of course, if not you three will act like kids having tantrums. She doesn't want that."

"But hyung... we also help her finish her food. We listen to her all the time. Aren't we being good maknaes then?"     ---Kookie

"Its a good thing that you are listening to her but, at least give her some personal space. All we can hear from your mouths are noona here, noona there... especially you Tae. You're way too affectionate to Jihyo noona."

"I don't see anything bad about it though. What's so wrong with treating her a little too nicely?  Hyung, you can be kinder to her too you know. Noona always made sure that your things are in tact so you won't lose them again."

"I know and I'm always grateful for that. My point is, what if she  doesn't want to be treated too kindly? What if it's only making her uncomfortable? It's okay that you like her too much, I won't argue with that, just show it moderately. Don't overwhelm her."

"I think i understand what Namjoon is saying Tae. Jihyo might be all smiles now but who knows if she's feeling suffocated with too much attention she's been receiving from you guys? Just distance a little. Also, we have Hobeom hyung and Hyunsoo hyung to help out. Please ask for their assistance too and take care of them as well. Let's give our managers equal attention, okay."

Jin added to solidify Namjoon's argument. Taehyung whose being too stubborn seems to not understand his hyungs. Taehyung doesn't have a noona and the thought of having one excites him. He always wants to have a good noona to look out for him. He got himself a hyung now and he knows how to be a hyung himself since his the oldest amongst his siblings. But never did he experienced being under the care of an older sister. 

In the end, the maknaes just silently agreed to Namjoon. Taehyung didn't say much after their meeting and simply escape his way out of Namjoon's door when the meeting had adjourned. 

Taehyung went straight to his room and browse the net again. When the photos reload from today's airport departure, V seen a few of Jihyo's photos uploaded amongst the member's photos. One of them had her looking in the camera as if she's posing for a magazine cover. Taehyung stared at it for too long. Jihyo's beauty is indeed exceptional. She'll pass as an idol member as well. 

The photo got him curious. He begins to search for BTS managers and more of Jihyo's photos pops out to his screen. Most of the photos came from the recent schedules they have with Jihyo. He access the links where the photos are originally uploaded. It's funny how Jihyo is looking at the cameras in some photos and all smiles.

As expected, those who took the photos are all students from her school. They say that Jihyo is a popular sunbae from their Music department. She's one of their aces when it comes to singing but she rarely performs now which made them all misses her on stage.

The fans are mostly praising her visual. Those who doesn't know her settled in calling her as pretty noona. There are more gifs and clips of her from different events. Most of her fancams includes her cute way of taking good care of the members.

One of V's favorite is a video clip of her making a headcount. In the video, Jihyo was shown in the back of the crowd craning her head while counting all the members (her finger is up in the air doing the counting gesture). Her brow knits when she didn't get the right count. She made a recount while mouthing each members name. Then, when she figured out whose missing, she cutely turns her head looking for the lost member, only to find Namjoon walking beside her. The surprise in her face when the leader tap her shoulder is so adorable that the fans can't help but to love it. The background music and effects added also helps making the video loved by many.

Taehyung read the comments below the post. He can't stop laughing at how humorous Armys can be.

fan 1: The giant idol and elf manager kekekeke :P

fan 2: She's counting the beagles :)

fan 3: Lol, how can she missed RM standing beside her? The fact that he's the tallest in the crowd and yet she didn't notice him is so funny.

fan 4: Leader-nim, make your presence felt please.

fan 5: It's so unfair! How can BTS have a goddess for a manager?

fan 6: BTS-nim, let us protect your adorable manager.

fan 7: Pretty noona is so adorable, can I keep you inside my pocket?

fan 8: Namjoon is so funny, pulling a prank to pretty noona.

fan 9: Noona, Namjoon is right beside you, kekekeke....

fan 10: Of course, the idols are handsome, the manager should be beautiful too.

fan 11: Protect pretty noona against the beagle BTS and giant leader

The list goes on and on...

Taehyung cannot believe how much love their new manager is receiving from their fans. Now it made him even confused why Namjoon is restricting them to interact with Jihyo if even the fans are all smitten by her. 

He stared at her photo once more, there's no way he'll listen to Namjoon. He wants to get closer with Jihyo and he will.

