The van went off without any delay, bringing the boys back at their company building. Manager Hobeom asked Seolhyun to gather the kids for them to discuss the sudden change of their schedule.

"You're back, how's your day, boys?"

Hoboem asked the moment the members entered their practice room. They were all wearing huge grins on their faces courtesy of grumpy Yoongi.

"You look gloomy for someone who's with a cheerful group, Yoongi. What's wrong?"

Their manager asked; half smiling, half confused.

"Don't, hyung. Just... don't."

The members started laughing again, even Seolhyun is having a hard time suppressing her laugh. Yoongi, on the other hand, rolled his eyes in defeat and choose to sit by the corner while his members are having a fit. Well, what to expect? The members didn't let the situation passed by without them teasing Yoongi. They made fun of him sleeping over at Jihyo's place and conclude whatever out-of-this-world imaginations they have to which Yoongi keeps denying and/or correcting. 

"Yeah, yeah... laugh all you want. I won't make a new song for the entire year, I'm telling you. Huh! I'd rather sleep than do you guys any favor."

For some reason, the boys immediately stopped laughing. Everyone knows that Yoongi cannot separate himself with writing songs but there is still a little chance that he means what he just said because... well, it's Yoongi who's talking.

"(clear his throat) Alright, enough teasing. I'd call you here for one important announcement."

Everyone paid attention to their manager.

"There are a few changes in your schedule and it might be a little uncomfortable for some members because you need to squeeze more work to your day. Unless you wanted to sit out, then we will need to discuss that a little later, okay."

Manager Hobeom took out his notes and read the schedules marked in each calendar date and who's members are attending each event and/or program.

"Now for the additional schedule, which I assume most of you will like is..."

He purposely made a cliffhanger just to see the boys' reactions while announcing the plan.

"You were invited to perform as a guest in the annual Arts & Performance Cultural Program by K* University which coincidentally the same university that Jihyo attending."

"Wow! Will Jihyo Noona perform on the same stage?"

Taehyung asked in excitement.

"I'm not sure yet, I think they're still finalizing the list of performers at the moment. Well, if you want, we can use that as a condition for you to join the program. However, it might not be a good idea for Jihyo."

"Yeah, don't do that, hyung. Jihyo Noona will hate us if she finds out."

Namjoon seconded. Though they love to share the same stage with Jihyo, they knew that she will hate the idea of using her to get them booked for the event.

"Maybe Noona isn't participating at all because she didn't mention anything about it when we were in her place."

Jimin added which made sense. She should have mentioned it a bit if she was joining the program but she didn't.

"Then let's make her join the program. Remember how she danced during our RM guesting? She'll make a great stage performance with us."

"Yeah! Let me help convince Noona to collaborate with us, hyung! I really love to do it!"

Taehyung and Jhope high fived each other, already imagining the collaboration stage inside their heads.

"Well, if you succeeded in convincing her, I doubt it will be a problem. Since you're already thinking of collaboration, I guess you're all decided to join the event?"

"Raise your hand if you're in favor of joining the event."

Jungkook said with a raised hand. The rest of the members followed suit without any objections. Everyone seems ready and excited as well.

"Alright! I guess Jihyo is still the best bait, huh? Now, now... let's talk about the affected schedule you have. The event will be held on the 27th, three months from now and there will be at least three members who might not be able to join on the stage."

The members exchanged looks thinking about what they can remember on the 27th day, three months from now.

"First, JHope. You're scheduled that day to attend dance practice at SME for the special stage with Shinee's Taemin and SuJu's Eunhyuk. It's a whole day schedule for you so either you'll excuse your self attending the dance practice with your sunbaes or we will leave you out of the university's stage performance."

"Next, Taehyung. You need to attend the premiere of your movie on the 26th and the next day, you are scheduled to join the whole cast attending promotions to three different tv stations. You'll wrap up your day around eight in the evening if there will be no delays in between. If you're lucky, you might be able to join the stage performance. If not, then you need to sit out as well."

"Lastly, Yoongi. Surprisingly, for all the days you're not available it happens to be on the 27th day of the third month. You have the most flexible schedule amongst the members but not on that same date. You're scheduled to record your mixtape with Kwon Ji Yong. We've worked so hard to get him and he's only available on the 27th."

The members without conflicting schedules breathed a sigh of relief but the three mentioned members are battling among their selves which schedule is better than the others. 

"Also, remember that you need to dedicate some time to practice your collaboration. It will not be a problem if it's only you among yourselves to do the practice because you can do it anytime you're free. However, if you will include Jihyo then you need to consider her schedules too. Remember that she's a student and she's a girl. We cannot have her on late hours otherwise, we will need to bring her home."

