It was Saturday and the boys doesn't have a schedule except to practice a new dance routine. They have been dancing real hard since morning without rest. At noon, manager Hoboem disappear only to came back with bags of food on hand. All the members automatically stop dancing and circled around their manager who holds their food.

Normally the boys eat at the company's cafeteria but this time they prefer to stay in their studio out of tiredness and their manager knew it.

Manager Hobeom brought paper plates and utensils with him and lay it all out on top of the old newspaper that V laid out on the floor. The boys help him fish out the food from the bag in the hopes of digging sooner.

While other members focused on the containerized food, Suga however took out a note stuck inside the bag. A smile crept on his lips as he reads the message. He glance at his members whose still busy eating before sneakily hides the note in his pocket.

"Hey, you can eat the rest of the food but leave the kimchi stew to me."

Suga blocked the food container from his members' reach. The six guys complained but he couldn't care less. Manager Hoboem smiled knowingly and just shrugged it off. Lately, Suga shows more affection towards their ex-manager and it amuses him to see this side of Yoongi.

"Why are you taking all the stew, hyung? I want it too!"

Taehyung whined,

"You have more than enough in your plate. I'm just taking my share, besides I'm not gonna get anything else besides this."

"There's something fishy the way you act hyung. Hoboem hyung, didn't you cook these food?"

"(Laugh) Jimin, did you forget? Hoboem hyung can't cook."

"Isn't he? Then Joon hyung, who cook this food?"

"Maybe Jihyo noona?--"

All the boys went silent after Jungkook mentioned Jihyo, somehow it all makes sense. They simultaneously stared at manager Hoboem waiting for his confirmation.

"What are you saying? Jihyo is busy preparing for the school ceremony."

Suga interjects,

"Aha! Hyung, you knew something aren't you?! Give me the stew that noona cooks! Don't eat it all by yourself!"

This time, Taehyung aggressively asked for the food but Yoongi does not gonna make it easy for him. He covers back the food container and dash away from the studio carrying all the food in his arms. In the speed of light, he was gone. The six guys are left looking appalled, they didn't expect Yoongi will actually capable of running away with food selfishly.

"It's funny to see it with my very own eyes. Too bad for you boys, he box out the food Jihyo cooked for everyone."

"Hyung! You should've told us sooner that noona cooked the food!"

Taehyung complained like a baby that he is,

"But how did Yoongi hyung knew noona cooked the kimchi stew?"

"Didn't you saw him took out a note inside the bag, Hobi?"

"There's a note inside, hyung? Heol! Even that you failed to tell us?! Where's the justice in this room?!"

This time it's Kookie who complained,

"I can't let it escape, I'd better find Yoongi hyung."

"I'll come with you Taetae!"

The two maknaes head out to look for the food thief and the rest simply let them be. Joon on the other hand dialed Yoongi's number to ask for the note;

"I thought you're not gonna pick up, hyung. We heard Jihyo noona wrote a note. Can you at least read that for us too? Don't enjoy it all on your own, hyung."

"Fine, listen up..."

To my precious idols,ย 

I'm sure you are all doing your best right now. I cooked some kimchi stew hoping to cheer you up. I didn't know that I'm going to miss your goofiness but I do ๐Ÿ˜œ anyway, make sure to eat well and get enough rest after working hard, okay? Fighting!!



"As expected of Jihyo noona, she will never forget to cheer us up."

Namjoon commented,

"I miss her being around too. She's a great addition to our team isn't she? Now she became a great loss."

"Well, yeah. You're right Jin. Even for us managers, her departure is greatly felt. Imagine, we're back pampering seven beagles everyday! Jihyo learned how to handle you guys well but she fails to teach us too! You are all at your best attitude around her but not with us, instead you are always around doing all sorts of questionable things."

"(Laugh) are you having a headache already, hyung?"

"You bet Jimin."

"I wonder what she's up to these days. How is she, hyung?"

Jhope ask,

"She's doing good. I heard she'll attend school this Monday and she's been preparing for it."

"Should we pay her a visit tomorrow? I wanna see her contagiousย smile again."

"Please, please hyung... let's visit her!"

Jhope pleads seconded by Jimin.

"Boys, I know you miss her dearly but you have a whole day schedule tomorrow."

"How about tonight?"

"She said she'll be out for the whole day, Jin. She's fully dressed when I came to pickup the food sheย cooked so I guess tonight is not possible either."

"Then maybe next time, for now let's just send her our thank yous in our chat box."

Namjoon concluded. Though they missed to receive energy from Jihyo's food, they at least gained enough power from her message. It might not be any time soon but they will surely gonna pay her a visit. They should at least treat her to dinner too as a return to her efforts to cook food for them.

When BTS finished their schedule for the whole day, they went back to their dorm and call it a night. Suga went straight to his bedroom to take a cold shower. When he's all ready to sleep, he grab his phone instead and dialed a number.

๐Ÿ“žย Hello?

๐Ÿ“ž Hi, did I disturb your sleep?

๐Ÿ“ž Nope! Instead, you interrupted my movie marathon ๐Ÿ˜ย 

๐Ÿ“ž Sorrry.

๐Ÿ“ž It's okay, anyway why did you call?

๐Ÿ“ž I just wanna hear your voice.

๐Ÿ“žย ย Ooohh!! You sounds too cheesy!

๐Ÿ“ž Eeyy... can't I miss you?

๐Ÿ“ž Hahahaha... the cold prince miss me?? Really?? Aww...

๐Ÿ“ž Yeah I do, you don't believe me? Fine, I knew you just wanted to continue watching your movie. I'll end the call now, take care always.

๐Ÿ“ž Silly boy!! I'm just teasing you, but yeah.. I'd like to watch my movie now ๐Ÿ˜Š See you when I see you! Take care, bye!

Suga dropped the call with a smile on his face. The conversation is nothing special, in fact it's not worth bragging. But for him, to have a simple conversation with her is meaningful and every seconds of it is worth it.

Lately, he noticed that he developed a severe fondness towards Jihyo. He also asks his self why but he got tired of asking as days goes by. When he ran away during lunch holding the kimchi stew, he realized how dumb he looks like hence, he'll definitely do it again if asked. He'll probably ends up doing more silly things from now on as long as Jihyo is involved. Never mind why, as long as he's enjoying his self, it's all worth the embarrassment.

He sent her a final message before going to bed hoping she'll respond too,

๐Ÿ’ฌ Goodnight Ji. Don't stay awake for too long. Let's meet some other time when you're free.


๐Ÿ’ฌ more like when you have free time ๐Ÿ˜† but yeah, let's try to meet sooner.


๐Ÿ’ฌ then it's a date! Don't tell the others okay! Goodnight!!

He log off from the line and force his self to sleep. He doesn't want to see Jihyo's respond after that, at least not now. He suddenly felt nervous and somehow scared of what she's about to reply. He rather keep the anticipation until tomorrow, that's probably for the best.

It's the first time in a while that Yoongi sleeps with a smile on his face and it's all thanks to Jihyo.

