
Jihyo plans to wakeup a bit late today since she doesn't have to go to work. But the sound of her ringing phone wakes her up instead.


"Noona? It's me, Taehyung. Where are you?"

She looks at the time in her bedside table. It reads 6:30am.

"At this early Tae, you'er asking me that?? Of course I'm in the house. Why?"

She said in her sleepy voice, 

"Sorry, did I wake you up noona?"

"Yeah, but it's okay. Why did you call this early?"

"Jin hyung says we're all going to picnic today. Then we will go to the mall after to buy some stuff for tomorrow. Wanna come with us?"

"Maybe I'll pass V, enjoy though."

"Aww... is that so? But if you change your mind just let us know noona, okay?"

"Yeah, sure. Please have fun okay."

They ended the call right after and Jihyo tries to go back to sleep. However, her sleep has already skip her system so eventually, she decided to just get up and make some breakfast for herself.

Will they be alright in their picnic?

She thought all of a sudden. She worries that the boys might ended up in trouble.

I'll just check on them later.

She cooked herself some bacon and french toast. After cooking, she brought her food in the living room to watch while she eats. 

A rerun of her favorite variety show aired. She have been missing the latest episodes of the show lately because of her work. She cracks up the whole time even shedding tears because of too much laughter. She didn't realize that her phone has been ringing from the kitchen since a while ago. After the show got ended, she stood up to wash her dishes. Only then she saw her phone blinking from the  counter top. 

Shoot! It's Hyunsoo oppa!


"Jihyo! I've been calling you!"

"Sorry oppa, I didn't notice. Why?"

"Can you drive the boys to Han river? They called me and asked for help but I'm in my grandma's house today. Hobeom and Jigae is out of reach too."

"Is that so? But oppa, I can't drive. (an idea pops up her head) Oh, but let me handle this okay. Don't worry anymore."

Jihyo phoned one of her friends to ask for help. 

It's Jackson. 

"Hey Wang, wanna go for a drive? I'll pay you."

"All of a sudden? Where to?"

"Han river. I've got seven passengers so bring a big car okay? I'll wait for you in my house in 10 minutes?"

"Okay, got it."

Jihyo called V since he's the only member who made a call to her yet. While they get her number, none from the members have actually contacted her.


"Hey V, I heard you need a ride?"

"Oh, yeah. You're gonna drive us noona?"

"Yes and no. Hahahaha... I can't drive but I asked a friend for help."

"Whose friend noona?"

"The best driver I know 😆"

Jihyo arrived at BTS dorm and went up to pickup the boys. All of them are already set and just waiting for her.

"Am I late? Come, the van is already waiting. Let me carry your things."

"Noona?? Wow! You look great today."

"Thanks? (I feel like ordinary though) Did you wait for too long? Give those to me. I'll carry it to the van."

Namjoon snatched the basket full of their food from Jihyo's hand,

"No need noona, we'll carry it ourselves since its heavy. Let's go to the van?"     ---Namjoon

"Oh, okay. Let's go."

At the basement, Jackson came to greet everyone and introduce himself. The members look at each other. Jihyo's friend doesn't look like a mere driver. He's definitely on her league-- a good looking ordinary citizen who oftentimes mistook for a celebrity.

Jihyo introduced the boys to each other,

"Wang, these are my bosses, BTS members. You know them already right? Boys, this is Jackson, my childhood friend and the best driver in town 😎😄"

"Nonsense Mic. Hi everyone, don't worry, I'll make sure to drive safely. Let's go so we can avoid the rush hour."

Jackson opened the van's door to let the members in. Jihyo took the passenger seat after ensuring that all members have entered the van.

"Wang, how's the girls?"

"If you're that curious, why won't you go and visit them?"

"You know I can't."

"You can, you just won't. But they're all good. Even your dad---"

"It's okay, thanks."


"Yes, Jimin?"

"Why do you call him Wang?"

"Because he's a king of our neighborhood 😅😁"

"Eeyy... it's a pun. My surname is Wang and this kid keep teasing me that I'm acting like a king in our neighborhood."

"Oh... but hyung, why are you calling her Mic?"    --Kookie

"Because I'm loud 😁"    ---Jihyo

"That! And also because she sings really well."    ---Jackson

"No I don't."

"Yes you do."

"I doOon't!"

"You do, you just won't. The last time you sang was during the freshmen welcome party at K* Arts last year. You should sing more  often though. Don't you receive love calls for singing in events? I bet you just kept refusing them all."

"Nah! I'll pass that question."

They have arrived at the Han river. Jihyo and Jackson helped the guys setup their things in the green field.

"Enjoy your day guys. Call me when it's time to leave."

"Why don't you join us Jihyo noona?"     ---Namjoon

"It's okay, we'll just wait for you in the van."