"Bringing her home is not a problem, hyung. Having her to agree with us to bring her home will be the difficult one."

Jin countered, expecting how the former manager will react.

"I'd love to join the stage performance and hear Noona sings live. Besides, I'd love to choreograph the dance and make Noona shine on stage."

"Me too! As much as I love the movie I've worked hard for, sharing the same stage with Noona might not happen again so I don't want to miss it. Hyung, help me make it on time. I really want to join."

"Well, we will see what we can do. How about you, Yoongi?"

"As you said, hyung, we worked so hard to get Ji Yong sunbae-nim to do the mixtape with me. We cannot waste the opportunity."

"But you don't want to miss the collaboration with Jihyo Noona too, right?"

Jungkook reminded him just in case.

"That's true too but--"

"Okay, how about we asked Jihyo Noona first and decide?"

Jimin suggested, helping the members with conflicting schedules to decided.

"Then let's call her now while we're on it."

Taehyung immediately dialed Jihyo's number without waiting for his hyungs' response. After several rings, Jihyo finally answered the call.


"Jihyo Noona, I have a very important question to ask you."

"You sound urgent, what's wrong?"

"Because it's urgent and your answer will decide our fate."

"What are you talking about? You're scaring me Taehyung-ah."

"Noona, three months from now, the University you're attending will hold an annual event, right?"

"Ah, that? Yes, but what about it?"

"We were asked to perform as a guest but we would like to make a collaboration stage with you. Are you willing to do it?"



BTS' heads stuck together in a comical way. They wanted to hear whatever Jihyo's response will be, loud and clear.

"Well, Taehyung about that... I will actually... it's top-secret, okay? I will actually gonna do a special stage before the final remarks together with Hoseok."


Nevermind the secret performance Jihyo is talking about but the name Hoseok made the boys alarmed, especially Yoongi who already voiced out his disapproval by questioning the name Jihyo mentioned.

"Yes, Hoseok, you already knew him. The guy with the pink hair who often refers to himself as bunny during our last get-together video with the other boys, remember?"

Hoseok... the new handsome face that the BTS members encountered who made them anxious for no apparent reason. The fourth guy who's got amazing visual lingering around Jihyo. The list keeps getting longer: Jooheon, Jackson, Jinyoung and now Hoseok. Yes, that Hoseok that they saw during lunch break video chat and that Hoseok they saw during the late dinner gathering.

"Is he good at singing too? Better than Jungkook?"

V objected, feeling a little betrayed. Here they are joggling their schedules while their beloved Noona is already promised to collaborate with some random guy they do not even want to mention the name.

"Of course he's good at singing, great even. However, I do not like comparing talent, Taehyung-ah. Besides, I'm sure you don't even have time to have practice sessions with me given how busy you all are."

"For you Noona, we will make time."

That's the last straw that Taehyung has. He's fingers are crossed, hoping their Noona will feel guilty and changes her mind. For some reason, the boys shared the same thought - no one wants Jihyo to do a collaboration with some other guy on the same stage they will perform.

"Ugh! Kim Taehyung, the things you make me do! Listen, I cannot sit out the stage performance with Hoseok since it is already predetermined but..."

The boys hang their heads in the air, waiting for the next words Jihyo is about to say.

"Maybe we can change the last stage a bit? How about you joined us for the finale? I'll talk--"


The boys instantly agreed, not even letting her finish her sentence. They are BTS and who says no to BTS? For once, they will genuinely feel proud of using their name to their advantage without feeling guilty. They're sure that even the university coordinator will love them performing an additional stage.

"Okay, okay... at least calm down first. We were going to do a ballad and if we were to consider your group, then we need to choose a song befitting to play after a romantic song, right? I'll discuss things with Hoseok first and contact you again. I swear Taehyung, you're making my head hurt this time."

"Noona, you know I love you, right? I knew you won't say no to my pleas."

"Right! And you're taking advantage of it! How rude, Taetae."

"Nah! Just for this one, Noona. I'll wait for your next call, okay. Have a nice day, Jihyo Noona!"

Taehyung ended the call after each member bid their goodbyes. All the members look happy but the managers have a different expression. For one, they didn't even solve their issue with regards to their schedule and two, they even added a stage to perform for that day, lastly, they consider everyone joining the collaboration where in fact, they don't even have the liberty to do so because of earlier engagements that they are tied into. 

"Okay, Jihyo's joining. Now, who among you are joining and not joining the collaboration, Hobi, Taehyung, Yoongi?"

"Oh! We haven't figured it out yet, right?"

The member's excitement drained out after Jimin pointed out their earlier dilemma. Now time to figure out what to do. 

