The hyung line finally cornered manager Hobeom and got him speak up. They learned about Jihyo's expiring contract and reason why she's always doing field work. They felt a little disappointed knowing Jihyo will no longer be their manager after the summer break but she have a better reason for it from the very beginning, nonetheless they felt a little betrayed for being kept from the truth.

"Hyung why haven't we informed of it?"     ---Jin

"Well, no one thought you'll actually like her that much. We thought it'll be unnecessary information. Overtime, we just forget about it too until recently when it has been brought up again."

"V will get shock. He's the closest to her."     ---RM

"We better tell everyone now. The maknaes adore her so much."     ---Jhope

"You're right, is there a chance noona will be with us later?"     ---RM

"I can call her to come but what's your plan?"     ---Hobeom

"We need to tell the kids first and then let's figure it out later."     ---Jin

Jihyo was asked to bring refreshments for BTS while they practice. They will be having a fan signing tomorrow for the sports apparel they are currently endorsing. As she walks inside their practice studio, Jihyo witnessed the boy's arguments. They all stopped after seeing her enter the room.

"Noona! Is it true? You're leaving?"     ---Jimin


"About the contract... it'll end soon right?"     ---Suga

"Ahh... yes, I need to go back to class and hopefully graduate this year."

"But why didn't you tell us?"     -Mookie

"You didn't know?? For real? Is that why Taehyung...."

V nods at her knowing what she meant. All this time, Jihyo thought they knew that's why she never brought it up herself. But seeing their faces shows that they really have no idea about at all.

"Noona told me but at that time, I thought it's a secret so I didn't dare to tell anyone. I've learned about it when we were in Japan."     ---V

"But noona, can't you still be our manager while you attend school?"     ---Kookie

"I can't, bunny. Noona needs to graduate and if I'll still be your manager, I won't be able to finish my studies then. You go to so many places, I'll only cause trouble if I will not leave the team."

"That's not true. You still can do part time works for us."     ---Jimin

"Then go leave Jihyo... in one condition."     ---Suga

During the fan signing, Jihyo was at the backstage watching BTS. Armys are as always giving so much love to their idols. When they are done performing, the signing begins and Jihyo helped managing the queue and keeping fan gifts. She's silently receiving whatever the boys hands her and carefully putting them inside a big box when Kookie suddenly calls out,

"Noona come here, this one's for you; from her (fan)."

"For me?"

It was a flower crown and a boquet of flowers. Her eyes are fixated in the unexpected gift from BTS's fans.

"Can I put it on you unnie?"     ---fan

"Is it really for me? Why?"

"Just accept it noona, bow down a little please 😁"     ---Kookie

Jihyo did as she was told, still unable to grasp the situation. The fan grins widely after seeing her wear the flower crown.

"It really suits you unnie, you look prettier. Here, this one's for you too. Thank you for taking good care of oppas for us."     ---fan

Jihyo reach out for the boquet and thanked the fan too,

"You don't really have to thank me, it's my job to look out for them. However, thank you for your kindness."

"Unnie, you saved oppas and gave us a wonderful CF. Please know that most Armys support you okay 😊"     ---fan

"Oh! Thank you very much."

Jihyo bows down to the fan and gave her a hug. She didn't expect any encouraging words but here she is receiving love. The fan even asks for a photo of her while holding her gifts. It seems like she purposely line up only to show her appreciation to Jihyo.

The boys appreciated the fan's gesture towards Jihyo and to show their gratefulness, they each give her a long and warm hug starting from Kookie up to the last member; Suga.

When they are almost done with fan signing, BTS members gathered in front to chat a little more with their fans.

"Ok guys, before we end the program, how about we do some Q&A first? We will accept few questions from different fans, is that okay?"     ---RM

Armys erupted in glee and raised their hands to have the opportunity to ask a BTS member. Each member will select a fan and answer their question.

"I'll start, you at the back please."     ---RM

"Is Ms. Pretty noona still single?"

A male army excitedly exclaimed his question which was supported by other male fans. All members look at each other with unsure expression.

"Pretty noona???"     ---RM

Namjoon asks his members not quite sure about the question;

"Jihyo noona??"     ---bts

They all ask at once and fans confirmed their assumption. Although they have encountered Jihyo's nickname given by fans several times already, it still surprises them from time to time. Jihyo, who's helping other managers at the back got surprised hearing the boys shouts her name.