"Just you two? No, no... just stay here and eat with us. You probably have to babysit these kids because Jin hyung will do a bad job out of it."     ---Suga

"Me? I'm the best hyung though! Right maknaes?"     ---Jin

No one answered and just laugh which made Jin feel betrayed;

"Okay, okay before you ends up fighting we'll just join you. It's okay if Jackson will stay too, right?"

"Sure! Please make yourself comfortable."     ---Namjoon

"Noona's friend is also our friend 😆"     ---V

"But noona, how did you guys became friends?"     ---Kookie

"Because he's Wang."

"And she's a mic."     ---Jackson

"Eehh??"     ---Jimin

"When we were kids I used to be really loud when playing outdoors and he got annoyed at me."

"But she didn't knew how loud she was back then. She's literally the only one you can hear from a distance."

"That was a really long time ago Wang. But hey, you ended up being my friend anyway."

The two laughs heartily remembering their childhood. The BTS were lost in their conversation but still politely listening to their stories.

"By the way, mind if I ask your ages? I'm Jihyo's age so... I'm older than all of you?"     ---Jackson

"We're of the same age. Suga is 21, Namjoon and  Jhope is 20. V and Jimin is 19 while Kookie is 17."     ---Jin

"Wow! You've got a baby here then. How was it being the kid Kook?"

"Noona is taking good care of me more than she does with the hyungs."     ---Kookie

"Really? That's nice. Jihyo here is a mother hen. She'll take care of you all the best she can. Aww.. should I be jealous?? My good old friend is now busy taking good care of othe boys."     ---Jackson

"Hahaha (sarcastic)...very funny Wang Jackson."

"Jihyo, wear this."

Jackson took off his plaid shirt and put it on Jihyo's shoulder.

"Why? It's hot."

She took it off and return to Jackson.

"You will wear it or I'll confront those guys eyeing you?"

The BTS members look at their back where Jackson points at. There, they saw a group of teens looking at their direction.

"They're not looking at me. They're looking at the idols. Don't be exaggerated Wang."

"Just wear it."

Suga seconded in his cold voice. Jackson puts it back to her shoulder and Jihyo can only sigh. Arguing with the boys will bring her only headache.

"Its your fault Ji, you know you easily attract attention when you doll up yourself."

"Doll up?? Can't you see? I'm wearing a loose pants and a plain top. Nothing fancy, nothing girly. Like I said, they're looking at the boys and not me. It's BTS so its a given that they will attract people."

"I guess noona is simply attractive hyung, noona, you're a fashionista 👍 Also, maybe she's right, they might actually be looking at us."

V winked at Jackson indicating that he's just agreeing with Jihyo to avoid making her pissed. But if truth be told, Jihyo indeed looks far from ordinary. He's been a fan of Jihyo's wardrobe selection. She always go to casual look but oftentimes, she rock them like a pro model. Not to mention her bare face. She rarely wear makeup aside from lip tints which make her lips pop with natural colors. But Jackson won't end it from there;

"Didn't you know that Jihyo used to be---"


"WhaAat??? Right! Anyway, do you guys have some plans after eating?"     ---Jackson

"We're buying stuff for tomorrow's schedule."     ---Jhope

"Need some helping hand?"     ---Jackson

"Yeah, sure. Thanks man."     ---Namjoon

Jihyo took back all the things they used after eating while the boys play some football in a distance. Suga prefers to stay and took a quick nap. After cleaning, Jihyo sits beside Yoongi and begins to study her dictionary again.


"Hmm? I thought you're sleeping."

"About the conversation a while ago... "

"Which one?"

"Your dad?"

Jihyo closes her dictionary and look at Suga. The guy also sits up, facing Jihyo

"I'm curious. Are you in bad terms with your family?"

"It's nothing Suga."

"I just wanted to know. I've been in the same situation before so... in case you need someone to talk to, you can count on me."

She saw the sincerity in his eyes to which Jihyo feels grateful. She smiled at him affectionately while patting his head.

"Thanks Suga. I appreciate it."

Suga felt his cheeks flushed because of Jihyo's sudden sweet gesture. He can't help but to stare at her.

"A-also, you can call me Yoongi."

"Really? Thanks."

Jihyo smiled again.

"Can I ask you something too Yoongi?"

"Yeah, go ahead."

"I wonder why you're the only one who refuses to call me noona."

"You're just a year older. And it's awkward to call you noona when I look older than you."

That made Jihyo cracks up a hearty laugh. She didn't expect his excuse at all. 

"Aigoo! Aren't you too cute?"

She reached for his head once more and tap it lightly. Though Suga really hates if someone touches his hair, Jihyo's touch is different. In fact, he'll let her do it over and over again without complaining.

++in a distance++

"Is that Yoongi hyung? He's not mad at noona messing his hair?"     ---Jimin

"Oh, you're right! I want noona to pat my hair too just like that"     ---V

