Like a blink of an eye, a month already passed and during those times, Suga's shoulder injury becomes better. Now, the company is hoping for his return so they can prepare for their come back.

"I don't want to go back yet. Should I tell them my shoulder is still aching?"

He told Jihyo. They were in the living room, pretending to watch a movie but only there to spend time together. His head is on Jihyo's lap as he playfully tags the lace of her hoodie.

"But didn't you say you miss your members too? That's just the same as saying you miss performing on stage together with them."

"(brief silence) That's true but... it means we need to be apart again."

"It's inevitable anyway unless one of us becomes greedy. Either I quit school and come back to Korea with you or you quit your work and stay here with me. Whose dreams are more important, yours or mine?"

"You're no fun, Jihyo."

He snorted while she laughs but she felt a little guilty too after realizing that her words or jokes rather are not comforting him at all. Blame it on her straightforward mouth and uncute personality. If Sana is with them, she'll pull her in the corner to teach her how to be cute. She cleared her throat in an attempt to revive the atmosphere.

"When did they asked you to come back?"


"That quick?!"

"Well, they say they'll book me a ticket if I'm willing to come back tomorrow."

"And what did you tell them?"

"I asked them for one more day."

"So you're leaving on Sunday?"

"Yeah, most likely."

Jihyo suddenly fell into a trance. She didn't expect it to be this quick; she didn't know that once the company contacted him it means they already want to send him home; ASAP."You can't believe it, can you?"

"I mean they just called you this morning... is the call about telling you to pack your things and go to the airport right away? Shouldn't it be like would you like to come back after a few days or so? You're wrong Yoongi! They're not asking you to come back, they're telling it's time to go back."

"(smile) I know, right? but it can't be helped."

"I know you should go back home but... not abruptly."

"Heol! I thought you're ready to send me home?"

"I said we're both aware this is coming, you should leave after a month. But I didn't foresee this coming at us like this."

The sudden change in Jihyo's attitude made him feel happy. So he's not the only one being clingy, it's just that he's more vocal about it than her.

"You're so cute, Jihyo did you know that?"


"Forget it, we still have one day anyway. Let's not spoil the last twenty-four hours thinking of my departure, instead, let's have fun, okay?"


The following day...

The couple dresses up with matching accessories and a coordinated outfit. They go with a 'comfortable styling that rocks' kind of vibe. After having their breakfast at the hotel, the two sets out to have fun.

"Do we need it, Jihyo?"

"Let's just try it so we can have a keepsake of your visit here, besides, it seems fun. Say hi, Yoongi!"

Jihyo brought a selfie stick with her and has been recording their date every now and then. They acted like tourists traveling around downtown. There's nothing fancy with their type of date, just a normal stroll around the area, buying little things they find cute and eating different food they pass by. Until they reach an alley that reminds them of the old times. It feels like the time had stopped in the particular street and the people stay living in an old setup. Jihyo becomes so excited, she pulls Suga to the alley to stroll the stores around. In the vintage shop they run into, the couple went inside to see what they can buy. Jihyo filmed them together quietly while they're looking around the vintage items in the store. Among all the unique and beautiful finds, the golden pocket watch caught Jihyo's eyes.

"Yoongi, look at this."

She opened the pocket watch and saw a photo of a couple inside.

"One of them must be the original owner of this, right? Should we buy it?"

"Do you like it?"

"I mean I want to give it to you and put our photo here."

"You want to give it to me?"

"To remind you of me. That someone is nagging you to eat on time, to sleep on time, and rest well. Most especially, that someone is waiting for you all the time."

"That's so sweet of you, Jihyo. Then..."

Suga took the vintage bracelet with an anchor ornament.

"I'll give you this too. As a reminder that no matter how many voyages you do in life, I'll stay with you whenever you need to stop and rest. I'll keep you company when you feel tired and feel alone in this world."

Jihyo giggles. It's funny how the two of them suddenly sound so cringey. Blame it to Bighit who wants Suga back so quick and snatching their happy times being together. After paying for the items they bought, they left the vintage shop and goes back sightseeing. In an old cafe near the vintage shop, they saw the cafe's wall full of post-it notes. They both got curious and went inside the cafe. As Yoongi place their order, Jihyo went straight to the decorated wall and film it. 

"Are you having fun, Miss?"

Suga interrupted and joined Jihyo reading the notes on the wall.

"A lot of them are from couples who visited this cafe. Their messages are nothing fancy but it still makes me happy while reading them."

"Is it? Should we write our notes too?"

"Shall we?"

After spending some time in the coffee shop, the two went off to their next destination. Before they know it, the sun already bids them goodbye. They decided to go back to the hotel and rest their tired feet. Although partings are inevitable, they made more happy memories to keep them both going as they live their lives separately once more.


The following day, Jihyo sent Suga to the airport. Instead of tears, the couple only smiled at each other. They hold each other's hands until it's time for him to leave. After Suga's retreating back went out of sight only then did Jihyo let her tears fall.

"Until we meet again, Yoongi."


YoongHyo notes

"I love you, always and forever