"Yes, the one at the back wearing eye glass."

Aside from the fact that Jihyo is wearing glasses right at that very moment, she's also the only female person at the back. There's no denying it that fans only refers to her.

"Why? Even if Jihyo noona is single, she's still not available to date. Next, question please."

Suga savagely dismissed the fan's curiosity. All BTS members laugh at Suga but they expresses the same thought. After all, Jihyo is their precious and favorite manager 😊😄

"Oppa, is unnie close to all members? You often acts as her bodyguard when your in public places."     ---fan

"Yes we are."     ---Suga

"Is that it hyung? Eyy... no fun! Anyway, we're really close to noona. She takes care of us really well. Our manager hyungs too but having noona makes all the difference and balances us all."     ---V

"Is she older than everyone?"     ---fan

"No, she's the same age as Jin hyung. Ask me more 😁😁😁"     ---V

"Uhm, who is she closest among the members?"     ---fan

"Me!!"     ---V, Kookie

"What are you saying Kookie? It's only me."     ---V

"Nope! We're close too."     ---Kookie

"Why are you only curious about Jihyo... noona? Ask other stuffs too."     ---Suga

" Kookie oppa, how was it to have a noona around?"     ---fan

"Jihyo again? Maybe we need Jihyo here and answer the fans."     ---Jin

"Wait hyung, let me answer first. Noona, come here. You see, noona is mature and really sweet. She rarely scolds us but she always correct us if we're doing something wrong. Other managers even asked for her help if we acts too much. Also, having noona around is a breath of fresh air for me 😁"     ---Kookie

"I have something to say too! I gifted noona a song that I made. She's the only one who has a copy of it. The reason why I gave it to her is because she told me that one day I will be able to include my song in one of our album and let Armys here it too. She encourages me to do well  and so I let her have the song to thank her."    ---Jimin

The other members got surprised after hearing it. They teased Jimin and asked more about the song but fans asked Jihyo instead to give them a spoiler. Jihyo blushed for the sudden request erupted from the fans. They keep cheering spoiler, spoiler and Jihyo just doesn't know what to do.

"How about a line or two? Let's do it like this Armys, if you like her voice... would you let me feature her in one of our songs?"     ---Suga

BTS all looked at Suga and questioned his bold remark. He did it again aiming for Jihyo's approval. The fans become skeptical but decided to listen to her voice first. Jihyo remained silent but the cheers won't die out; only getting louder.

"Noona, will you sing for us? Come to think of it, we haven't heard you sing."     ---V

"I'd like to hear noona sing the song I made too."     ---Jimin

"Noraehe! Noraehe! Noraehe!"   ---BTS

"Okay but... just this once."

Jihyo cleared her throat and borrowed Kookie's microphone. The crowd's cheers died down instantly leaving a moment of silence to only listen to Jihyo's voice.

🎶You're hurt 'cause your mine, I just wanna blow your mind🎶
🎶You're getting further away from me again🎶

She chooses the first two lines in the pre chorus part of Promise and abruptly stops before even the crowd warm up with her voice. Soon, the words encore, encore were the only ones you can hear from the fans. BTS being the dorks themselves joined in pressuring Jihyo to sing more. Suga runs down the stage to join the fans and so he could get a good look while Jihyo is singing (if she'll sing). The other members followed him after, all squatting down and waiting for her to sing.

"I don't think this is right."

"Noona, do us a favor. The fans are all waiting too 😁"     ---Jhope

"But... Bang pd..."

Manager Hobeom gave her a thumbs up and encourages her to sing. Since she have no more options left, she decided to give it another go;

"Okay, but this should be the last time or I'll be dead."

🎶It's the simple things you do
I just can't get enough of you
It's that perfume that you wear and
The way you do your hair
That I love so much
And it's the simple things you say
And how in bed we play
It's the way you kiss my cheek when you think
That I'm asleep
I love it so much🎶

After she lowers down her phone, BTS members went back on stage while clapping and hailing Jihyo. The young manager feels grateful and worried at the same time. Suga then puts his arms around her and ask the biggest question to fans...

"You want her to feature in our song too, right?!"

And everyone responded yes.

a/n: if you'll notice, this is the part I teased from fancy meeting you one shot (same title). It took me a lot of chapters to get here, lols 😂😂😂
